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山口医学 Volume 29 Issue 4
published_at 1980-12

Ultracentrifugal Anaylsis of Serum Lipoproteins in Hepatobiliary Disorders. II. Schlieren Profile of the LDL Fraction

肝胆道疾患における血清脂質蛋白の超遠心分析 II. LDLのSchlieren像
Taniguchi Banri
1. the LDL components under the Schlieren peaks of Sf 4-8 were of main contribution to the increase in total serum LDL concentration in various hepatobiliary disorders. Except for in some special occasions, the ultracentrifugal analysis did not uncover major qualitative changes. 2. When there was marked increase in the ratio of other LDL components than those under Sf 4-8 peaks, there always was simultaneous increase in both Schlieren peaks of Sf lower than 4 and of higher than 8. 3. There was marked variety in the complex LDL Schlieren profiles containing minor peaks of ususual Sf values…