Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws

The Economic Society of Yamaguchi University

PISSN : 0513-1758
NCID : AN00243258

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Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 71 Issue 3-4
published_at 2022-11-30

Awareness of Waste classification, classifying behavior, and WTP for waste reduction among urban residents in China : the case of changsha city, hunan province (I)

中国都市住民における生活ごみの分別意識,分別行動及びごみ減量への支払意識 : 湖南省長沙市を事例に (I)
Liu Sicai
1010 KB
Available 2026-11-30
China has been struggling with waste classification for decades, even after the mandatory implementation of relevant policy in 2017. However, the causes of the failing performance of waste classification in developing countries attract little scholarly attention. A recent literature review also identified a failure to classify waste in developing countries, noting that its causes have attracted little scholarly interest. In this paper, we would like to examine the current situation and issues of policies for classifying household waste in China's urban sector. In this paper, we conducted a questionnaire survey of residents in Changsha City, Hunan Province, examined their awareness of waste classification, classifying behavior, and their awareness of paying for waste reduction, elucidated the factors that affect them, and estimated the amount of willing to pay (WTP) for waste reduction. In this paper, endogenous factors are more significant influencing behaviors than exogenous factors.
Creator Keywords
waste classification
household waste
urban sector
descriptive statistics
Spearman correlation analysis
dual logistic recursive statistics