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Sources and methods of Taijun Takeda’s Shifting Sands
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 21
1907年のイギリスのスタインをはじめ、列強各国の探検隊が次々と敦煌を訪れた。敦煌文物の発見・流出に伴い、「敦煌学」「西域熱」が誕生し、学界の関心を集めてきた。仏教出身の武田泰淳も長い間にわたってスタインの著作(Ruins of Desert Cathay、Serindiaなど)を含む敦煌資料を耽読し、その分野に進出してみた。本論は武田と敦煌との関係を切口として、日本近代文学館に所蔵されている「武田泰淳コレクション」の中の未発表資料を参考にして、武田文学における唯一の敦煌題材小説「流沙」の典拠資料を整理し武田の英語力を確認した上で、典拠と小説との比較を行い、「節ごと」、「人物ごと」、「全体」という三つの方面から武田泰淳の言う「換骨奪胎」の方法(典拠の利用法)を分析した。
Creators : Sun Sen Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university Date Issued : 2023-03-01
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 21
Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university Date Issued : 2023-03-01
Creators : Yokoyama Makoto | Takaoka Ryo | Nakahara Akihiro | Yoshinaga Ryota Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university Date Issued : 2023-03-01
Creators : Ueda Takahiro Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university Date Issued : 2023-03-01
Structural transformation matters for economic growth and economic development of one country. Industrialization plays a crucial role as its engine. However, it is fact that some countries succeeded in it while others did not. When we compare the ratio of manufacturing value-added to GDP( MVA/GDP) between the successful and failed or stagnant countries, variations of those trajectories are observed. Even among the latter countries, their patters are not uniform. This paper is very keen to the pattern of failures and stagnation of industrialization such as India, Ghana, and Egypt, in which the ratio of MVA/GDP went down, followed by economic, social and political crisis and long stagnation was resulted from in the subsequent periods. It is hypothesized that that pattern has a close relationship with ambitious industrialization vision embarked on by the state leaders and policy makers in a manner which did not meet the reality of the manufacturing sector. Against that hypothesis, to what extent can the existing literatures give us persuasive interpretation? To examine it, this paper will review those one arguing the causes and mechanism of failed and stagnant industrialization and finally reach an argument of the industrialization vision as a possible candidate.
Creators : Amatsu Kuniaki Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university Date Issued : 2023-03-01
日本語のスピーチレベルシフトについての研究は盛んに行われてきたといえるが、それらに用いられたデータは友人か初対面かのような親・疎関係の会話や教室における教師と学生の会話、あるいは、前もってセリフが書かれた脚本のものなど、特定の条件を設定した会話からのものが多い。また、接触場面の場合には、取り上げられた対象は留学生に止まり、技能実習生に関するものは管見の及ぶ限り見当たらない。そこで、本稿は技能実習生を対象とし、実習実施機関で生じた自然会話に注目した。具体的には、指示が多く、かつ危険性を伴う鉄骨工場をフィールドとし、技能実習生に向けられた日本人同僚の発話に注目した。 その結果、1)朝礼、会議、送別会は丁寧体を基調としているのに対し、作業現場の発話場面は普通体を基調としている。2)先行研究ではまだ言及されていないが、本研究では、丁寧体基調場面におけるダウンシフトとして、「強い口ぶりで、念を押す時」、「職業規則を明示する時」、普通体基調場面におけるアップシフトとして、「実例を挙げる時」、「相手に同意・共感を示す時」、「1つの作業が終了時の合図」、「説明を諦める時」にもスピーチレベルシフトが観察された。3)機能は、構造標識、談話標識、待遇標識と心的距離の伸縮の4つに分類できる。さらに、4)スピーチレベルシフトには一回性のものと連続性のものがあり、場面によって現れ方が異なっていることが判明した。
Creators : Zhang Xuepan Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university Date Issued : 2023-03-01
Creators : Fujikami Mayumi Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university Date Issued : 2023-03-01
中国では、経済成長に伴って、エネルギー消費も大幅に増加してきた。資源型地域はエネルギーの主要供給地として、中国の工業の支えといっても過言ではないと考えられる。しかし、資源開発により、資源枯渇や産業構造の偏りや経済不況などの問題が出ている。2013年に公表した「全国資源型都市持続可能発展計画(2013-2020年)」では、経済、民生、エネルギー及び環境において、それぞれの支援政策を打ち出した。経済面では、産業構造の多様性、産業高度化、産業クラスター化を通じて、経済成長と産業構造転換を求めた。 本研究では、この支援政策の経済面に着目して、山西省を研究事例として取り上げ、政策効果を実証的に分析した。具体的に、2つの仮説を設定した。第一は、支援政策が経済成長を促進できることである。第二は、支援政策が産業高度化を促進できることである。PSM-DIDという研究手法を用い、山西省の資源型都市と全国の非資源都市に共変量を加えて、マッチングした。そして、マッチング後のデータで、政策効果と共変量の影響効果を検証した。その結果、支援政策は山西省の経済成長を促進できることを証明した。また、産業高度化にも正の効果が出ている。さらに、工業化と環境汚染はトレードオフの関係があることにより、重工業に比べて、環境にやさしい第三次産業を発展させることがより良い効果を生むことが示唆された。もう一つは、政府財政支出が正の効果で、さらに、非資源型都市と資源型都市の差が縮小するのは重要なことから、政府の役割を無視できないことがわかった。
Creators : Tong Zhihui Publishers : The graduate school of east asian studies, Yamaguchi university Date Issued : 2023-03-01
Creators : Sarashina Shinichi Date Issued : 2023-03-20
Reading and Story Session by Arthur Binard for Peace
Yamaguchi daigaku bungakukaishi Volume 73
Creators : Hayashi Shinichi Date Issued : 2023-03-20
A Study on the moralization of Hansen's Disease
Yamaguchi daigaku bungakukaishi Volume 73
Creators : Kuwahata Yoichiro Date Issued : 2023-03-20
Creators : 根ヶ山 徹 Date Issued : 2023-03-20
Yamaguchi daigaku bungakukaishi Volume 73
Date Issued : 2023-03-20
Creators : Fujikawa Satoshi Publishers : 山口大学哲学研究会 Date Issued : 2023-03-23
In this paper I will consider <rétrospectivité> as a positive element of the Bergsonian notion of <durée>. Around 1930 Henri Bergson borrows from Vladimir Jankélévitch a concept of <illusion de rétrospectivité>, which means a lack of understanding about <durée>. However, his usage of the concept seems not to be true to Jankélévitch’s, in that he regards <rétrospectivité> as a positive element of <durée>. In my opinion, Bergson’s infidelity to Jankélévitch, so to speak, is based on his interest in <histoire>, as far as the mysticism is concerned, which bears fruit in The Two Sources of Morality and Religion (1932). As regards this, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, who criticizes Bergson for his misunderstanding <histoire>, provides an important clue.
