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- departmental bulletin paper
departmental bulletin paper
Id (<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.view.desc">Desc</span>)
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 66 Issue 3
pp. 281 - 302
published_at 2017-09-30
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 66 Issue 1-2
pp. 131 - 149
published_at 2017-07-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 66 Issue 1-2
pp. 109 - 129
published_at 2017-07-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 66 Issue 1-2
pp. 79 - 107
published_at 2017-07-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 66 Issue 1-2
pp. 59 - 78
published_at 2017-07-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 66 Issue 1-2
pp. 29 - 58
published_at 2017-07-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 66 Issue 3
pp. 211 - 233
published_at 2017-09-30
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 66 Issue 1-2
pp. 1 - 28
published_at 2017-07-31
Journal of higher education Volume 14
pp. 73 - 83
published_at 2017-03
Journal of higher education Volume 14
pp. 63 - 72
published_at 2017-03
Journal of higher education Volume 14
pp. 48 - 54
published_at 2017-03
Journal of higher education Volume 14
pp. 55 - 62
published_at 2017-03
Journal of higher education Volume 14
pp. 41 - 47
published_at 2017-03
Creators :
Okada Nahoko
Ogawa Tsutomu
Tanaka Ayami
Hamamoto Kei
Kaneko Hiroshi
Publishers : 山口大学大学教育機構
Journal of higher education Volume 14
pp. 37 - 40
published_at 2017-03
Creators :
Matsubara Toshio
Umemoto Tomoko
Morifuku Orie
Fujikatsu Ayaka
Harada Yukiko
Nakahara Atsuko
Hatano Hiromi
Kobayashi Hiromi
Sumida Tomoko
Yamamoto Naoki
Morimoto Hiroshi
Okuya Shigeru
Publishers : 山口大学大学教育機構
Journal of higher education Volume 14
pp. 24 - 36
published_at 2017-03
Journal of higher education Volume 14
pp. 10 - 23
published_at 2017-03
Journal of higher education Volume 14
pp. 1 - 9
published_at 2017-03
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 65 Issue 6
pp. 532 - 546
published_at 2017-03-31
Creators :
Sano Kaede
Publishers : 山口大學經濟學會
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 65 Issue 6
pp. 531 - 531
published_at 2017-03-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 65 Issue 6
pp. 511 - 529
published_at 2017-03-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 65 Issue 6
pp. 489 - 509
published_at 2017-03-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 65 Issue 6
pp. 457 - 488
published_at 2017-03-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 65 Issue 6
pp. 433 - 456
published_at 2017-03-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 65 Issue 6
pp. 395 - 431
published_at 2017-03-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 65 Issue 6
pp. 369 - 394
published_at 2017-03-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 65 Issue 6
pp. 351 - 367
published_at 2017-03-31
The bulletin of the Yamaguchi Medical School Volume 64 Issue 1-2
pp. 1 - 12
published_at 2017
Aberrant increases in protein phosphatase 1(PP1) activity have been shown to be associated with inefficient sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca^{2+} cycling, leading to cardiac dysfunction in the failing heart. In the present study, we investigated whether BNP promoter-inducible suppression of PP1β would ameliorate progression of pressure overload-induced heart failure in mice, a clinically relevant animal model. An Adeno-associated virus 9 (AAV9) vector encoding PP1βshRNA and a negative control (NC) shRNA driven by a brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) promoter with an emerald green fluorescent protein expression (EmGFP) cassette were used to test the hypothesis. AAV9 vectors (AAV9-BNP-EmGFP-PP1βshRNA and AAV9-BNP-EmGFP-NCshRNA) were introduced into the in vivo heart via the tail vein injection (4x10^{11} GC/mice) in 8-week-old C57BL6J mice, followed by transverse aortic constriction (TAC) 2 weeks after the AAV9 vector injection. Post TAC cardiac function was sequentially assessed every 2 week by echocardiography, followed by hemodynamic assessment at 1 month. AAV9-BNP-EmGFP-PP1βshRNA treatment suppressed myocardial PP1β expression by 15% compared with the NCshRNA group (p<0.001). The fractional shortening (%FS) of the left ventricle in the PP1βshRNA-treated group was significantly larger than the NCshRNA-treated group (21%±1.0% vs. 15%±0.01, p<0.01). The ratios of heart weight (HW) / body weight (BW) and lung weight (LW) / BW in the PP1βshRNA group were significantly smaller than those of the NCshRNA group (HW/BW: 9.20±0.49 vs. 10.6±0.45 mg/g
Creators :
Shiraishi Kozo
Ikeda Yasuhiro
Miyazaki Yosuke
Fujimoto Shizuka N.
