- 著者一覧
- Okibayashi Yohei
Okibayashi Yohei
Affiliate Master
Yamaguchi University
Id (<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.view.desc">Desc</span>)
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 58
pp. 67 - 76
published_at 2024-10-31
Creators :
Okibayashi Yohei
Ikenaga Maiko
Nakagawa Minori
Fujinaga Keigo
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 58
pp. 57 - 65
published_at 2024-10-31
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Ishida Chiharu
Shiraji Megumi
Fujiwara Yuka
Harada Miho
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 207 - 212
published_at 2024-01-31
The purpose of this study was to experimentally examine the effects of wearing masks and sunglasses on the impression rating of a person in a COVID-19 pandemic environment. In this study, two groups were set up for the degree of familiarity with the person of the stimulus, one with a first meeting and the other with a four-year personal relationship. The experiment was conducted with first-year and fourth-year undergraduates, and the results of impression ratings using the SD method showed that for females meeting for the first time, wearing a mask decreased familiarity with the stimulus more than with the standard stimulus. For males in the first meeting group, wearing sunglasses decreased forcefulness. In the group with higher intimacy, these impressions were not reduced. Cluster analysis using the participants' consciousness of their public appearance as the dependent variable revealed two clusters, one for the high and one for the low level of awareness of others. Comparing the two groups' ratings of men who met for the first time, the cluster with low awareness of others showed a decrease in forcefulness due to the wearing of the mask, whereas the cluster with high awareness of others showed no decrease in forcefulness.
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 203 - 206
published_at 2024-01-31
This study examined the relationship between intellectual curiosity and regulatory focus on the retention of learning content. An intellectual curiosity scale, a facilitative-preventive focus scale and a comprehension test of lessons were administered to 59 undergraduate students. Results of correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis showed that specific curiosity and gain-approach orientation were related to the comprehension test. Second, the interaction effect of specific curiosity on the relationship between comprehension tests and regulatory focus was significant. Simple slope analysis showed that the effect of specific curiosity was not significant in the lower gain-approach orientation group, while the effect of specific curiosity in the higher group was significant.
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 73
pp. 127 - 133
published_at 2024-01-31
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 107 - 115
published_at 2023-10-10
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 53 - 62
published_at 2023-10-10
Creators :
Okibayashi Yohei
Ikenaga Maiko
Nakagawa Minori
Fujinaga Keigo
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 56
pp. 43 - 52
published_at 2023-10-10
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Ishida Chiharu
Shiraji Megumi
Fujiwara Yuka
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 265 - 274
published_at 2023-01-31
調査・分析の結果、因子間の相関係数はr =0.6〜0.78と高い値を示し、因子間の相関係数が強いことが示唆された。今年度の合唱の授業では、受講生のモチベーションを高めるよう工夫し、最終回の授業で仕上げの合唱を終えた直後に本研究の調査を実施したことで調査結果に影響を与えたことが考えられる。合唱の授業に対する没入感を高めるには、授業が分かったと考えられるようになること、楽しいと思えるようになることという2つの経路(パス)があることが示された。本研究では、合唱の授業を対象としたが、大学の授業は専門性の高い科目によって占められているため、本研究で得られた知見は他の授業科目にも応用できる可能性がある。
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 72
pp. 35 - 41
published_at 2023-01-31
This study examined the influences of arousal of anticipatory regret by status quo bias on the suppression of hind sight bias. In this study, travel risk in situations of high risk of COVID-19 infection was considered a factor evoking anticipatory regrets, and population density in the area of residence was considered to affect subjective risk of infection for COVID-19. Considering that the experimental participants in this study were university students at a local university, three regions were selected as the evoked travel destinations: overseas countries, urban areas in Japan, and rural areas in Japan. The results of the bias analysis showed that anticipatory regret suppressed the hindsight bias in the overseas condition, while anticipatory regret promoted the hind-sight bias in the rural condition.
