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- departmental bulletin paper
departmental bulletin paper
Id (<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.view.desc">Desc</span>)
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 57
pp. 85 - 93
published_at 2024-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 57
pp. 75 - 84
published_at 2024-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 57
pp. 65 - 74
published_at 2024-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 57
pp. 57 - 64
published_at 2024-03-25
Creators :
Kamiyama Sachika
Uwamori Kazuhiko
Yosihara Noriyuki
Saiki Hideto
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 57
pp. 47 - 56
published_at 2024-03-25
Creators :
Kamiyama Sachika
Uwamori Kazuhiko
Yosihara Noriyuki
Saiki Hideto
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 57
pp. 33 - 45
published_at 2024-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 57
pp. 25 - 31
published_at 2024-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 57
pp. 17 - 24
published_at 2024-03-25
Creators :
Tanaka Ayami
Iwao Fumi
Kato Kohei
Bunyu Keiko
Harada Naho
Matsuo Rika
Sakurai Rin
Kawakami Chihiro
Kiya Hidekatsu
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 57
pp. 9 - 16
published_at 2024-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 57
pp. 1 - 7
published_at 2024-03-25
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 72 Issue 4-5
pp. 345 - 362
published_at 2024-01-31
Online education has strongly developed during the COVID-19 pandemic. While public schools in Japan were off to a slow start, China became a pioneer in online education under the policy of "classes stop but learning continues." On the other hand, this drastic educational reform was painful, although the situation was better than in Japan. In this paper, we present both relevant literature and local examples in order to consider from various perspectives.
Creators :
Asamizu Munehiko
Mai Jiarui
Zhou Xiaofei
Publishers : The Economic Society of Yamaguchi University
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 72 Issue 4-5
pp. 329 - 344
published_at 2024-01-31
For Chinese people, study abroad is an important matter. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries implemented travel regulation policies. Except for the early part of 2020, however, long term residents, including international students, were allowed to enter Japan. Despite the COVID pandemic, some of the degree program students entered Japan from abroad. In addition, as soon as the international travel regulations ended, a huge number of non-degree students including kenkyusei( research students) and language program students rushed to Japan.
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 72 Issue 4-5
pp. 307 - 328
published_at 2024-01-31
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 72 Issue 4-5
pp. 281 - 306
published_at 2024-01-31
In IS-LM model, it seems difficult to intuitively understand the concept of money market. Therefore, in this paper we present a simple economic model that explains the determination of loan interest rates, deposit interest rates, and government bond yields without using the concept of a money market.
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 381 - 388
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
Yamashita Daiki
Shojima Akiko
Tsuchiya Takeshi
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 375 - 380
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 369 - 374
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 359 - 367
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
Nishimura Emi
Kitamura Takuya
Suto Kunihiko
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 349 - 358
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
Yoshikawa Yukio
Chijimatsu Tetsuhiro
Yoshioka Tomoko
Ikeda Kanta
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 341 - 348
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
Saiki Hideto
Fujimoto Moeka
Isobe Hiroaki
Ono Masahiro
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 333 - 339
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
Saiki Hideto
Fujimoto Moeka
Isobe Hiroaki
Ono Masahiro
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 325 - 332
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 315 - 324
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 305 - 313
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 287 - 303
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 275 - 285
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 265 - 274
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 255 - 264
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 249 - 254
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
Tomiyama Mei
Yoshida Nanako
Miyaki Hideo
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 241 - 247
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 233 - 240
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 223 - 232
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 213 - 222
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 207 - 212
published_at 2024-01-31
The purpose of this study was to experimentally examine the effects of wearing masks and sunglasses on the impression rating of a person in a COVID-19 pandemic environment. In this study, two groups were set up for the degree of familiarity with the person of the stimulus, one with a first meeting and the other with a four-year personal relationship. The experiment was conducted with first-year and fourth-year undergraduates, and the results of impression ratings using the SD method showed that for females meeting for the first time, wearing a mask decreased familiarity with the stimulus more than with the standard stimulus. For males in the first meeting group, wearing sunglasses decreased forcefulness. In the group with higher intimacy, these impressions were not reduced. Cluster analysis using the participants' consciousness of their public appearance as the dependent variable revealed two clusters, one for the high and one for the low level of awareness of others. Comparing the two groups' ratings of men who met for the first time, the cluster with low awareness of others showed a decrease in forcefulness due to the wearing of the mask, whereas the cluster with high awareness of others showed no decrease in forcefulness.
