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Creators : Abe Yasuki Publishers : 山口大學文學會 Date Issued : 2010-03-31
Schiller und die Hermetische Tradition
山口大学文学会志 Volume 60
Creators : Sakamoto Takashi Publishers : 山口大學文學會 Date Issued : 2010-03-31
Book review : Shuxie Lishi by Zhu Yuan Qing
山口大学文学会志 Volume 60
Creators : Takagi Satomi Publishers : 山口大學文學會 Date Issued : 2010-03-31
Creators : 山根 雅章 | 潮田 篤 | 飯田 暁 | 佐伯 英人 Publishers : 日本初等理科教育研究会 Date Issued : 2010-02-20
‘Imperative sentence + Ya’ in modern Japanese
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 59 Issue 1
Creators : Nakano Nobuhiko Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
Merits of reflection on our daily ‘Notebook for discovering ourself’ and the usage example
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 59 Issue 1
Creators : Simokawa Masayuki | Nishioka Takashi | Okamura Yoshihisa | Takaoka Ryou Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
Morphophonological phenomenon of the te-form verbs in the western mainland dialects of Kumamoto Prefecture
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 59 Issue 1
Creators : Arimoto Mitsuhiko Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
Creators : Araki Hitoshi Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
A note on discussion of waste generator responsibility
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 59 Issue 1
Creators : Abe Arata Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
To what is ‘literal translation’ loyal ?
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 59 Issue 1
Creators : Fujimoto Yukinobu Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
On the feature of rule of Niko (二皇) in Huai-Nan-Zi (淮南子) Yuan-Dao Pian (原道篇)
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 59 Issue 1
Creators : Nambu Hidehiko Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
Dudeney dissections of polygons as mathematical teaching materials in the elementary or secondary education
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University. Natural science Volume 59 Issue 2
Creators : Sato Yoshihisa | Ishida Megumi | Kitamura Takafumi | Suga Ryuji Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
On the apparel design using the Catenary curve
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University. Natural science Volume 59 Issue 2
Creators : Kiriu Yusuke | Kitamoto Takuya Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
On some double coset decompositions of the Weyl group of the simple Lie algebra of type F_4
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University. Natural science Volume 59 Issue 2
Creators : Kasai Shinichi Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
Types of the organization of ‘creative’ learning history
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 59
Creators : Yoshikawa Yukio Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
Indoor environment of apartment house for single household
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 59
Creators : Yamamoto Yoshizumi | Asano Hitomi Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
Creators : Kawamoto Manami | Matsuoka Katsuhiko Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
What is represented by the word ≪yugure/dusk≫ in lyrics of Japanese popular music : chapter 1-b
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 59
Creators : Horike Yoshitsugu Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
What is represented by the word ≪yugure/dusk≫ in lyrics of Japanese popular music : chapter 1-a
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 59
Creators : Horike Yoshitsugu Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
On the teaching materials of secondary school art education in Malaysia
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University Volume 59
Creators : Fukuda Takamasa Publishers : 山口大学教育学部 Date Issued : 2010-01-31
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