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- departmental bulletin paper
departmental bulletin paper
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Journal of higher education Volume 20
pp. 30 - 43
published_at 2023-03
近年,初等中等教育(特に高等学校教育)において急激かつ大規模にSTEAM教育の導入・普及が制度的にはかられている。高等教育におけるSTEAM教育の導入も揺籃期ではあるが,喫緊の課題となっている。他方で,STEAM教育の導入にあたっては「何を・何のために・どうやって」教育するのかをめぐって(特に「A」の位置づけをめぐって)混乱が生じている。このような状況下で,改めて「STEAM」の概念を問い直し,既存のSTEMに最後に加わったA が他の4 つと同格・同次元の存在ではなく,他の4つに目的を付与する存在であることを明らかにするとともに,高等教育でSTEAM教育を普及させるための方途を探る。方向性としては, カリキュラムの構成原理として、従来のdiscipline basedにproblem basedないしproblem orientedの要素を付加するとともに,最終目標をコンピテンシーの獲得に置くことが考えられる。
Journal of higher education Volume 20
pp. 20 - 29
published_at 2023-03
Journal of higher education Volume 20
pp. 11 - 19
published_at 2023-03
Journal of higher education Volume 20
pp. 1 - 10
published_at 2023-03
DXは様々な分野に広がり,その人材育成が大学教育に求められている。DX人材とIT 人材との違いを明確にすることを目的とし,DX の理解ポイントを示した。ここで強調したのは,DX人材が特に身に着けるべきなのはデジタルの知識ではなく社会人基礎力ということである。企業におけるDX事業例を調査し,その調査結果の分類より,DX人材育成教育における事例分析用の教材としてDX推進の段階を提案した。また目的達成のイメージであるDX像を描く方法とその作成のための教材シートを提案した。
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 71 Issue 5-6
pp. 371 - 401
published_at 2023-03-31
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 71 Issue 5-6
pp. 349 - 370
published_at 2023-03-31
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 71 Issue 5-6
pp. 319 - 347
published_at 2023-03-31
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 71 Issue 5-6
pp. 285 - 318
published_at 2023-03-31
The Kuomintang (KMT) initiated nuclear power generation in Taiwan in the 1970s, resulting in three nuclear power plants being built. The debate over building a fourth nuclear power plant became a controversy that divided Taiwan before it was decided by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) that all nuclear power plants, including existing ones, would be phased out by 2025. However, once nuclear power plant operations are terminated, developing alternative power sources and promoting energy conservation will become major issues. The Atomic Energy Council( AEC) is responsible for ensuring that Taiwan Power Company( Taipower) is compliant with the license conditions throughout the operating license period of the nuclear power plants. Furthermore, the AEC has earned public trust by fulfilling its responsibilities. Taiwan is currently promoting the conversion from nuclear to renewable energy and energy conservation measures with the end of nuclear power plant operations. This study outlines the political process involved in abolishing nuclear power plants and the plans for alternative power sources and energy conservation after nuclear power plants have been shut down.
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 71 Issue 5-6
pp. 267 - 283
published_at 2023-03-31
During the COVID time, international students could not enter Japan easily. Until March 2022, regulation and deregulation for degree course students often changed in Japan. Like tourists, furthermore, non-degree shorter student mobility opened later. For exchange, research, and other short course students, they needed to wait until October 2022 to come to Japan.
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 71 Issue 5-6
pp. 245 - 265
published_at 2023-03-31
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 71 Issue 5-6
pp. 215 - 243
published_at 2023-03-31
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 71 Issue 5-6
pp. 199 - 214
published_at 2023-03-31
Medical Science & Innovation Volume 70 Issue 1-2
pp. 7 - 17
published_at 2023-06
To investigate whether dantrolene (DAN), cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) stabilizer, improves impaired diastolic function in an early pressure-overloaded hypertrophied heart, pressure-overload hypertrophy was induced by transverse aortic constriction (TAC) in mice. Wild-type (WT) mice were divided into four groups: sham-operated mice (Sham), sham-operated mice treated with DAN (DAN+Sham), TAC mice (TAC), and TAC mice treated with DAN (DAN+TAC). The mice were then followed up for 2 weeks. Left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy was induced in TAC, but not DAN+TAC mice, 2 weeks after TAC. There were no differences in LV fractional shortening among the four groups. Catheter tip micromanometer showed that the time constant of LV pressure decay, an index of diastolic function, was significantly prolonged in TAC but not in DAN+TAC mice. Diastolic function was significantly impaired in TAC, but not in DAN+TAC mice as determined by cell shortening and Ca^{2+} transients. An increase in diastolic Ca^{2+} leakage and a decrease in calmodulin (CaM) binding affinity to RyR2 were observed in TAC mice, while diastolic Ca^{2+} leakage improved in DAN+TAC mice. Thus, DAN prevented the progression of hypertrophy and improved the impairment of LV relaxation by inhibiting diastolic Ca^{2+} leakage through RyR2 and the dissociation of CaM from RyR2.
