This is a report on cutting resistance examined in various cases of hot machining of metallic materials. Three kinds of metallic materials used in this experiment were S45C carbon steel, 18-8 stainless steel, and 13 Cr stainless steel, whose tools had plus rake and minus one. And the following conclusion was formed. 1) In case of S45C and 13 Cr stainless steel, the heating effect hardly comes about in high speed but conspicuously in low speed. In other words, the cutting resistance decreases and at the same time the vibration does as well, and the state of cutting is steady. 2) In case of 18-8 stainless steel the heating effect hardly comes about in high speed. On the contrary cutting resistance increases in low speed as additional heat, and the state of cutting becomes unsteady. 3) In case of S45C and 13 Cr stainless steel, cutting resistance in hot machining increases in proportion to feeding. 4) In hot machining cutting resistance is less in using plus rake than in using minus one.