The electrical excitability of the eye was tested in addition to ERG and EOG. The relation ship between the results obtained by those tests is examined for primary and secondary pigmentary degeneration, and on chorio-retinitis. In primary pigmentary degeneration, even in its very early stage, the electrical excitability, ERG and EOG are affected simultaneously. But in secondary pigmentary degeneration and chorio-retinitis, the electrical excitability is moderately well retained though EOG and ERG are significantly affected. It is considered that the layer or layers which can be stimulated by threshold electric current are situated further inward than the layer stimulated by light, so the electro physiological results seem to show that the layers destroyed by chorioretinitis and secondary pigmentary degeneration due to chorio-retinitis are relatively localized in outer layers. But in primary pjgmentary degeneration, inner and outer layers seem to be affected in parallel.