Creators :
Chang Yaowei
Kobayashi Shigeki
Yano Yasutake
Uchida Tomoyuki
Nawata Junya
Fujii Shohei
Nakamura Yoshihide
Suetomi Takeshi
Uchinoumi Hitoshi
Oda Tetsuro
Yamamoto Takeshi
Yano Masafumi
Publishers : Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
Medical Science & Innovation Volume 70 Issue 1-2
pp. 1 - 6
published_at 2023-06
Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) is caused by a single point mutation in the cardiac type 2 ryanodine receptor (RyR2). Using knock-in mouse (KI) model (R2474S/+), we previously reported that a single point mutation within the RyR2 sensitized the channel to agonists, primarily mediated by defective inter-domain interaction within the RyR2 and subsequent dissociation of calmodulin (CaM) from the RyR2. Here, we examined whether CPVT can be genetically rescued by enhancing the binding affinity of CaM to the RyR2. We first determined whether there was a possible amino-acid substitution within the CaM-binding domain in the RyR2 (3584-3603) that can enhance its binding affinity to CaM, and found that V3599K substitution showed the highest binding affinity of CaM to CaM-binding domain. Hence, we generated a heterozygous KI mouse model (V3599K/+) with a single amino acid substitution in the CaM-binding domain of the RyR2, and crossbred it with the heterozygous CPVT –associated R2474S/+ KI mouse to obtain a double heterozygous R2474S/V3599K KI mouse model. The CPVT phenotypes, bidirectional or polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, were inhibited in the R2474S/V3599K mice. Thus, enhancement of the CaM binding affinity of the RyR2 is essential to prevent CPVT-associated arrhythmogenesis.
Creators :
Nakamura Yoshihide
Yamamoto Takeshi
Kobayashi Shigeki
Yano Masafumi
Publishers : Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 21
pp. 153 - 168
published_at 2023-03-01
1907年のイギリスのスタインをはじめ、列強各国の探検隊が次々と敦煌を訪れた。敦煌文物の発見・流出に伴い、「敦煌学」「西域熱」が誕生し、学界の関心を集めてきた。仏教出身の武田泰淳も長い間にわたってスタインの著作(Ruins of Desert Cathay、Serindiaなど)を含む敦煌資料を耽読し、その分野に進出してみた。本論は武田と敦煌との関係を切口として、日本近代文学館に所蔵されている「武田泰淳コレクション」の中の未発表資料を参考にして、武田文学における唯一の敦煌題材小説「流沙」の典拠資料を整理し武田の英語力を確認した上で、典拠と小説との比較を行い、「節ごと」、「人物ごと」、「全体」という三つの方面から武田泰淳の言う「換骨奪胎」の方法(典拠の利用法)を分析した。
Creators :
Sun Sen
Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 21
pp. 169 - 179
published_at 2023-03-01
Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 21
pp. 125 - 151
published_at 2023-03-01
Creators :
Yokoyama Makoto
Takaoka Ryo
Nakahara Akihiro
Yoshinaga Ryota
Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 21
pp. 109 - 123
published_at 2023-03-01
Creators :
Ueda Takahiro
Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 21
pp. 75 - 108
published_at 2023-03-01
Structural transformation matters for economic growth and economic development of one country. Industrialization plays a crucial role as its engine. However, it is fact that some countries succeeded in it while others did not. When we compare the ratio of manufacturing value-added to GDP( MVA/GDP) between the successful and failed or stagnant countries, variations of those trajectories are observed. Even among the latter countries, their patters are not uniform. This paper is very keen to the pattern of failures and stagnation of industrialization such as India, Ghana, and Egypt, in which the ratio of MVA/GDP went down, followed by economic, social and political crisis and long stagnation was resulted from in the subsequent periods. It is hypothesized that that pattern has a close relationship with ambitious industrialization vision embarked on by the state leaders and policy makers in a manner which did not meet the reality of the manufacturing sector. Against that hypothesis, to what extent can the existing literatures give us persuasive interpretation? To examine it, this paper will review those one arguing the causes and mechanism of failed and stagnant industrialization and finally reach an argument of the industrialization vision as a possible candidate.
