The conventional theory for efficiency of electrical precipitation is based on the assumption that particles after reaching the collecting electrode adhere perfectly. Such theory predicts much higher efficiency for precipitation of particles of higher conductivity. By measurements of actual performance, the efficiency is far low. To study this further, the authors suspended a model particle in electric field and observed the behavior of the charged particles at the collecting plate-electrode. The result of these experiments may be summarized as follows. 1. In corona discharge field, the particles of lower resistivity said insulater adhere to the collecting plate-electrode as they reach there. But, the behavior of polygonal particle on the electrode depends its attaching state. 2. After the particles of higher resistivity arrived to the collecting plate-electrode, they are attracted there keeping some gap of corona discharge with soft vibration. (See Fig. 3) 3. The authers call the phenomena ”discharge pressure” meaning the action which give the gap of discharge corona. By the photographic measurement, the discharge pressure gap increases proportionally to discharge energy as applied voltage rise. So, the conventional theory for efficiency must be corrected by these results. 4. The authors could understand that so called ”re-entrainment” in electrical precipitation phenomena should be called ”jumping phenomena” through these experiments and observations.