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山口経済学雑誌 Volume 60 Issue 4
published_at 2011-11-30

Intenational aid for wildlife conservation, local environmental governance and local sustainable livelihoods in China : Case of the Caohai nature reserve

生態系保全のための国際援助,地域環境ガバナンス及び地域の持続可能な発展 : 中国における草海自然保護区の事例
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With the international community clearly interested in environmental protection associated with rural development, the number of international aid projects on natural resources management or biodiversity protection has significantly grown, more than the number of projects in other fields. This paper takes a case of development assistance for biodiversity protection and poverty reduction at Guizhou Province in China. It examines not only the role of development assistance in reducing poverty with a goal to protect wild birds and broader biodiversity, but also actual activities which took place. The purpose of this paper is to show, through case analysis, how international aid efforts with a main goal of protecting the ecosystem can overcome unique difficulties that arise due to the fact that they must also reduce poverty. This paper argues that community-based regional development can contribute to the development of agricultural communities while preserving both traditional society and the environment. Environmental protection based on resident participation and close connection with local communities is effective even in areas of China as long as local residents hove long conducted economic activities for their livelihood there.
Creator Keywords
local environmental governance
local sustainable livelihoods
participatory approach
non-governmental organizations