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Tanaka Nobuaki

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

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Medical Science & Innovation Volume 71 Issue 3-4 pp. 45 - 49
published_at 2024-12
I, Professor Nobuaki Tanaka, gave a Farewell Lecture on February 29, 2024. First, I talked about the episode that led me to start researching aortic stenosis, and reflected on my own lectures on this topic to students aiming to become medical laboratory scientist. Lastly, I spoke to students majoring in medical laboratory scientist about the importance of practical clinical training.
Creators : Tanaka Nobuaki Publishers : Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
山口医学 Volume 63 Issue 4 pp. 245 - 251
published_at 2014-11-01
Creators : Tanaka Nobuaki Publishers : 山口大学医学会