Creators :
Amatsu Kuniaki
Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 21
pp. 51 - 74
published_at 2023-03-01
Creators :
Zhang Xuepan
Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 21
pp. 23 - 49
published_at 2023-03-01
Creators :
Fujikami Mayumi
Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 21
pp. 1 - 21
published_at 2023-03-01
Creators :
Tong Zhihui
Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university
Yamaguchi daigaku bungakukaishi Volume 73
pp. 39 - 77
published_at 2023-03-20
Creators :
Sarashina Shinichi
Yamaguchi daigaku bungakukaishi Volume 73
pp. 23 - 38
published_at 2023-03-20
Creators :
Hayashi Shinichi
Yamaguchi daigaku bungakukaishi Volume 73
pp. 1 - 22
published_at 2023-03-20
Creators :
Kuwahata Yoichiro
Yamaguchi daigaku bungakukaishi Volume 73
pp. 1 - 23
published_at 2023-03-20
Creators :
根ヶ山 徹
The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University Volume 30
pp. 77 - 130
published_at 2023-03-23
The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University Volume 30
pp. 65 - 76
published_at 2023-03-23
In this paper I will consider <rétrospectivité> as a positive element of the Bergsonian notion of <durée>.
Around 1930 Henri Bergson borrows from Vladimir Jankélévitch a concept of <illusion de rétrospectivité>, which means a lack of understanding about <durée>. However, his usage of the concept seems not to be true to Jankélévitch’s, in that he regards <rétrospectivité> as a positive element of <durée>.
In my opinion, Bergson’s infidelity to Jankélévitch, so to speak, is based on his interest in <histoire>, as far as the mysticism is concerned, which bears fruit in The Two Sources of Morality and Religion (1932). As regards this, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, who criticizes Bergson for his misunderstanding <histoire>, provides an important clue.
The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University Volume 30
pp. 47 - 63
published_at 2023-03-23
Noe-Meinongian theories admit nonexistent objects and are generally friendly to abstract objetcts like Plato's Forms. There are several different neo-Meinongian theories, and one of them is the semantic theory of G. Priest, known as “noneism”. Is it possible to interprete Plato's theory of Forms on noneism?
Forms are supposed to have three characteristics about predication: predicatecorrespondence, self-predication and predicate-purity. In noneism, worlds are divided into possible, impossible, and open worlds, the first two being closed worlds and the actual world a possible world. In closed worlds, predication is incompatible with predicate-purity. For example, if something is F, it must also be F or G, so more than one predicates must apply to it. Further, predicate-purity fails in any possible world: more than one predicates apply to anything whatsoever. Moreover, in possible worlds, if Forms have predicate-correspondence, self-predication is unavoidable for some of them.
Things are quite different in an open world. Since open worlds are not closed under entailment, we can hold that e.g., the Form of whiteness is white and is nothing else there: it is not true that it is colored or even that it exists; the only thing that exists in an open world is the Form of existence. We also seem to be albe to admit the Forms of a golden mountain, an exisising golden mountain, something both white and not white, etc., each Form safely having the three characteristics.
This is, however, an illusion. When a matrix contains more than one free variables, infinitely many one-place predicates can be obtained from it by substitution. If they all correspond to a unique Form, it can be shown that even in an open world infinitely many predicates must apply to the same Form. Thus the predicate-purity fails. One
possible responce is to modify the denotation function so that it allocates extensions not to matrices but directly to predicates, but it comes at a cost.
The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University Volume 30
pp. 17 - 46
published_at 2023-03-23
The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University Volume 30
pp. 1 - 15
published_at 2023-03-23
Thomas Aquinas uses the term “mode” (modus) in various contexts, and some remarkable usages are found in his discussions on virtues. Aquinas places virtues other than the four cardinal virtues in the “potential parts” of the cardinal virtues, for instance, placing generosity (liberalitas) as a potential part of justice. Although the potential parts of a cardinal virtue are not species of the cardinal virtue, they have close connections with it. In order to explain these connections, Aquinas says that the potential parts of a cardinal virtue agree with the cardinal virtue in mode. He also claims that the mode of a virtue is, as it were, a sort of a form of the virtue, whence the virtue derives its praise and its name (ST II-II, q. 157, a. 3). In this claim, we find metaphysical, ethical, and semantic aspects of modes.
