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山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 28-29 pp. 1 - 1
published_at 2019-01-31
Creators : Yokoyama Kazuhira Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 26-27 pp. 21 - 25
published_at 2017-01-31
Creators : 元吉 小夜 Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 26-27 pp. 10 - 20
published_at 2017-01-31
Creators : Tanabe Toshiaki Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 26-27 pp. 1 - 1
published_at 2017-01-31
Creators : Yokoyama Kazuhira Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
Creators : Fukuda Takamasa TA Thanh Huyen Sasaki Tsukasa Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Creators : Kiya Hidekatsu Iwao Fumi Bunyu Keiko Tsuchihashi Yuka Ushimi Asuka Iida Junko Fujii Hiroko Mori Kumiko Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Creators : LU Anran Yoshimura Makoto Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 23-25 pp. 39 - 40
published_at 2014-12-20
Creators : Kawai Kanako Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
This paper examines Jane Austen’s use of the words, amiable , sad , and condescension , to see how she creates and develops the characters in the novel. This also contributes to the philological study of the English language, especially in considering Vocabulary of Late Modern English. There is a way of thinking that once a text leaves the author’s hands, a reader can deconstruct a text and create his or her interpretation, in this paper, however, my interest lies in the language in Jane Austen’s day. I consider what the writer meant by the words in using them in the social context in the time of Late Modern English. The meaning and the significance of the word in the text largely depends on the context. We do not find many examples of condescension in her novels, but fewer is not insignificant. The word has something to do with the difference in social status among characters and the superior’s dignity. At the time the word is in a state of change of its sematic prosody, from positive meaning to negative meaning.
Creators : Matsutani Midori Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 23-25 pp. 35 - 37
published_at 2014-12-20
Creators : 比嘉 小夜 Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
Creators : Matsutani Midori Ishii Taizo Ogawa Hirotoshi Nakamoto Satoshi Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Creators : Nakano Nobuhiko Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 23-25 pp. 31 - 34
published_at 2014-12-20
Creators : 比江島 望 Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
Creators : Mukai Katsunari Tan Nobusuke Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 23-25 pp. 23 - 26
published_at 2014-12-20
 山口大学の学生相談所は,全国の大学で2番目に古く設置された学生相談所である。その学生相談所の変革と沿革,業務,運営と人事,活動,今後の方向性について述べた。  その歴史的な発展と変化,特に保健管理センターと異なって,広い相談の受け皿となる機能を持つこと,活動面では時代的な変化があり,その運営と人事面でも時代に対応した大きな変革があり,現在では複雑化する若者の心理に対応した機関として,他の専門機関とも連携して発展していることにも触れている。
Creators : Tanabe Toshiaki Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
Creators : Hoshino Hiroshi Sasada Miyuki Tashiro Saori Mizuta Wakana Sagara Kaori Tsuboi Yukari Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Characterization of the blue protein in the shell pattern of Japanese littleneck clam (Ruditapes philippinarum ) was performed by purification using anion-exchange chromatography, amino acid analysis, molecular weight measurements, quantification of ferric ions, etc. Blue colored two components were found by anion exchange chromatography. The blue colored shell protein and the colorless mantle protein were found to be homologous to each other in amino acid composition; they are acidic proteins rich in aspartic acid and glutamic acid and that the isoelectric point of the blue protein was estimated as pI =3.96. The secondary structures of the blue protein were estimated as α-helix (28.6%), β-sheet (20.1%), and random coil (51.3%). From combination of molecular weight measurements and quantification of ferric ions, it was found that the blue protein is formed as trimer or tetramer from the monomer proteins of about 10 kDa by complexing with ferric ion. It was also found that there are two kinds of ferric ion existing states and that reducing agents decompose the blue colored trimer or tetramer into dimer or smaller units accompanying decolorization.
Creators : Murakami Kiyofumi Ohtawa Hiromi Tokuda Tomoe Kanebayashi Yasue Yasuda Yuko Waizumi Kenji Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Microscopic observation is one of the most basic and important skills for experiments in biology classes from compulsory education through to higher education. Microscopic observation in biology can help us better understand the microstructures of organisms and convey notions of beauty and fascination regarding the detailed nature of the microworld, which we cannot observe through our unaided eyes. However, many lab classes were postponed for the summer break because it was difficult for the faculty to conduct lab classes using equipment such as microscopes for non-face-toface learning at the university in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Under this situation, we planned that students do the experiment at home using handmade microscope. Students could make a simple Leeuwenhoek microscope very easily and use to understand the principle of the microscope. A non-face-to-face class required students to take the initiative in learning, which led to a better understanding of the principles of microscopy. Hence, the future integration of this nonface-to-face learning using a handmade microscope into an existing face-to-face lab class will be very useful for the teaching of science, especially biology, at many schools by science teachers and researchers.
