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山口医学 Volume 36 Issue 2
published_at 1987-04

Intraoperative feeder embolization of meningiomas using cyanoacrylate

Ide Yutaka
Wakita Yukio
Abiko Seisho
Orita Tetsuji
Fudaba Hiroyoshi
Aoki Hideo
Mitani Tetsumi
Ihara Kiyoshi
The use preopreative feeder embolization is considered uesful for the reduction of intraoperative bleeding from the tumor in surgical removal of meningioma. It has commonly been performed with a percutaneous catheter using ivaron or gelform as an embolizing agent. There are, however, some problem in this procedure including technical difficulties, radiation hazard, recanalizationof the embolized vessel and various complications. The authors here present a new method of intraoperative embolization prior to the removal of menigiomas. During operation, the feeder are dissected carefully and a small tefron needle insertes into the largest feeder. After the rapid injection of one to two ml. of cyanoacrylate, tumor vessels are almost completely embolized allowing the tumor to be removed with the minimal of bleeding. In subsequent histlogical examination it was found that the cyanoacrylate had redched tumor vessels as small as 10 micrometer in dimater, but had not infilttated the vessels on the venous saide.