In this article, we first examine Aquinas’s usages of “modes of virtues” in order to see these aspects of modes. We conclude that “mode” means “a limit which is not to be exceeded” and “a way.”
Next, we move on to the metaphysical aspect. Aquinas has elaborate discussions on “modes,” interpreting Augustine’s triad of “mode-species-order,” the three elements which Augustine claims to be in every good created being. We will analyse three major texts in which Aquinas treats the triad as three essential components of every good creature: ST I, q. 5, a. 5, De veritate, q. 21, a. 6, and ST II-I, q. 85, a. 4. By analyzing and connecting Aquinas’s different statements about modes, we clarify what modes are and how they are related to being (esse) and forms in Aquinas’s metaphysical system.
Finally, we consider the semantic aspect, building on the preceding analyses. Since “mode” is a word that can connote perfection as well as limitation, it is possible to state that God is a mode. Since the mode is a higher principle than the form, which determines the genus and species, the mode can be a foundation of analogical predication,
in which the same word is applied to things of different genera and beyond (i.e., God).
Yamaguchi Daigaku dokufutsu bungaku Volume 44
pp. 53 - 73
published_at 2022-12-25
Creators :
Shimosaki Masatoshi
Yamaguchi Daigaku dokufutsu bungaku Volume 44
pp. 39 - 51
published_at 2022-12-25
Creators :
Takemoto Masashi
Yamaguchi Daigaku dokufutsu bungaku Volume 44
pp. 25 - 37
published_at 2022-12-25
Creators :
De Boissieu Michel
Yamaguchi Daigaku dokufutsu bungaku Volume 44
pp. 1 - 24
published_at 2022-12-25
Creators :
Hintereder-Emde Franz
Yamaguchi Daigaku dokufutsu bungaku Volume 44
published_at 2022-12-25
Creators :
Hintereder-Emde Franz
Yamaguchi University Archaeological Museum report Volume 17
pp. 35 - 72
published_at 2023-03-31
Yamaguchi University Archaeological Museum report Volume 17
pp. 13 - 34
published_at 2023-03-31
Yamaguchi University Archaeological Museum report Volume 17
pp. 9 - 12
published_at 2023-03-31
Yamaguchi University Archaeological Museum report Volume 17
pp. 5 - 8
published_at 2023-03-31
Yamaguchi University Archaeological Museum report Volume 17
pp. 2 - 4
published_at 2023-03-31
Yamaguchi University Archaeological Museum report Volume 17
pp. 1 - 1
published_at 2023-03-29
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 17
pp. 93 - 104
published_at 2023-03-31
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 17
pp. 71 - 84
published_at 2023-03-31
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 17
pp. 39 - 55
published_at 2023-03-31
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 17
pp. 21 - 37
published_at 2023-03-31
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 17
pp. 1 - 20
published_at 2023-03-31
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 16
pp. 59 - 90
published_at 2022-03-31
Creators :
Kakinuma Marie
Publishers : 山口大学人文学部異文化交流研究施設
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 16
pp. 43 - 57
published_at 2022-03-31
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 16
pp. 17 - 41
published_at 2022-03-31
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 16
pp. 1 - 16
published_at 2022-03-31
English and English-American literature Volume 57
pp. 39 - 53
published_at 2022-12-20
English and English-American literature Volume 57
pp. 19 - 37
published_at 2022-12-20
English and English-American literature Volume 57
pp. 1 - 18
published_at 2022-12-20
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 17
pp. 57 - 69
published_at 2023-03-31
Memoirs of the faculty of engineering, Yamaguchi university Volume 73 Issue 2
pp. 17 - 28
published_at 2023-03
Taxonomic classification of whole eukaryotes using conserved proteins or nucleotide sequences that are used as criteria looks convenient and easy. However, these methods may not be reliable to long evolutionary history if their function is developed or degenerated in their life history. The sequence-based classification methods depending on the functional conservation may cause unknown bias. In this study, we propose novel classification using intron positions in a gene, which are not related to function. Intron positions of highly conserved ribosomal protein RPS13 gene were selected as novel criteria for the classification of whole eukaryotes from lower unicellular amoeba, algae, and flagellates to plants and animals. RPS13 gene encodes 151 amino acids and possesses 453 bp exon sequence in many eukaryotic organisms. The intron positions are determined based on