To establish a cytological scoring system for the assessment of tumor grade in endometrial cancer, 11 cytological items were examined in 45 patients with this cancer. Four items (the cluster rate, cluster edges, anisokaryosis, and macronucleoli or irregular nucleoli) were shown to have value for determining the tumor grade, and a scoring system was created using these four items. Tumor grading was then performed in 109 patients with endometrial curettage, and the results were compared with the pathological tumor grade. The diagnostic accuracy of cytological tumor grading was 88% for grade 1, 63% for grade 2, and 82% for grade 3 tumors, with an overall accuracy of 78%. The dianostic accuracy of fractional endometrial curettage was 92% for grade 1, 35% for grade 2, and 59% for grade 3 tumors, with an overall accuracy of 66%. Preoperative investigation of the grade of endometrial cancer by endometrial aspuration cytology provides additional information about tumor differentiation and has potential to replace fractional endmetrial curettage.