Creators : Uemura Takumi 山中 明 Kitazawa Chisato Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
A tide –generating force has two dynamic properties. One of them is a property as a vector with magnitude and direction, the other is a periodicity of force acting with a cycle of about 12 hours. If the tide-generating force is a periodic external force, the tides must be a kind of forced oscillation phenomena. Three proposals regarding the origin of tides will be suggested in this article. (1) The ocean tides can be divided into three types by the depth. They are ‘out of phase’ type (shallower than 22,000m), ‘in phase’ type (deeper than 22,000m) and ‘resonance’ type (equal to 22,000m). The actual ocean tides are classified into the ‘out of phase’ type. On the other hand, the Earth tides occurring on the solid Earth are classified into the ‘in phase’ type. (2) Dynamic movement pictures of each type of tides have been determined. Unlike the widely accepted explanation, the global form of the ocean surface repeats an oval and a circle in turn according to the Moon’s position. As a result, the tidal movements of the ocean will occur in fixed four areas with an angular distance of 90 degrees apart along the equator, and four spots escaping any tidal movements will appear between them. (3) A new concept of ‘tide burst’ is deduced and its scientific meanings are discussed. Judging from the delay of Earth’s rotation period, the tide burst will happen in the ocean about 4.5 billion years from the present.
Creators : Ikeda Yukio Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Creators : Nakamura Oki Goto Yoshiko Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Creators : Yukuda Maki Matsuda Nobuo Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 23-25 pp. 21 - 22
published_at 2014-12-20
Creators : 光岡 征夫 Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 23-25 pp. 1 - 1
published_at 2014-12-20
Creators : Miyata Hirofumi Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
Creators : Ishii Yuri Dewi Pangestu Said Putu Ayu Asty Senja Pratiwi Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Creators : Harada Kiyotaka Kimura Toshinori Iiyori Nobuo Fujitomo Hideki Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 21-22 pp. 29 - 32
published_at 2012-01-31
Creators : Tanabe Toshiaki Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 21-22 pp. 23 - 27
published_at 2012-01-31
Creators : 林 典子 Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 21-22 pp. 13 - 21
published_at 2012-01-31
Creators : Imai Yoshiko Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 21-22 pp. 7 - 11
published_at 2012-01-31
Creators : Imai Yoshiko Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 21-22 pp. 3 - 5
published_at 2012-01-31
Creators : Tsuneyoshi Tetsuzo Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
Creators : Fukuda Osamu Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Creators : Tanaka Tomoki Muramatsu Tomo Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Creators : Mori Tomoya Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Creators : Horike Yoshitsugu Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
山口大学学生相談所年報 Volume 21-22 pp. 1 - 1
published_at 2012-01-31
Creators : Yoshimura Makoto Publishers : 山口大学学生支援センター
Creators : Yoshimura Makoto Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Creators : Nambu Hidehiko Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
As one of the first British diplomats to be posted to Japan, Sir Ernest Satow (1843~1929) became a firsthand observer of the political situation in the country in the years immediately preceding the Meiji Restoration of 1868. Throughout his first posting in Japan (September 1862~February 1869) Satow kept a journal in which he recorded his experiences. Satow later edited this journal for publication as A Diplomat in Japan (henceforth, Diplomat ) published in 1921, many years after the events of the 1860s. The subtitle for the first edition of Diplomat was, ‘The inner history of the critical years in the evolution of Japan when the ports were opened and the monarchy restored, recorded by a diplomatist who took an active part in the events of the time, with an account of his personal experiences during that period.’ This study is an examination of Satow’s ‘personal experiences during that period’ relating to what he ate and drank, and the culinary hospitality he received. This paper will then briefly discuss what can be inferred about the eating habits of Westerners in bakumatsu Japan based on the evidence of Diplomat .