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 203 - 206
published_at 2024-01-31
This study examined the relationship between intellectual curiosity and regulatory focus on the retention of learning content. An intellectual curiosity scale, a facilitative-preventive focus scale and a comprehension test of lessons were administered to 59 undergraduate students. Results of correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis showed that specific curiosity and gain-approach orientation were related to the comprehension test. Second, the interaction effect of specific curiosity on the relationship between comprehension tests and regulatory focus was significant. Simple slope analysis showed that the effect of specific curiosity was not significant in the lower gain-approach orientation group, while the effect of specific curiosity in the higher group was significant.
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 193 - 201
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 183 - 192
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 175 - 181
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 169 - 174
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 155 - 167
published_at 2024-01-31
本論は、日本近代文学館に所蔵されている「武田泰淳コレクション」における未発表の草稿類資料「原稿 天命」(資料番号 T0056535)などを考察対象として取り上げ、草稿と初出本文との異同を検討することで、「聖王」「悪王」像が明確化され、美姫たちが格上げされ、「幸福な重耳」と「天命」が削除されたというテキストの生成過程を明らかにした。生成過程を踏まえ、改稿の時代背景から武田の「気持」を理解し、具体的に武田が「悠久なものがなぜほしかったか」、即ち本小説における「悠久のもの」(中国古典)の「現代」的意義を検討した。本小説において「悠久のもの」の「現代」的意義は、動乱の1960年代に面して、武田が「現実のきびしさを考える場合に」、「悠久のもの」から「よりどころとなり得るもの」である「徳」あるいは「王者(徳の高い人)」を追究し、「武力と悪知恵ではなくて、徳によっておさめられる静かな国」を強調し、中国古典を通して「現代」の難題を問い直したことであると思われる。
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 145 - 153
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 135 - 144
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 127 - 133
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 117 - 125
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
Nishio Koichiro
Tateishi Ikuha
Imai Sarara
Yamamoto Token
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 107 - 116
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 101 - 106
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 91 - 100
published_at 2024-01-31
現在、様々な機械学習手法が考案され、比較的簡単に使うことができるようになっている。前回の研究[1]では、手の動作識別やそれを利用したカーソルの動きについて、深層学習を用いて学習回数が少なく高精度に識別する手法を用いたが、本研究ではその他の機械学習手法ではどうなのかを調査する。一つ一つ機械学習の手法を試していくのは、時間がかかるため、かなりの部分を自動化し、複数のモデルを比較できるPyCaretというPythonのライブラリを用いて実験を行う。PyCaretは、環境によってインストールに少し時間がかかることもあるが、それ以上に自動化によって受ける恩恵は大きい。PyCaretを使い、性能が高いモデルを探索し、それを使って 3動作識別を行うことで、遅延が少なく正確なカーソル操作を目指す。本手法では動作識別のたびに再学習が必要となるが、比較的シンプルな構成でコストも低いことから、筋電義手への応用に有用ではないかと考えられる。また、今回も前回の研究[1]を引き継ぎ、Arduino Uno R3 やMyoWare筋電センサといった安価で、手軽に実験できる機器を用いる。
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 79 - 90
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
Ishida Yutaro
Shigematsu Hirotake
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 67 - 78
published_at 2024-01-31
小学校第五学年理科の単元「電流がつくる磁力」における『電磁石』に注目し、児童の電磁石の 特性に関する理解度向上を目指した教材の開発及び定量的評価を行った。検定教科書に記載されて いるコイルを構成するエナメル線の直径条件0.3~0.6 mmを含む広範囲(直径0.1~0.8 mm)のエナ メル線を用いて、磁力、温度変化並びに流れる電流値を測定し、教材に適した条件の検証を行った。 磁力においては従来用いられている釘・クリップ・ワッシャーといった鉄製品が引き付けられる個 数を比べることに加え、テスラメーターを用いたコイル断面(質点)における磁束密度の定量的測 定を行った。さらに、乾電池の内部抵抗の影響を明らかにするために直流電源装置、アルカリ乾電 池、マンガン乾電池という異なる3つの電源を用いた比較測定を行い、内部抵抗の存在そのもの並 びに乾電池の劣化に伴う内部抵抗の増加がどのくらい磁力に影響を与えるかを具体的に明らかにし た。得られた結果を総合的に評価することにより、乾電池1個分の起電力である1.5 Vの電圧を使用 する条件下においては、直径0.5 mmのエナメル線(長さ10 m)を用いることが最も適していると いう結論に至った。
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 57 - 66
published_at 2024-01-31
教育において問いは極めて重要である。問いについては多くの理論的、実践的な研究の成果があ る。しかし、これらの研究では問いとはどのようなものであるかなどの原理的な考察を欠く。その ため、問いは学習者にとって探究すべきものではないこともある。つまり、問う者が不在なのであ る。実存論的とは、問う者であるわれわれのあり方から考察することである。さらに、問う者であ るわれわれは真理を求める。実存論的な真理は自己との関係によって明らかにされる。以上から次 の3点について論じている。第1に、日常的実践としての問いは、実践に埋没していることである。 第2に、科学的認識としての問いは、客観的真理に呪縛されることである。第3に、本来的実存の 可能性としての問いである。本来的実存は、自己と世界の関係において真理を問うこととなる。そ のため、自己と世界の関係性を問い直し新たな実践を作り出す可能性を秘めることになるのである。