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 54
pp. 35 - 43
published_at 2022-08-15
Creators :
Okibayashi Yohei
Ikenaga Maiko
Nakagawa Minori
Fujinaga Keigo
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 54
pp. 23 - 33
published_at 2022-08-15
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Ishida Chiharu
Shiraji Megumi
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 52
pp. 45 - 52
published_at 2021-10-01
Creators :
Okibayashi Yohei
Matsuoka Yoshiki
Morisige Kousuke
Kubota Takane
Fujinaga Keigo
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 71
pp. 301 - 310
published_at 2022-01-31
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Publishers : Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 52
pp. 11 - 21
published_at 2021-10-01
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Ishida Chiharu
Kadota Syuji
Sinagawa Misae
Kanemitsu Syuichi
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 71
pp. 41 - 47
published_at 2022-01-31
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 51
pp. 1 - 10
published_at 2021-03-25
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Ishida Chiharu
Kadota Syuji
Sinagawa Misae
Kanemitsu Syuichi
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 70
pp. 255 - 264
published_at 2021-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 70
pp. 1 - 6
published_at 2021-01-31
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 50
pp. 341 - 348
published_at 2020-09-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 50
pp. 133 - 140
published_at 2020-09-25
Creators :
Saiki Hideto
Okibayashi Yohei
Miyaki Hideo
Nakaya Hitomi
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 50
pp. 11 - 18
published_at 2020-09-25
Creators :
Okibayashi Yohei
Matsuoka Yoshiki
Morishige Kosuke
Kamikawa Riho
Kubota Takane
Fujinaga Keigo
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 48
pp. 133 - 140
published_at 2019-09-30
Creators :
Okibayashi Yohei
Matsuoka Yoshiki
Morishige Kosuke
Nakamura Yukari
Kubota Takane
Fujinaga Keigo
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 48
pp. 8 - 18
published_at 2019-09-30
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Kawahara Maya
Kadota Syuji
Sinagawa Misae
Kanemitsu Syuichi
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 69
pp. 229 - 233
published_at 2020-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 69
pp. 219 - 227
published_at 2020-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 69
pp. 7 - 12
published_at 2020-01-31
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 47
pp. 143 - 151
published_at 2019-03-25
Creators :
Okibayashi Yohei
Miyaki Hideo
Nagatomo Yoshihiko
Saiki Hideto
Okamura Yoshihisa
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 68
pp. 279 - 287
published_at 2019-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 68
pp. 27 - 33
published_at 2019-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 68
pp. 23 - 26
published_at 2019-01-31
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 46
pp. 245 - 252
published_at 2018-09-30
Creators :
Okibayashi Yohei
Miyaki Hideo
Saiki Hideto
Nagatomo Yoshihiko
Okamura Yoshihisa
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 46
pp. 1 - 10
published_at 2018-09-30
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Tomokiyo Yuko
Shiraiwa Jun
Kawahara Maya
Kadota Syuji
Sinagawa Misae
Kanemitsu Syuichi
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 44
pp. 217 - 223
published_at 2017-09-30
Creators :
Okibayashi Yohei
Miyaki Hideo
Saiki Hideto
Okamura Yoshihisa
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 163 - 171
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Tomokiyo Yuko
Shinagawa Misae
Kogawa Ichiro
Kawahara Maya
Kadota Syuji
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 66
pp. 51 - 55
published_at 2017-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 66
pp. 45 - 50
published_at 2017-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 66
pp. 39 - 44
published_at 2017-01-31
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 15
pp. 9 - 17
published_at 2016-03-25
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Tomokiyo Yuko
Shinagawa Misae
Kogawa Ichiro
Kawahara Maya
Kadota Syuji
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 14
pp. 79 - 86
published_at 2015-03-20
Creators :
Okibayashi Yohei
Takahashi Masako
Tomokiyo Yuko
Shiraji Futoshi
Kawahara Maya
Kogawa Ichiro
Tokuda Syuji
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 39
pp. 83 - 92
published_at 2015-03-20
Creators :
Okamura Yoshihisa
Tanaka Rie
Okibayashi Yohei
Minamiura Ryosuke
Genda Tomoko
Kishimoto Kenichirou
Takaoka Ryo
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 64
pp. 83 - 91
published_at 2015-01-31
Creators :
Kosugi E Koji
Kawasaki Tokuko
Tsuneyoshi Tetsuzo
Ono Fuminori
Oshie Takashi
Okibayashi Yohei
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 63
pp. 41 - 46
published_at 2014-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 63
pp. 35 - 39
published_at 2014-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 63
pp. 31 - 34
published_at 2014-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 62
pp. 87 - 94
published_at 2013-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 62
pp. 81 - 86
published_at 2013-01-31
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 34
pp. 113 - 120
published_at 2012-09-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 33
pp. 69 - 76
published_at 2012-03-25
Creators :
Takaoka Ryo
Okibayashi Yohei
Shimokawa Masayuki
Tanaka Rie
Genda Tomoko
Kubota Takashi
Okamura Yoshihisa
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
日本教育工学会研究報告集 Volume 2011 Issue 5
pp. 87 - 90
published_at 2011-12-17
Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society Volume 19 Issue 1
pp. 3 - 8
published_at 2012-03-01
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 61
pp. 81 - 92
published_at 2012-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 61
pp. 71 - 79
published_at 2012-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 61
pp. 65 - 70
published_at 2012-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 60
pp. 67 - 76
published_at 2011-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 60
pp. 61 - 65
published_at 2011-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 59
pp. 79 - 83
published_at 2010-01-31
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 59
pp. 49 - 53
published_at 2010-01-31