Yoshimura Koichi
Miura Toshiro
Matsuzaki Masanori
Yano Masafumi
Publishers : Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University Volume 24
pp. 53 - 65
published_at 2017-03-23
The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University Volume 24
pp. 23 - 51
published_at 2017-03-23
The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University Volume 24
pp. 1 - 21
published_at 2017-03-23
The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University Volume 24
pp. 21 - 31
published_at 2017-03-23
The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University Volume 24
pp. 1 - 19
published_at 2017-03-23
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 11
pp. 101 - 103
published_at 2017-03-31
Publishers : 山口大学人文学部異文化交流研究施設
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 11
pp. 88 - 100
published_at 2017-03-31
Creators :
Markus Ruttermann
Publishers : 山口大学人文学部異文化交流研究施設
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 11
pp. 68 - 87
published_at 2017-03-31
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 11
pp. 54 - 67
published_at 2017-03-31
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 11
pp. 37 - 53
published_at 2017-03-31
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 11
pp. 28 - 36
published_at 2017-03-31
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 11
pp. 18 - 27
published_at 2017-03-31
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 11
pp. 1 - 17
published_at 2017-03-31
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 41 - 49
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Yoshikawa Yukio
Sekimoto Tsutomu
Yoshida Mitsutoshi
Nakamura Tetsuya
Kawamura Hisayo
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 167 - 174
published_at 2017-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 157 - 166
published_at 2017-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 147 - 156
published_at 2017-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 129 - 134
published_at 2017-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 117 - 127
published_at 2017-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 107 - 115
published_at 2017-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 101 - 106
published_at 2017-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 87 - 100
published_at 2017-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 77 - 86
published_at 2017-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 67 - 76
published_at 2017-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 57 - 66
published_at 2017-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 47 - 55
published_at 2017-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 39 - 46
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Oshie Takashi
Fujita Yoko
Ueki Miki
Tada Kaho
Marikawa Yuki
Mizoguchi Hideto
Morihara Azusa
Yamamoto Yuko
Watanabe Yumiko
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Memoirs of the faculty of engneering, Yamaguchi university Volume 67 Issue 2
pp. 93 - 97
published_at 2017-03
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 29 - 38
published_at 2017-03-25
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 21 - 28
published_at 2017-03-25
Memoirs of the faculty engneering, Yamaguchi university Volume 67 Issue 2
pp. 89 - 92
published_at 2017-3
Memoirs of the faculty of engineering, Yamaguchi university Volume 67 Issue 2
pp. 75 - 88
published_at 2017-03
This paper introduces an approach to the realization of an ICT-based bridge remote monitoring system which enables real-time monitoring and control for unexpected heavy loads such as big earthquake and strong typhoon. In this paper, the integrated bridge remote monitoring system called the “Intelligent Bridge” consists of a stand-alone monitoring system (SMS) and a web-based internet monitoring system (IMS) for bridge maintenance but also its application to para-stressing bridge system as an intelligent structure. For the purpose of verifying its validity to actual bridge structure, an attempt is made to study the possibility of controlling the actual structural performance by adjusting the cable forces on a 2-span continuous cable-stayed bridge model. The experimental results demonstrate that the implemented monitoring system supplies detailed and accurate information about bridge behavior for further evaluation and diagnosis, and it also opens up prospects for future application of web-based remote system to actual in-service bridges under field conditions.