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 49 - 56
published_at 2024-01-31
本研究の目的は、教員のジェンダー観や校種、および性別により、児童生徒への意識や関わりに 違いがあるかについて、児童生徒側の性別も合わせて検討することである。対象は小中学校の教員 123名(小学校男性27名、小学校女性53名、中学校男性24名、中学校女性19名)で、2022年12月に 質問紙調査を実施した。質問紙の構成は、「役割分業観」と、男女の児童生徒それぞれに対する「生 徒への抵抗感」「指導上の困難感」であった。分析の結果、小学校男性教員は女子児童への関わり は難しいという意識が高い可能性があること、小学校女性教員は男女区別なく接している意識が高 いことが考えられた。また、中学校教員は男性教員・女性教員いずれも同性の生徒に関わりやすさ や理解しやすさを感じている可能性が示唆された。
Creators :
Kasuga Yumi
Tsuchiya Namiko
Nagaya Kazuhisa
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 41 - 47
published_at 2024-01-31
In science classes, the use of a microscope evokes an enthusiastic and exciting response from students. When students attempt to gain an understanding of the size of samples under a microscope, micrometers of two types are generally required to measure sizes. An eyepiece micrometer contains an attached eyepiece lens, while a stage micrometer is placed on the stage to provide accurate information pertaining to length. When the magnification of the objective lens is changed, the scale of the eyepiece micrometer is changed. Hence, we need to measure the scale of the eyepiece micrometer before observation for each magnification. However, students can find this principle difficult to comprehend when calculating the ratio. In this study, we introduced teaching material demonstrating the eyepiece micrometer using a kitchen towel wick in an effort to explain the principle of scale when using a microscope. This approach should prove useful in helping to clarify the principle using simple material that students can easily make themselves. Finally, this method should facilitate an understanding of difficult concepts by encouraging students to experience changes in image size from different perspectives using familiar materials, or in other words, elements of “STEAM”.
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 31 - 40
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 27 - 30
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 23 - 26
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 15 - 22
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 5 - 13
published_at 2024-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 1 - 4
published_at 2024-01-31
Medical Science & Innovation Volume 70 Issue 3-4
pp. 19 - 26
published_at 2023-12
Right ventricular (RV) dysfunction and its linked arrhythmias play a crucial role in determining the prognosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Our paper aimed to explore the potential protective effects of direct pharmacological intervention in the RV muscle using dantrolene (DAN), a stabilizer of the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2), against RV dysfunction and arrhythmia in a rat model of monocrotaline (MCT)-induced PAH. To induce PAH, male 8-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats received MCT injections. The study also assessed the induction of ventricular tachycardia (VT) by catecholamines, examining RyR2-mediated Ca^{2+} release properties in isolated cardiomyocytes. Additionally, a pulmonary artery-banding model was established to evaluate the independent effects of chronic pressure overload on RV morphology and function. In the MCT-induced PAH rat model, findings revealed RV hypertrophy, dilation, and functional decline, resulting in 0% survival rate two months post-MCT induction. Conversely, chronic DAN treatment demonstrated improvements in these RV parameters and an 80% increase in survival. Furthermore, chronic DAN treatment prevented the dissociation of calmodulin from RyR2, inhibiting Ca^{2+} sparks and spontaneous Ca^{2+} transients in MCT-induced hypertrophied RV cardiomyocytes. Epinephrine induced VT in over 50% of rats with MCT-induced PAH, while chronic DAN treatment achieved complete suppression of VT. The paper concludes that stabilizing RyR2 with DAN holds promise as a novel therapeutic approach against the development of RV dysfunction and fatal arrhythmias associated with PAH.
