Atrial filling fraction obtained by left ventricular echocardiogram (AFF by echo= LV volume at end-diastole-LV volume at the biginning of atrial contraction / LV volume at end-diastole-LV volume at end-systole ×100(%)) is considered to be an exact measure of AFF of LV. However, in patients (pts) with LV asynergy, AFF by LV cannot be eevaluated correctly by this method. To obtain AFF in pts with and without LV asynergy non-invasively, we devised a new echocard iographic index of AFF, obtained from the aortic-left atrial echo (AFF by Ao echo= the posterior wall excursion of the aorta, at atrial contraction×LA dimension at the biginning of atrial contraction / the maximum posterior wall excursion of the aorta × the maximum LA dimension × 100(%))…