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The Clinical Feature of Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Gastric Carcinoma
The bulletin of the Yamaguchi Medical School Volume 47 Issue 1-2
Creators : Yanai Hideo Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine Date Issued : 2000-06
The Development Research Of The Horizontal Load Examination Equipment At The Wooden House
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University Volume 52 Issue 1
Creators : Nakazono Mahito | Inai Eiichi | Iwata Shinji | Morikawa Masashi Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2001-10
Strength Property of Cement-Stabilized Soil Cured under Isotropic Confining Pressure in Triaxial Compression Test
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University Volume 53 Issue 1
Creators : Fujimoto Tetsuo | Suzuki Motoyuki | Yamamoto Tetsuro | Okabayashi Shigeo Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2002-10
Effective Application of Bamboo to Biodegrable Resin Matrix Composites
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University Volume 53 Issue 1
Creators : 合田 公一 | 浅井 隆 | 北村 佳之 Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2002-10
Pile Driving Analysis Using Distinct Element Method
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University Volume 53 Issue 1
Creators : Kuwabara Hidehiko | Aso Toshihiko | Hironaka Masashi Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2002-10
Creators : Hua Zyang Publishers : Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Date Issued : 2001-12
Creators : Yoshimoto Yasunori Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine Date Issued : 2001-12
Creators : Kobayashi Toshiro Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine Date Issued : 2001-12
Tumor-associated ov-serpin, SCC Antigen, is involved in apoptosis
The bulletin of the Yamaguchi Medical School Volume 48 Issue 3-4
Creators : Suminami Yoshinori Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine Date Issued : 2001-12
AC losses with long time constants in a large CIC superconductor
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University Volume 52 Issue 2
Creators : Hamajima Takataro | Shimamura Hiroshi | Kakusho Youhei | Tsuda Makoto | Harada Naoyuki Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2002-03
Creators : Ogura Koki | Chandhaket Srawouth | Hirota Yoshihiko | Hiraki Eiji | Nakaoka Mutsuo Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2002-03
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