The skin reactions to purified protein derivative (PPD), phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and polysacchride antigens streptococcal hemolyticus (PS-E), were depressed in the initial stage of the patients and markedly depressed in the end stage. The number of T-cells in peripheral blood decreased with progress of illness, but the number of PHA-blastoid cells and active T-cells increased sometimes in the end stage. It suggests that these factors as well as skin tests are useful parameters for evaluation of the cellular immune status of the patients with primary liver carcinoma. The host's immune status was impaired frequently either by the disease itself or by chemotherapy. In cases receiving chemotherapy in combination with the administration of OK-432, the depressd skin reaction to PS-E improved often. These findings suggest that the administration of OK-432 affect the host and that reslut of this skin test is useful as a parameter to determine the method and period of OK-432 administraion and to judge its effectiveness.