The grindability of two kinds of high speed steels are tested in 1st report. In this report, the influences of grain size and grade of grinding wheel grindability are examined also, and then the grindability of five kinds of high speed steels is compared with each other under the same grinding condition in 1st report. Furthermore the relation between grindability and cutting ability of those high speed steels is obtained. The conclusions in this experiment are as follows. 1. Although the grain size (#) and grade of grinding wheel influence to the grindability, its remarkable difference between SKH4 and HV5 is presented as yet. The high contents of the elements V, C and then VC (MC type) in HV5 are the main cause of the poor grindability of high speed steel. 2. However, the cutting ability order of the tested high steel is in the inverse order of grindability. This is due to good resistance of VC for the mechanical wear in the metal cutting.