The bulletin of the Yamaguchi Medical School

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The bulletin of the Yamaguchi Medical School Volume 11 Issue 3
published_at 1964-09

Intracellular Electrogram of Embryonic Chick Heart

Intracellular Electrogram of Embryonic Chick Heart
Tanikuni Katsumi
Tamanoi Itsuro
Fujimoto Katsuyoshi
Sakata Yozo
2.17 MB
1. Electrograms of the exposed heart of chick embryo which was incubated for 54~96 hours, were recorded with the microelectrode technique. Embryo of 7 days' incubation and young chick 2 days after hatching served as the control. 2. The slow diastolic depolarization which has been accepted as the characteristic feature of the pacemaker cell in other vertebrate hearts, could ne recorded from the ventricle, atrium or sinus-area. Other features such as systolic depolarization were also observed in the present preparation. 3. The values of resting and action potential could not be measured precisely. It seemed likely that this unfavourable result was caused by the cell-injury around the insedted microelectrode-tip. 4. Certain characters of the action potential, such as the amplitude and the hump seen in the rising phase, were discussed from the view-points of intracellular as weell as extracellular recordings.