We have generated weo monoclonal antibodies (UB-21, UB-22), which were produced by hybridoma cells, fusing mouse myeloma cells (NS-1) with the spleem cells of a BALB/c mouse that has been immunized with the suspended human colonic adenomas. Using an indirect immunofluorescence method, the presence of the anatigen against UB-21 and UB-22 was detected : it was detected in the normal human liver. UB-21 was detected in the large and small intestine of monkey, but UB-21 and UB-22 were negative with the intestine of the rat, rabbit raccoon, and badger. These findings suggested that these monoclonal antibodies (UB-21, UB-21) were specific for human and monkey's intestinal component and might be useful for analyzing normal and milignant human intesine.