A single case of fatal gunshot wounds of the head involving both homicidal and suicidal natures is reported. X-ray and CT-scan examinations were performed on the victim in a hospital. The gunshot tract and lacerated tissue about the missile path with bone and metallic fragments shown on the CT-scan were confirmed at the autopsy. The mechanisms of brain injuries of the firearm fatalities in Japan was conducted using 273 cases obtained from the annual report concerning the expert opinion on forensic autopsy cases published by the Medico-Legal Society of Japan. The mean age of the fatalities was 40 years old, and the peak incidence was observed between the 30's and 40's. Males predominated in sex distribution. As for the manner of death, 86% of the cases were homicide, 6% suicide and 7% accident. The number of fatal firearm accidents during hunting was very few. Pistols were the most common weapon and were reponsible for 73% of the fatalities. Shotguns accounted for only 19%. As for the site of wound, the chest including the heart, was a favoured site (62%). The head was involved in 42% of all cases. Hemorrhage was the leading cause of death followed by brain damage. With regard to alcohol and the Yakuza (Japanese mafia), 15% of the firearm victims were under the influence of alcohol. Yakuza were involeved in more than 70% of all cases. A statistical analysis of firearm fatalities in Japan determined the foloowing chracteristics 19 the high incidence of homicide and low incidence of sucide and hunting-related fatalities, 2) involvemant of Yakuza in firearm matalities, 3) pistols were the most commonweapon involved.