Creators : Senneck Andrew Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Asian economic review Volume 79 Issue 1-2 pp. 17 - 47
published_at 2021-03-31
Taiwan is not a party to the Paris Agreement, but the impact of climate change on Taiwan is enough to be one. The Government of Taiwan has set a target of adjusting the power mix to 50% natural gas-fired, 30% coal-fired and 20% renewable energy by 2025, increasing the proportion of relatively low carbon emissions and renewable energy, and aiming to reduce GHG emissions as a climate change policy. One of the key aspects of Taiwan’s energy policy is to phase-out nuclear power generation by 2025, and to increase the share of renewable energy in the power supply configuration and reduce the use of coal-fired power. The phase-out of nuclear power plants was initially faster than the expansion of renewable energy, reducing CO2 emissions from electricity production as needed to a small amount. Nevertheless, since 2016, Taiwan has been evaluating the “energy transition” derived from Germany and is trying to decentralize its power supply using conventional large-scale, inflexible power generation systems.  With regard to coal-fired power plants, Taiwan will accelerate the improvement of air pollution facilities at existing coal-fired power plants and implement utilization management measures in order to match air quality. Gas-fired and green energy power supplies will be the mainstays of power supply, which is the power stabilization target, in order to maintain 15% of the supply reserve rate. The government needs to plan supply-side measures and implement various tasks to save energy and reduce carbon emission in order to reduce electricity demand. To build clean energy systems and healthy living conditions, to promote the development of new green energy industries, to promote green employment, realize the spirit of energy empowerment, promote energy democracy and justice. Going forward, the focus will be on overall system integration, where all power supplies can ensure a sufficient level of revenue. In this study, we will consider Taiwan’s climate change and energy policy since the Paris Agreement, and summarize the current situation and issues.
Creators : Chen Li-chun Publishers : The TOA-KEIZAI Gakkai, Yamaguchi University
Asian economic review Volume 79 Issue 1-2 pp. 1 - 16
published_at 2021-03-31
We will discuss why Japan succeeded after the Meiji Restoration and why she has been stagnated since 1990s, and propose the conditions for the revitalization of the Japanese economy based on M.E. Porter’s factor condition and Michio Morishima’s view of population history. Michio Morishima maintains that the quantity and quality of population is the foundation of economy and society. This paper focus on values which is one of the qualitative aspects of human beings.
Creators : Umada Tetsuji Publishers : The TOA-KEIZAI Gakkai, Yamaguchi University
Creators : Kikuta Hiroki Araki Koji Aramaki Takahiro Kubo Yuga Tabata Natsuki Motozono Shogo Hoshida Hisashi Akada Rinji Publishers : 山口大学工学部
Creators : Ishimaru Yasutaka Mahbub MH Yamaguchi Natsu Hase Ryosuke Nakagami Yuki Takahashi Hidekazu Watanabe Rie Saito Hiroyuki Shimokawa Junki Yamamoto Hiroshi Kikuchi Shinya Tanabe Tsuyoshi Publishers : Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 70 Issue 1-2 pp. 91 - 110
published_at 2021-07-31
Creators : Yanagisawa Noboru Publishers : 山口大學經濟學會
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 70 Issue 1-2 pp. 55 - 90
published_at 2021-07-31
In this study, we present a new method for estimating input coefficient matrix with deep learning. We use the data of prefectures of Japan as the training data. However, the data is small and is likely to cause overfitting. Therefore, we attempt to avoid the over-fitting by creating new data of virtual areas aggregating multiple prefectures. The approach is based on the concept of data augmentation. As a result of predicting the input coefficient matrix of Yamaguchi prefecture and Gujo city, we showed that the method using deep learning can estimate the matrix with more stable accuracy than RAS method for these areas.
Creators : Fukui Shogo Publishers : 山口大學經濟學會
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 70 Issue 1-2 pp. 17 - 54
published_at 2021-07-31
Germany's energy transition (Energiewende) is a paradigm shift into a low-carbon and nuclear-free economy. As part of the European Union's climate neutralization drive, aiming to reduce greenhouse gases to net-zero by the middle of the century. Generous financial support for wind and solar power has boosted renewable energy to produce more electricity than fossil fuels for the first time in 2020. Germany's energy transition is not a policy shift after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, but a long-term process of policy making in response to public opinion and technological trends. Germany's energy transition is still underway and needs to be extended beyond the power supply. However, it may already be pushing more thoroughly through pricing and volume regulations, such as the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) and changes to the carbon tax, which provides incentives for changes to low-carbon technologies. This paper analyses Germany's energy transition and climate policy. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the actual conditions and issues of the reduction effects of greenhouse gas emissions, which are the main policy issues of the energy conversion policy that has been developed mainly on renewable energy for these 20 years.