their coding exon sequences, in which all the introns are designated by the positions from the first nucleotide of the start codon and the position numbers are attached with ‘i’ for intron indication. For example, human RPS13 gene contains introns at the positions of 24i, 73i, 152i, 322i, and 423i sites on the coding sequence. Interestingly, all the Deuterostomia animals including starfish, leech, and octopus showed the same intron positions to human. Similarly, all the land plants showed 24i, 97i, 236i, and 423i positions. In lower unicellular eukaryotes, which showed nonintron or variety of positions, only amoeba Lenisia limosa has the intron position of 152i site and Chlorophyta Pedinophyceae sp. has single 97i position, suggesting that they may be the ancestral organisms of animals and plants, respectively. As a conclusion, intron positions of RPS13 gene can be used as a guide for the taxonomic classification of eukaryotic organisms
Creators :
Ebe Satoshi
Kunishige Haruna
Chajima Kengo
Nakamura Hitomi
Nakamura Yuki
Hayashi Chise
Hirakawa Haruka
Yamaji Keisuke
Hoshida Hisashi
赤田 倫治
Publishers : 山口大学工学部

Memoirs of the faculty of engineering, Yamaguchi university Volume 73 Issue 2
pp. 10 - 16
published_at 2023-03
This is the final part of the series of a case study on translation of a dubbed film from Japanese into English on a Cognitive Linguistics perspective. Focusing on Venuti' s (1995, 2013) domestication and foreignization in translation, Sadamitsu (2020) analyzed the gaps in language / culture and in time between the source and the target text of translation, and demonstrated that domesticated samples were found far more than foreignized ones in order to fill the gaps far more in language / culture than in time. Sadamitsu (2022) went on to conduct more precise analyses on how the translators have dealt with the gabs between the two languages by closely looking at their domesticating strategies for English readers/audience of the film. Specifically, their coping strategies of adding / deleting information of the source text were discussed there. And this paper will examine that of changing information of the source text, which was left untouched in the former papers, to conclude the research series. It will be also discussed here that translation activities are conducted under a powerful and invisible pressure which forces the translators to domesticate the contents more acceptable in the translated culture and society, apparently without noticing it.
Bulletin of Clinical Psychology Service Center, Graduate School of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 13
pp. 3 - 18
published_at 2022
Creators :
Oshie Takashi
Uenishi Hiroyuki
Tanaka Hideo
Takahashi Noriko
Publishers : 山口大学大学院教育学研究科附属臨床心理センター
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 71 Issue 3-4
pp. 147 - 162
published_at 2022-11-30
In the 2000s, English-Medium Instruction (EMI) in non-English countries developed worldwide. Japan is one of these countries and the number of English-based students who cannot utilize Japanese language increased. Some of the Japanese universities offer dormitories for international students, who can gradually get used to learning the Japanese way of life after they arrive in Japan. Some of the universities also offer cultural exchange programs for EMI students. However, due to the COVID-19, the situation has changed.
Creators :
Asamizu Munehiko
Seno Budhi Ajar
Xu Shaochen
Zhou Wenting
Publishers : The Economic Society of Yamaguchi University
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 71 Issue 3-4
pp. 131 - 146
published_at 2022-11-30
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 71 Issue 3-4
pp. 113 - 130
published_at 2022-11-30
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 159 - 167
published_at 2023-03-15
Creators :
Kagohara Kyoko
Yamamoto Hajime
Matsubara Yukie
森下 徹
Sano Yukihito
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 151 - 157
published_at 2023-03-15
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 141 - 150
published_at 2023-03-15
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 133 - 139
published_at 2023-03-15
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 127 - 132
published_at 2023-03-15
Creators :
Okamura Yoshihisa
Miyamoto Kiyomi
Matsumura Daiki
Ogata Masayuki
Fujioka Naoki
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 117 - 125
published_at 2023-03-15
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 107 - 116
published_at 2023-03-15
Creators :
Sakamoto Tetsuhiko
Shizuya Satoru
Simokawa Masayuki