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 11 - 19
published_at 2017-03-25
Memoirs of the faculty of engineering, Yamaguchi university Volume 67 Issue 2
pp. 41 - 73
published_at 2017-03
Largest portion of the bridge stock in almost any country and bridge owning organisation consists on ordinary bridges that has short or medium spans and are now deteriorating due to aging, etc. Therefore, it is becoming an important social concern to develop and put to practical use simple and efficient health monitoring systems for existing short and medium span (10-30m) bridges. In this paper, one practical solution to the problem for condition assessment of short and medium span bridges was discussed. A vehicle-based measurements with a public bus as part of a public transit system (called "Bus
monitoring system") has been developed to capable of detecting damage that may affect the structural safety of a bridge from long term vibration measurement data collected while the vehicle (bus) crossed the target bridges. This paper systematically describes how the system has been developed. The bus monitoring system aims to detect the transition from the damage acceleration period, in which the structural safety of an aged bridge declines sharply, to the deterioration period by continually monitoring the bridge of interest. To evaluate the practicality of the newly developed bus monitoring system, it has been fieldtested over a period of about four years by using an in-service fixed-route bus operating on a bus route in the city of Ube, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. The verification results thus obtained are also descrived in this paper. This study also evaluates the sensitivity of “characteristic deflection”, which is a bridge (health) condition indicator used by the bus monitoring system, in damage detection. Sensitivity of “characteristic deflection” is verified by introducing artificial damage into a bridge that has ended its service life and is awaiting removal.
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 43
pp. 1 - 10
published_at 2017-03-25
Memoirs of the faculty of engineering, Yamaguchi university Volume 67 Issue 1
pp. 35 - 40
published_at 2017-03
Bulletin of Musashigaoka College Volume 21
pp. 11 - 16
published_at 2014-03-31
Bulletin of Musashigaoka College Volume 23
pp. 9 - 14
published_at 2016-03-31
Bulletin of Musashigaoka College Volume 22
pp. 5 - 15
published_at 2015-03-31
Memoirs of the faculty of engneering, Yamaguchi university Volume 67 Issue 1
pp. 19 - 33
published_at 2017-03
Creators :
Kitakaze Arashi
Publishers : 山口大学工学部
Memoirs of the faculty of engineering, Yamaguchi university Volume 67 Issue 1
pp. 1 - 18
published_at 2017-03
This paper describes the methods of performance evaluation and remaining life prediction for an aged reinforced concrete (RC) T-girder bridge via visual inspection data. The Bridge Management System (J-BMS) that was previously developed by the authors, and which is capable of forecasting the deterioration process of existing bridge members, was applied to evaluate the safety indices (soundness score) and re-maining life of the target bridge based on these test results. Using these methods, the remaining life of an aged RC-T girder bridge(SK-bridge) can be quantitatively estimated by applying the bridge rating expert (BREX) system, which is a subsystem of the J-BMS RC version that incorporates with the field inspection data. In this study, visual inspection was carried out on the aged bridge(SKbridge) by professional visual inspectors, during which all variations of the inspection results were evaluated using a five-step question-naire. As a result, it was found that the soundness score (safety index) and remaining life predictions were influenced by the learning (supervised) data selection. Additionally, the predicted remaining lives were verified through concrete core tests extracted from main girders and deck slabs, and cross-section cutting-off girder tests.