Creators : Chen Li-chun Publishers : 山口大學經濟學會
This research aims to examine the relationship between political connections and bank performance during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, with data sample comprising banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The study employed a panel data linear regression and found an insignificant positive influence of political connections on banks' profitability. However, the result also indicates marginally lower profitability in politically connected banks compared to non-connected peers, and the event-study methodology reveals the tendency for affiliated banks to obtain substantial negative abnormal returns during the pandemic. Therefore, there is a negative effect of COVID-19 on stock performance of politically connected banks.
Creators : Budi Wahyono Publishers : The economic society of Yamaguchi University
Creators : Chen Liqian Publishers : The economic society of Yamaguchi University
Retail investors, who are the majority traders in the Chinese stock market, cannot participate in off-line roadshows of IPO firms. Online roadshows are an important channel for them to learn about the situation of IPO firms. This study takes the IPO firms which are new-listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2018 as the research subject, investigates the relationship between question-answers relevance in online roadshows and the first-day performance of IPO firms. According to the results, a high-level of question-answers relevance leads to a high first-day return and high liquidity. Furthermore, the additional analysis shows that the IPO firms with a high-level of question-answers relevance show stable long-term stock returns, on the contrary, the IPO firms with a low-level of question-answers relevance show the trends to decrease. Online roadshows could mitigate the information asymmetry between the investors and IPO firms, and play an important role in assessing firm values.
Creators : Sun Naili Du Saijuan Publishers : The economic society of Yamaguchi University
As climate change and various environmental pollution issues are becoming more serious, many countries are actively promoting energy transition. The Paris Agreement, adopted in 2015, is aimed at curbing the rise in global average temperatures to within 2℃ above pre-industrial levels and limiting temperature rises to 1.5℃ above pre-industrial levels. Taiwan is accelerating its path of energy transition to a "nuclear-free homeland" and “low-carbon economy” by phasing out all nuclear power generation in 2025 and imposing a legally binding goal of reducing coal-fired power generation from 47 percent to 26 percent. This paper investigates the impact of nuclear and coal power regulations on fuel mix CO2 emissions in the power sector by 2050 in Taiwan. Analysis is a future technology shift in the power sector called “Future Technology Transformations; FTT” for the power sector; Consider using the E3ME model linked to FTT: Power sub-model.
Creators : Chen Li-chun Publishers : The economic society of Yamaguchi University
The purpose of this paper is to present an alternative macroeconomic model. The classical macroeconomic model and AD-AS model have some problems. The macroeconomic model presented in this paper solves them and is more realistic and logically consistent than the other models.
Creators : Umada Tetsuji Publishers : The economic society of Yamaguchi University
Creators : Sakuraba Osamu Publishers : The economic society of Yamaguchi University
本稿では, 行動と成果の確率的関係について不確実性があるプリンシパルーエージェント関係を考え, 最適契約を特徴付ける.
Creators : Kawamura Kazuma Publishers : The economic society of Yamaguchi University
Creators : Yamashita Satoshi Publishers : The economic society of Yamaguchi University
The non-efficiency of the government hospital is pointed out. Then, I compare the management in government hospitals and non-government hospitals, and show clearly what kind of difference there is. In this paper, the following things are clear. (1) Clarify the difference from a viewpoint of management in government hospitals and non-government hospitals. (2) Classify government hospitals into two kinds (cites・towns・and villages-hospitals and prefectural hospitals), and clarify the difference from a viewpoint of management. (3) Classify non-government hospitals into eight kind hospitals, and clarify the feature in management.
Creators : Nakada Norio Publishers : The economic society of Yamaguchi University
There is a risk of longevity i.e., the self-funds after retirement may deplete before the end of life. What is needed after retirement is to spend out of self-funds in addition to public pensions while investing self-funds over lifetime without depleting. We analyze a safe withdrawal rate based on varying self-funded amounts every month due to fluctuation in the market. According to this method, there is no longevity risk that self-funds are depleted throughout lifetime.
Creators : Shiroshita Kengo Kinoshita Makoto Publishers : The economic society of Yamaguchi University
Journal of Hokkaido University of Education. Education Volume 72 Issue 1 pp. 429 - 444
published_at 2021-08
Creators : Sasaki Tsukasa Fukuda Takamasa