Tokinori Junichiro
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 97 - 106
published_at 2023-03-15
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 87 - 95
published_at 2023-03-15
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 77 - 86
published_at 2023-03-15
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 67 - 76
published_at 2023-03-15
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 57 - 66
published_at 2023-03-15
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 51 - 56
published_at 2023-03-15
Creators :
Kiya Hidekatsu
Iwao Fumi
Tanaka Ayami
Tsuchihashi Yuka
Iida Junko
Bunyu Keiko
Harada Naho
Matsuoka Asuka
FuJii Hiroko
Sakurai Rin
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 43 - 49
published_at 2023-03-15
Creators :
Tanaka Ayami
Kiya Hidekatsu
Iwao Fumi
Matsuoka Katsuhiko
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 33 - 41
published_at 2023-03-15
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 27 - 32
published_at 2023-03-15
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 19 - 25
published_at 2023-03-15
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 11 - 18
published_at 2023-03-15
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55
pp. 1 - 10
published_at 2023-03-15
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 327 - 332
published_at 2023-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 317 - 326
published_at 2023-01-31
Creators :
Senneck Andrew
Mori Tomoya
Perlaky Denes
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 311 - 316
published_at 2023-01-31
b. 舌打ち音は、聞き手に注意を促し、前に出たトピックの内容をリアルに話し始めるマーカーになっている。
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 305 - 310
published_at 2023-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 299 - 304
published_at 2023-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 293 - 298
published_at 2023-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 285 - 292
published_at 2023-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 275 - 283
published_at 2023-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 265 - 274
published_at 2023-01-31
調査・分析の結果、因子間の相関係数はr =0.6〜0.78と高い値を示し、因子間の相関係数が強いことが示唆された。今年度の合唱の授業では、受講生のモチベーションを高めるよう工夫し、最終回の授業で仕上げの合唱を終えた直後に本研究の調査を実施したことで調査結果に影響を与えたことが考えられる。合唱の授業に対する没入感を高めるには、授業が分かったと考えられるようになること、楽しいと思えるようになることという2つの経路(パス)があることが示された。本研究では、合唱の授業を対象としたが、大学の授業は専門性の高い科目によって占められているため、本研究で得られた知見は他の授業科目にも応用できる可能性がある。
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 255 - 264
published_at 2023-01-31
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Matsumoto Riki
Takahashi Kana
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 247 - 253
published_at 2023-01-31
Creators :
Shiraiwa Jun
Hayashi Mariko
Wakibuchi Yoko
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 337 - 346
published_at 2023-01-31
Creators :
Morinaga Yae
Abe Momoko
Nishi Atsuko
Goto Yoshiko
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 227 - 235
published_at 2023-01-31
近年の計算機の性能向上やフレームワークの発展により、深層学習が手軽に行えるようになってきた。従来、計算コストの問題や数値化するのが難しかった事象でも、高い精度で回帰や分類などが行えるようになってきている。本稿では、筋電位に注目し手の動作の識別について、深層学習で分類する。実験初期段階では手動で分類していたが、現段階では精度に問題はあるが、リアルタイムで分類することも可能となった。データ取得方法として、ワンボードマイコンの一種であるArduino Unoと簡易筋電センサーのMyo Ware筋電センサーを用いる。
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 223 - 226
published_at 2023-01-31
水溶液からのL-ヒスチジンの結晶核形成機構を解明するため,pHをジャンプさせることによって得た幾つかの濃度の過飽和水溶液中から結晶核が形成されるまでの時間(誘導期tind)を測定した。測定された誘導期tindを用いて結晶核形成理論に基づいた速度論的解析を行った結果,それらの溶液中で形成された結晶核の表面張σ ,臨界核形成の自由エネルギーΔG *,臨界核の半径r *,臨界核を形成する分子数n など,結晶核形成に関する重要なパラメータの値を定量的に求めることができた。pH6〜pH7の間で行った実験からは,L-ヒスチジンの臨界核は数個から十数個程度の分子からなる半径1〜2nm程度であり,過飽和度が高くなるにつれて,その大きさは小さくなることが明らかになった。
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 213 - 221
published_at 2023-01-31
Creators :
Higuchi Takumi
Shigematsu Hirotake
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 207 - 211
published_at 2023-01-31
近年、数式処理の研究分野で注目されているQuantifier Eliminationは応用範囲が広く、様々な分野への応用が可能と言われている。実際、国立情報学研究所が中心となって実施された「ロボットは東大に入れるか」というプロジェクトでは、数学の問題解法にQuantifier Eliminationが活用され、その有効性が確認された。プログラミング教育が必修の小・中学校・高等学校ではIT技術の活用が求められており、小・中学校・高等学校の教員を目指す学生がこのQuantifier Eliminationについて学ぶことは意義が大きいと考えられる。そこで教員を目指す学生の授業の一部において、数学の大学入試問題をQuantifier Eliminationを用いて解くことにより命題論理の演習を実施したので、その経過と結果を報告する。
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 199 - 206
published_at 2023-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 189 - 197
published_at 2023-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 183 - 188
published_at 2023-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 173 - 182
published_at 2023-01-31