The method of serum isozyme determination using agar-gel electrophoresis and azo dye method was applied to the determination of acid phosphatase (Ac.P.), esterase and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) of erythrocytes and the isozyme pattern of the erythrocyt was compared with the serum. An Ac.P. isozyme was present in erythrocyte which demonstrated migration corresponding to serum Ac.P. isozyme (between α_1-globulin and α_2-globulin) and there was no inhibitory effect of formaldehyde. Three esterase isozymes were present which corresponded to serum protein α_1-globulin, α_2-globulin and β-globulin and their percentages of activity are 55%,15% and 30% respectively. Isozyme α_1 is inhibited by eserine sulfate. Four LDH isozymes are noted in the position corresponding to serum albumin, α_1, α_2 and β-globulin. Percentage of activity for each is almost constant being 35%, 37%, 22% and 8%. This pattern is resemble with that of serum LDH isozyme. Acknowledgement: The author wishes to thank Professor S. Shibata and associated Professor H. Takahashi for constant interest and guidance.