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 173 - 185
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Tachikawa Akiko
Inoue Takeshi
Ono Kaori
Otuka Eri
Nakamura Sakiko
Imada Hiroshi
Kawasaki Tokuko
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 163 - 171
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Takahashi Masako
Okibayashi Yohei
Tomokiyo Yuko
Shinagawa Misae
Kogawa Ichiro
Kawahara Maya
Kadota Syuji
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口国文 Volume 40
pp. 43 - 45
published_at 2017-03-01
Publishers : 山口大学人文学部国語国文学会
山口国文 Volume 40
pp. 29 - 41
published_at 2017-03-01
山口国文 Volume 40
pp. 13 - 28
published_at 2017-03-01
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 153 - 161
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Maehara Takashi
Sizuya Satoru
Nagatomo Yoshihiko
Yamamoto Kensaku
Funaki Takashi
Kadota Syuuji
Kogawa Ichiro
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口国文 Volume 40
pp. 1 - 12
published_at 2017-03-01
Creators :
川田 真輝
Publishers : 山口大学人文学部国語国文学会
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 65 Issue 5
pp. 327 - 350
published_at 2017-01-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 65 Issue 5
pp. 303 - 326
published_at 2017-01-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 65 Issue 5
pp. 291 - 301
published_at 2017-01-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 65 Issue 5
pp. 259 - 289
published_at 2017-01-31
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 65 Issue 5
pp. 243 - 257
published_at 2017-01-31
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 143 - 152
published_at 2017-03-25
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 135 - 142
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Nishi Atsuko
Nakai Katsumi
Kawamura Hisayo
Morinaga Yae
Hoshino Hiroshi
Yamamoto Yoshizumi
Goto Yoshiko
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 125 - 134
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Nakahara Ikuyo
Sakurai Kenichiro
Mushiake Minako
Takahashi Toshiaki
Matsutani Midori
Fujimoto Yukinobu
Nekoda Kazuaki
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 115 - 123
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Kobayashi Hideki
Yasutomi Masato
Sadamoto Tetsushi
Nakamura Tomoko
Saeki Megumi
Ooshima Kazuko
Isa Haruna
Kasama Miyuki
Morishita Naruki
Hirata Syuuzou
Awaya Mayumi
Saitou Toshi
Fujii Akane
Imada Hiroshi
Matsuda Nobuo
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 107 - 114
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Yamamoto Takeshi
Nakamura Tomoko
Ueno Naoko
Hiroishi Sizuko
Anno Fukuko
Nomura Kenji
Nakamoto Chiemi
Imada Hiroshi
Shimizu Toshiki
Fukumitsu Yukie
Matsuda Nobuo
Sugiura Takao
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 97 - 106
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Kurita Katsuhiro
Funaki Takashi
Komatsu Hironori
Matsuda Sachina
Genda Tomoko
Shigematsu Hirotake
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 89 - 96
published_at 2017-03-25
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 81 - 87
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Waizumi Kenji
Saeki Hideto
Miyazaki Kousuke
Akahoshi Sae
Kawamura Yoshinari
Kamada Junichi
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 71 - 80
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Murakami Kiyohumi
Nakamura Makiko
Ohmori Yoko
Takata Kazuyoshi
Ueno Tomoko
Takemiya Michiko
Tsujimura Asuka
Matsumura Atsuko
Shiraishi Toshiyuki
Kawasaki Tokuko
Nakashima Hisako
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 61 - 69
published_at 2017-03-25
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 51 - 60
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Bando Tomoko
Yoshida Mitsutoshi
Sakka Yoshimi
Uchida Kenichi
Kouchi Madoka
Fujii Hiroshi
Shimoyanagi Kimito
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 29 - 39
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Kishimoto Kenichiro
Nishimura Mitsuhiro
Yamamoto Yuko
Sumie Megumi
Morishige Saki
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 21 - 28
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Yasutomi Masato
Kobayashi Hideki
Nakata Mitsuru
Takaoka Ryo
Ahama Shigeki
Nomura Atsushi
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 11 - 20
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Nagatomo Yoshihiko
Takaoka Ryo
Morimoto Takashi
Imura Yuka
Kanao Yoshitaka
Ito Yuuki
Arakawa Shouzou
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
山口大学教育学部学部・附属教育実践研究紀要 Volume 16
pp. 1 - 10
published_at 2017-03-25
Creators :
Terauchi Ken
Kunisige Hiromi
Urata Toshiaki
Fujikami Mayumi
Maeda Shohei
Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
English and English-American literature Volume 51
pp. 101 - 139
published_at 2016-12-20
English and English-American literature Volume 51
pp. 57 - 99
published_at 2016-12-20
English and English-American literature Volume 51
pp. 39 - 56
published_at 2016-12-20