Incidence and characterization of amyloid deposits were refered in 64 mice, aged 83 weeks old of each sex (26 male and 38 female) of inbred Sic: ICR. The mice were raised under semi-barrier conditions, room temperature at 22~26℃, ventilation at 20 times/hour and relative humidity at 45~65% with 12 hour light-dark cycle. They were fed a commercial diet (FR-2 10 kGy, Funabashi Farms, Chiba) and filtrated tap water ad libitum. Histologically amyloidosis were observed in 35 out of 64 mice(54.7%), 16 out of 26 male mice(61.5%) and 19 out of 38 female mice(50%). The amyloid deposits were detected in 32 out of64 mice(50%) in the kidney, 30 out of 64(46.9%) in the small intestine, 26 out of 64(40.6%) in the liver, 25 out of 64(39.1%) in the adrenal gland, 24 out of 62(38.7%) in the mesenteric lymph node, 20 out of64(31.2%)in the lung and 14 out of64(21.9%) in the spleen. Immunohistochemically 34 mice had AApoA II g amyloid protein. Only one mouse had AA amyloid protein.