Creators : Murakami Ryu Publishers : 山口大学哲学研究会 Date Issued : 2023-03-23
Interpreting the theory of forms on noneism : the first attempt
The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University Volume 30
Noe-Meinongian theories admit nonexistent objects and are generally friendly to abstract objetcts like Plato's Forms. There are several different neo-Meinongian theories, and one of them is the semantic theory of G. Priest, known as “noneism”. Is it possible to interprete Plato's theory of Forms on noneism? Forms are supposed to have three characteristics about predication: predicatecorrespondence, self-predication and predicate-purity. In noneism, worlds are divided into possible, impossible, and open worlds, the first two being closed worlds and the actual world a possible world. In closed worlds, predication is incompatible with predicate-purity. For example, if something is F, it must also be F or G, so more than one predicates must apply to it. Further, predicate-purity fails in any possible world: more than one predicates apply to anything whatsoever. Moreover, in possible worlds, if Forms have predicate-correspondence, self-predication is unavoidable for some of them. Things are quite different in an open world. Since open worlds are not closed under entailment, we can hold that e.g., the Form of whiteness is white and is nothing else there: it is not true that it is colored or even that it exists; the only thing that exists in an open world is the Form of existence. We also seem to be albe to admit the Forms of a golden mountain, an exisising golden mountain, something both white and not white, etc., each Form safely having the three characteristics. This is, however, an illusion. When a matrix contains more than one free variables, infinitely many one-place predicates can be obtained from it by substitution. If they all correspond to a unique Form, it can be shown that even in an open world infinitely many predicates must apply to the same Form. Thus the predicate-purity fails. One possible responce is to modify the denotation function so that it allocates extensions not to matrices but directly to predicates, but it comes at a cost.
Creators : Wakijo Yasuhiro Publishers : 山口大学哲学研究会 Date Issued : 2023-03-23
Creators : Kashiwaki Yasuko Publishers : 山口大学哲学研究会 Date Issued : 2023-03-23
Modes of Virtues in Thomas Aquinas
The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University Volume 30
Thomas Aquinas uses the term “mode” (modus) in various contexts, and some remarkable usages are found in his discussions on virtues. Aquinas places virtues other than the four cardinal virtues in the “potential parts” of the cardinal virtues, for instance, placing generosity (liberalitas) as a potential part of justice. Although the potential parts of a cardinal virtue are not species of the cardinal virtue, they have close connections with it. In order to explain these connections, Aquinas says that the potential parts of a cardinal virtue agree with the cardinal virtue in mode. He also claims that the mode of a virtue is, as it were, a sort of a form of the virtue, whence the virtue derives its praise and its name (ST II-II, q. 157, a. 3). In this claim, we find metaphysical, ethical, and semantic aspects of modes. In this article, we first examine Aquinas’s usages of “modes of virtues” in order to see these aspects of modes. We conclude that “mode” means “a limit which is not to be exceeded” and “a way.” Next, we move on to the metaphysical aspect. Aquinas has elaborate discussions on “modes,” interpreting Augustine’s triad of “mode-species-order,” the three elements which Augustine claims to be in every good created being. We will analyse three major texts in which Aquinas treats the triad as three essential components of every good creature: ST I, q. 5, a. 5, De veritate, q. 21, a. 6, and ST II-I, q. 85, a. 4. By analyzing and connecting Aquinas’s different statements about modes, we clarify what modes are and how they are related to being (esse) and forms in Aquinas’s metaphysical system. Finally, we consider the semantic aspect, building on the preceding analyses. Since “mode” is a word that can connote perfection as well as limitation, it is possible to state that God is a mode. Since the mode is a higher principle than the form, which determines the genus and species, the mode can be a foundation of analogical predication, in which the same word is applied to things of different genera and beyond (i.e., God).
Creators : Suto Taki Publishers : 山口大学哲学研究会 Date Issued : 2023-03-23
The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University Volume 30
Publishers : 山口大学哲学研究会 Date Issued : 2023-03-23
Creators : Shimosaki Masatoshi Date Issued : 2022-12-25
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