Creators :
Tanaka Shinji
Yamamoto Takeshi
Kobayashi Shigeki
Yano Masafumi
Publishers : Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 2
pp. 85 - 89
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
阿部 翔太
Publishers : 村上春樹とアダプテーション研究会
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 2
pp. 81 - 84
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
ダルミ カタリン
Publishers : 村上春樹とアダプテーション研究会
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 2
pp. 77 - 80
published_at 2024-01-31
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 2
pp. 71 - 76
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
内田 康
Publishers : 村上春樹とアダプテーション研究会
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 2
pp. 65 - 70
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
伊藤 弘了
Publishers : 村上春樹とアダプテーション研究会
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 2
pp. 53 - 64
published_at 2024-01-31
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 2
pp. 25 - 52
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
藤城 孝輔
Publishers : 村上春樹とアダプテーション研究会
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 2
pp. 3 - 24
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
内田 康
Publishers : 村上春樹とアダプテーション研究会
Asian economic review Volume 81 Issue 1-2
pp. 1 - 14
published_at 2023-01-31
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 72 Issue 2-3
pp. 259 - 280
published_at 2023-09-30
Humans now more or less cooperate in production and distribution to maximize their own pleasure. Pleasure can be divided into direct and indirect ones. Humans can increase their own pleasure through gift-giving behavior in addition to exchange behavior. Here people encounter the question of how much of the savingsable goods that can be used for gifts should be allocated to prepare for one's future anxiety. Gifts to a partner of collaboration are made to the extent that the gift contributes to one's survival by sustaining the collaboration with the partner. This is due to the self-love motive. By excluding this self-love motive from behaviors for indirect pleasure, we focus on the giving behavior, in which an increase in the other's pleasure increases one's own pleasure. We conclude that gifts are considered to be made when the indirect pleasure that arises when a certain amount of gift is given to the other party from one's ability to save is greater than the direct pleasure that arises from allocating it to savings. Further, it is considered that the magnitude relationship between the two is determined by the donor's "subjectivity level" and the giftee's need for gifting.
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 72 Issue 2-3
pp. 235 - 257
published_at 2023-09-30
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 72 Issue 2-3
pp. 207 - 234
published_at 2023-09-30
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 72 Issue 2-3
pp. 185 - 205
published_at 2023-09-30
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 72 Issue 2-3
pp. 167 - 183
published_at 2023-09-30
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 72 Issue 2-3
pp. 153 - 166
published_at 2023-09-30
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 245 - 251
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 237 - 243
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 229 - 236
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 219 - 228
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 209 - 217
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 199 - 207
published_at 2023-10-10
Creators :
Morioka Hiroshi
Okamura Yoshihisa
Ahama Shigeki
Tsutsumi Kento
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 189 - 198
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 181 - 187
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 171 - 180
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 161 - 170
published_at 2023-10-10
Creators :
Saiki Hideto
Nakamoto Yuka
Fujimoto Ryota
Irish Cenal
Oue Ryuko
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 151 - 160
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 143 - 150
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 135 - 142
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 127 - 133
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 117 - 126
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 107 - 115
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 97 - 106
published_at 2023-10-10
Creators :
栗田 克弘
Tsumori Narushi
Akiyama Hiroyuki
Takeda Takashi
Tanaka Satoshi
Shibata Masaru
Shigematsu Hirotake
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 89 - 95
published_at 2023-10-10
Creators :
Sugiura Takao
Miyamoto Takeshi
Oka Yuki
Morishita Naruki
Fukumoto Takashi
Sone Ryoko
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 83 - 88
published_at 2023-10-10
Creators :
Fujikami Mayumi
Tokunaga Mai
Otsuka Yukimasa
Shiga Naomi
Kubota Daiki
Urata Toshiaki
Maeda Shouhei
Saiki Hideto
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 73 - 81
published_at 2023-10-10
Creators :
Morinaga Yae
Sakamoto Mayuka
Nomura Yoshifumi
Kawaraya Hiroshi
Chijimatsu Tetsuhiro
Nishi Atsuko
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 63 - 72
published_at 2023-10-10
Creators :
Umemoto Yosuke
Yamashina Kazuya
Tamamura Eriko
Goto Daiyu
Takahashi Toshiaki
Matsutani Midori
Fujimoto Yukinobu
Nekoda Kazuaki
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 53 - 62
published_at 2023-10-10
Creators :
Okibayashi Yohei
Ikenaga Maiko
Nakagawa Minori
Fujinaga Keigo
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 43 - 52
published_at 2023-10-10
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Ishida Chiharu
Shiraji Megumi
Fujiwara Yuka
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 31 - 42
published_at 2023-10-10
Creators :
Kishimoto Kenichiro
Isobe Hiroaki
Arita Tomoe
Otsuka Yusuke
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 21 - 30
published_at 2023-10-10
Creators :
Tamoto Shoichi
Mori Tomoya
Yamamoto Hajime
Tajima Daisuke
Chijimatsu Tetsuhiro
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター