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Plant Production Science
published_at 2025-02-06
Creators : Araki Hideki Ueno Hirotaka Mizuta Keisuke Takahashi Tadashi Shibata Masaru Mano Jun'ichi Publishers : Crop Science Society of Japan | Taylor & Francis
Reproduction, Fertility and Development
Creators : Niyonzima Yvan Bienvenu Asato Yuuki Murakami Tomoaki Kadokawa Hiroya Publishers : CSIRO Publishing
Computational Economics pp. 1 - 27
published_at 2024-06-06
Creators : Fukui Shogo Publishers : Springer Nature
Journal of Reproduction and Development pp. 2021-126 -
published_at 2024
Understanding of central nervous system mechanisms underlying age-related infertility remains limited. Fibril α-synuclein, distinct from its monomeric form, is implicated in age-related diseases. Notably, fibril α-synuclein spreads among neurons, similar to prions, from damaged old neurons in cortex and hippocampus to healthy neurons. However, less is known whether α-synuclein propagates into oxytocin neurons, which play crucial roles in reproduction. We compared α-synuclein expression in the oxytocin neurons in suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), supraoptic nucleus (SON), paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVN), and posterior pituitary (PP) gland of healthy heifers and aged cows to determine its role in age-related infertility. We analyzed mRNA and protein expression, along with Congo red histochemistry and fluorescent immunohistochemistry for oxytocin and α-synuclein, followed by confocal microscopy with Congo red staining. Both mRNA and protein expressions of α-synuclein were confirmed in the bovine cortex, hippocampus, SCN, SON, PVN, and PP tissues. Significant differences in α-synuclein mRNA expressions were observed in the cortex and hippocampus between young heifers and old cows. Western blots showed five bands of α-synuclein, probably reflecting monomers, dimers, and oligomers, in the cortex, hippocampus, SCN, SON, PVN, and PP tissues, and there were significant differences in some bands between the young heifers and old cows. Bright-field and polarized light microscopy did not detect obvious amyloid deposition in the aged hypothalami; however, higher-sensitive confocal microscopy unveiled strong positive signals for Congo red and α-synuclein in oxytocin neurons in the aged hypothalami. α-synuclein was expressed in oxytocin neurons, and some differences were observed between young and old hypothalami.
Creators : Kadokawa Hiroya Publishers : The Society for Reproduction and Development
Environmental Pollution Volume 349 pp. 1 - 11
published_at 2024-05-15
Creators : Maruyama Mizuki Ushine Nana Watanabe Yukiko Ishii Chihiro Saito Keisuke Sakai Hidefumi Kuritani Takeshi Doya Rio Ogasawara Kohei Ikenaka Yoshinori Yohannes Yared Beyene Ishizuka Mayumi Nakayama Shouta M.M. Publishers : Elsevier
The journal of reliability engineering association of Japan Volume 45 Issue 6 pp. 304 - 311
published_at 2023-11
Creators : Hamamoto Yoshihiko Publishers : Reliability Engineering Association of Japan
Reproduction, Fertility and Development
published_at 2023-07-19
Context: Ethanolamine plasmalogens (EPls) and choline plasmalogens (CPls) are classes of ethanolamine ether phospholipids (ePE) or choline ether phospholipids (ePC), respectively. EPls play crucial roles in maternal and breastfed infant bodies and stimulate gonadotropin secretion by gonadotrophs. Aims: To estimate changes in and importance of plasma concentrations of EPls and CPls, utilizing newly developed enzymatic fluorometric assays for ePE and ePC in postpartum Holstein cows. Methods: Plasma samples were collected 3 weeks before expected parturition until approximately 8 weeks after parturition (16 primiparous and 38 multiparous cows) for analysis. Key results: Plasma concentrations of ePE and ePC, most of which are plasmalogens, declined before and increased after parturition and stabilised near the day of the first postpartum ovulation (1stOV). From weeks 2 to 3 after parturition, third-parity cows exhibited ePE concentrations that were higher than those of other parity cows. The days from parturition to 1stOV correlated with days from parturition to conception. On the day of 1stOV, milk yield correlated with plasma concentration of both ePE and ePC, while ePC concentration correlated negatively with milk fat percentage. At the early luteal phase after 1stOV, plasma ePE concentration correlated with plasma anti-Müllerian hormone concentration (r = 0.39, P < 0.01), and plasma ePC concentration correlated with plasma follicle-stimulating hormone concentration (r = 0.43, P < 0.01). Conclusion: The concentrations of ePE and ePC changed dramatically around parturition and 1stOV, and then the concentrations correlated with the important parameters. Implications: The blood plasmalogen may play important roles in postpartum dairy cows.
Creators : Saito Risa Kubo Tomoaki Wakatsuki Takuji Asato Yuuki Tanigawa Tamako Kotaniguchi Miyako Hashimoto Maki Kitamura Shinichi Kadokawa Hiroya Publishers : CSIRO Publishing
科学哲学 Volume 55 Issue 2 pp. 19 - 34
published_at 2023-03-31
McTaggart’s paradox and his A-theory and B-theory are basic notions in the contemporary philosophy of time. It is well known that the paradox was introduced by McTaggart’s paper called “The Unreality of Time” published in 1908, so that it has a one-hundred-year history. As for A-theory and B-theory, in contrast, McTaggart himself didn’t consider both of them at all. The notions of A-theory and B-theory came much later, 60 years after the paradox. Moreover, they had not been as popularized as they are today until quite recently, at least after the 1990s. This paper aims to trace the origin of the notions of A-theory and B-theory and show how the debates behind them, especially objections to “spatialising time,” form the notions.
Creators : 小山 虎 Publishers : 日本科学哲学会
Asian Journal of Philosophy Volume 1 Issue 2 pp. 48 -
published_at 2022-12
Since its inception, analytic philosophy has failed to attain dominance in Japan. However, the 21st century has seen analytic philosophy gain traction among Japanese philosophers. This paper, which examines the status quo of analytic philosophy in Japan since 2000, consists of two parts. The first part deals primarily with organizations—specifically, relevant associations, journals, conferences, universities, and publishers are illustrated. The second part explores key works in each area—namely, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of logic and mathematics, philosophy of mind, and metaphysics. Key works in other areas are also briefly addressed.
Creators : 小山 虎 Publishers : Springer
China has been struggling with waste classification for decades, even after the mandatory implementation of relevant policy in 2017. However, the causes of the failing performance of waste classification in developing countries attract little scholarly attention. A recent literature review also identified a failure to classify waste in developing countries, noting that its causes have attracted little scholarly interest. In this paper, we would like to examine the current situation and issues of policies for classifying household waste in China's urban sector. In this paper, we conducted a questionnaire survey of residents in Changsha City, Hunan Province, examined their awareness of waste classification, classifying behavior, and their awareness of paying for waste reduction, elucidated the factors that affect them, and estimated the amount of willing to pay (WTP) for waste reduction. In this paper, endogenous factors are more significant influencing behaviors than exogenous factors.
Creators : Liu Sicai Chen Li-chun Publishers : The Economic Society of Yamaguchi University
IEEE Access Volume 11 pp. 5062 - 5068
published_at 2023-01-10
Imitation is simple behavior which uses successful actions of others in order to deal with one’s own problems. Because success of imitation generally depends on whether profit of an imitating agent coincides with those of other agents or not, game theory is suitable for specifying situations where imitation can be successful. One of the concepts describing successfulness of imitation in repeated two-player symmetric games is unbeatability. For infinitely repeated two-player symmetric games, a necessary and sufficient condition for some imitation strategy to be unbeatable was specified. However, situations where imitation can be unbeatable in multi-player games are still not clear. In order to analyze successfulness of imitation in multi-player situations, here we introduce a class of totally symmetric games called unexploitable games, which is a natural extension of two-player symmetric games without exploitation cycles. We then prove that, for infinitely repeated unexploitable games, there exist unbeatable imitation strategies. Furthermore, we also prove that, for infinitely repeated non-trivial unexploitable games, there exist unbeatable zero-determinant strategies, which unilaterally enforce some relationships on payoffs of players. These claims are demonstrated in the public goods game, which is the simplest unexploitable game. These results show that there are situations where imitation is unbeatable even in multi-player games.
Creators : Ueda Masahiko Publishers : IEEE
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 1 pp. 88 - 88
published_at 2023-01-31
Creators : Yamane Yumie Publishers : 村上春樹とアダプテーション研究会
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 1 pp. 84 - 87
published_at 2023-01-31
Creators : 阿部 翔太 Publishers : 村上春樹とアダプテーション研究会
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 1 pp. 67 - 76
published_at 2023-01-31
Creators : 跡上 史郎 Publishers : 村上春樹とアダプテーション研究会
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 1 pp. 63 - 66
published_at 2023-01-31
Creators : 藤城 孝輔 Publishers : 村上春樹とアダプテーション研究会
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 1 pp. 38 - 51
published_at 2023-01-31
Creators : 伊藤 弘了 Publishers : 村上春樹とアダプテーション研究会
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 1 pp. 22 - 37
published_at 2023-01-31
Creators : 内田 康 Publishers : 村上春樹とアダプテーション研究会
村上春樹とアダプテーション研究 Volume 1 pp. 3 - 3
published_at 2023-01-31
Creators : Yamane Yumie Publishers : 村上春樹とアダプテーション研究会
Applied Mathematics and Computation Volume 444 pp. 127819 -
published_at 2023-03-01
We investigate symmetric equilibria of mutual reinforcement learning when both players alternately learn the optimal memory-two strategies against the oppo-nent in the repeated prisoners' dilemma game. We provide a necessary condi-tion for memory-two deterministic strategies to form symmetric equilibria. We then provide three examples of memory-two deterministic strategies which form symmetric mutual reinforcement learning equilibria. We also prove that mu-tual reinforcement learning equilibria formed by memory-two strategies are also mutual reinforcement learning equilibria when both players use reinforcement learning of memory-n strategies with n > 2.
Creators : Ueda Masahiko Publishers : Elsevier
Creators : Hintereder-Emde Franz Publishers : Yamaguchi University Faculty of Humanities Cross-cultural interchange & research institute
published_at 2022-09
Creators : Kashiwaki Yasuko Yoshida Masaki Uehara Masafumi
Operations Research Forum Volume 3 pp. 48 -
published_at 2022-09-05
Zero-determinant strategies are memory-one strategies in repeated games which unilaterally enforce linear relations between expected payoffs of players. Recently, the concept of zero-determinant strategies was extended to the class of memory-n strategies with n _ 1, which enables more compli-cated control of payoffs by one player. However, what we can do by memory-n zero-determinant strategies is still not clear. Here, we show that memory-n zero-determinant strategies in repeated games can be used to control condi-tional expectations of payoffs. Equivalently, they can be used to control ex-pected payoffs in biased ensembles, where a history of action pro_les with large value of bias function is more weighted. Controlling conditional expectations of payoffs is useful for strengthening zero-determinant strategies, because play-ers can choose conditions in such a way that only unfavorable action pro_les to one player are contained in the conditions. We provide several examples of memory-n zero-determinant strategies in the repeated prisoner's dilemma game. We also explain that a deformed version of zero-determinant strategies is easily extended to the memory-n case.
Creators : Ueda Masahiko Publishers : Springer Nature
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Volume 91 Issue 8 pp. 084801 -
published_at 2022-07-11
Zero-determinant strategies are a class of memory-one strategies in repeated games which unilaterally enforce linear relationships between payoffs. It has long been unclear for what stage games zero-determinant strategies exist. We provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of zero-determinant strategies. This condition can be interpreted as the existence of two different actions which unilaterally adjust the total value of a linear combination of payoffs. A relation between the class of stage games where zero-determinant strategies exist and other class of stage games is also provided.
Creators : Ueda Masahiko Publishers : Physical Society of Japan
Algorithms Volume 15 Issue 6 pp. 192 -
published_at 2022-06-02
The quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problem is categorized as an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. The variable neighborhood search (VNS) algorithm is one of the leading algorithms used to solve QUBO problems. As neighborhood structure change is the central concept in the VNS algorithm, the design of the neighborhood structure is crucial. This paper presents a modified VNS algorithm called "B-VNS", which can be used to solve QUBO problems. A binomial trial was used to construct the neighborhood structure, and this was used with the aim of reducing computation time. The B-VNS and VNS algorithms were tested on standard QUBO problems from Glover and Beasley, on standard max-cut problems from Helmberg-Rendl, and on those proposed by Burer, Monteiro, and Zhang. Finally, Mann-Whitney tests were conducted using α = 0.05, to statistically compare the performance of the two algorithms. It was shown that the B-VNS and VNS algorithms are able to provide good solutions, but the B-VNS algorithm runs substantially faster. Furthermore, the B-VNS algorithm performed the best in all of the max-cut problems, regardless of problem size, and it performed the best in QUBO problems, with sizes less than 500. The results suggest that the use of binomial distribution, to construct the neighborhood structure, has the potential for further development.
Creators : Pambudi Dhidhi Kawamura Masaki Publishers : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Energies Volume 14 Issue 7253
published_at 2021-11-03
Wireless power transfer (WPT) systems have attracted considerable attention in relation to providing a reliable and convenient power supply. Among the challenges in this area are maintaining the performance of the WPT system with the presence of a human body and minimizing the induced physical quantities in the human body. This study proposes a magnetic resonant coupling WPT (MRC-WPT) system that utilizes a resonator with a grounded loop to mitigate its interaction with a human body and achieve a high-efficiency power transfer at a short range. Our proposed system is based on a grounded loop to reduce the leakage of the electric field, resulting in less interaction with the human body. As a result, a transmission efficiency higher than 70% is achieved at a transmission distance of approximately 25 cm. Under the maximum-efficiency conditions of the WPT system, the use of a resonator with a grounded loop reduces the induced electric field, the peak spatial-average specific absorption rate (psSAR), and the whole-body averaged SAR by 43.6%, 69.7%, and 65.6%, respectively. The maximum permissible input power values for the proposed WPT systems are 40 and 33.5 kW, as prescribed in the International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines to comply with the limits for local and whole-body average SAR.
Creators : Duan Xianyi Lan Junqing Diao Yinliang Gomez-Tames Jose Hirayama Hiroshi Hotta Masashi Fischer George Hirata Akimasa Publishers : MDPI AG
URSI Radio Science Bulletin Volume 2020 Issue 372 pp. 22 - 28
published_at 2020-10-26
The power transmission effi ciency of a resonatorcoupled wireless power transfer (RC-WPT) system with some angular misalignments is examined in this paper. In addition to conventional single-spiral resonators, the dual-spiral resonators which we have proposed are used in the RC-WPT system. It was confi rmed that the power transmission effi ciency of the RC-WPT system decreased with the increment of angular misalignments. However, it was shown that the decayed power transmission efficiency due to the angular misalignments could be recovered by adding the appropriate axial displac ements between transmitting (Tx) and receiving (Rx) units.
Creators : Nur Syafiera Azreen Norodin Hotta Masashi Publishers : Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale
Applied Clay Science Volume 140 pp. 119 - 123
published_at 2017-05
In presented work dye assemblies with J-type intermolecular coupling, which are well recognized not only for their exciton transport but also for hole and electron transport properties were investigated. The use of materials consisting of J-type dye assemblies can be significantly enhanced if their photonic properties can be controlled by some external stimuli. For these reasons the switching abilities between J-type aggregated and non-aggregated states of a cationic cyanine dye, 1,1′-diethyl-2,2′-cyanine (pseudoisocyanine, PIC) intercalated in the interlayer space of synthetic saponite (Sap) were compared. The switching was performed by adding and removing of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) from the interlayer space. The PIC/Sap hybrid film prepared at 70% CEC loading level has shown excellent stability within 20 cycles of photophysical response after adding and removing of DMSO from the interlayer space, indicating that presented experimental approach can be useful in the future development of artificial light harvesting or semiconductor systems with controllable properties.
Creators : Marian Matejdes Himeno Daisuke Suzuki Yasutaka Kawamata Jun Publishers : Elsevier B.V. All
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Volume 120 Issue 41 pp. 23813 - 23822
published_at 2016-09-30
The interlayer space of clays is an interesting microenvironment to control the properties of included organic materials. In this study, chromic hybrid films consisting of synthetic saponite (SSA) and fluorescent organic molecules with planar p-conjugated systems were fabricated. The hybrid films exhibited reversible fluorescence color switching induced by swelling and drying, which caused the gallery height of SSA to change. Ultraviolet–visible absorption, steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence measurements of the hybrid films strongly suggested that the organic molecules formed an excimer in the swollen interlayer space of SSA, while they were a monomer in the dried interlayer space. The different emission wavelengths of the excimer and monomer resulted in the fluorescence color switching of the hybrid films. The reversibility of the color switching was maintained for at least 50 cycles with no change of fluorescence maxima. These chromic hybrid films represent a novel approach to obtain color switching.
Creators : Tominaga Makoto Oniki Yudai Mochida Shuhei Kasatani Kazuo Tani Seiji Suzuki Yasutaka Kawamata Jun Publishers : American Chemical Society
Nature chemistry Volume 8 Issue 10 pp. 946 - 952
published_at 2016-10
Ferroelectrics have found a wide range of applications including memory elements, capacitors, and sensors. Molecular f erroelectric crystals have recently attracted growing interest as viable alternatives for conventional ceramic ferroelectrics, especially due to their non toxicity and solution processability. Herein, we show that a class of molecular compounds known as plastic crystals can exhibit ferroelectricity, provided that the constituent molecules are judiciously chosen from polar ionic molecules. The intrinsic features of plastic crystals, e.g. the rotational mot ion of molecules and phase transitions with lattice symmetry changes, provide the crystals with unique ferroelectric properties relative to conventional molecular crystals , i.e. the possibility to flexibly alter the direction of the polarization axis of a grown crystal by applying an electric field. Owing to t he tunability of the crystal orientation together with mechanical deformability, this novel type of molecular crystals represents an attractive functional material, which will undoubtedly find diverse applications.
Creators : Harada Jun Shimojo Takafumi Oyamaguchi Hideaki Hasegawa Hiroyuki Takahashi Yukihiro Satomi Koichiro Suzuki Yasutaka Kawamata Jun Inabe Tamotsu Publishers : Nature Publishing Group
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Volume 55 Issue 9
published_at 2016
Near-infrared two-photon absorption of the phosphorescent Ir(III) complex (2,4-pentanedionato-κO2,κO4)bis[2-(6-phenanthridinyl-κN)benzo[b]thien-3-yl-κC]iridium (BTPHSA) was characterized. It exhibited a 800–1200 nm two-photon absorption band, and thus could be electronically excited by 1030-nm femtosecond Ti:sapphire and Yb-doped fiber lasers. By using BTPHSA, oxygen concentrations in human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells were imaged. These results demonstrate two-photon oxygen sensing of live tissues via easily operable excitation sources.
Creators : Moritomo Hiroki Fujii Akinari Suzuki Yasutaka Yoshihara Toshitada Tobita Seiji Kawamata Jun Publishers : The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Chemistry Letters Volume 45 Issue 5 pp. 538 - 540
published_at 2016
We measured the three-photon absorption spectra of two europium acetylacetonate-type complexes. The three-photon absorption peak wavelengths of tris(hexafluoroacetylacetonato)europium(III) (Eu(hfa)) and tris(2-naphthoyltrifluoroacetonato)europium(III) (Eu(ntfa)) were 925 and 1025 nm, respectively. The peak values of the 3PA cross-sections of Eu(hfa) and Eu(ntfa) were 1.9 and 13.9 GM (1 GM = 10−82 cm6 s2), respectively. Using Eu(ntfa) as a probe, a three-photon microscope image of a living cell was obtained using a 1030 nm operating femto-second fiber laser as the light-source. Thus, Eu(ntfa) is a fiber laser excitable luminescent probe useful for three-photon microscopy.
Creators : Suzuki Yasutaka Moritomo Hiroki Fuji Akinari Satomi Koichiro Kawamata Jun Yamamoto Masanori Hasegawa Yasuchika Publishers : The Chemical Society of Japan
Clay Science Volume 19 Issue 4 pp. 79 - 83
published_at 2015
We have found that X-ray diffraction peaks of clay-organic hybrid films were narrowed after swelling followed by removing of solvent. We fabricated hybrid films consisting of natural montmorillonite (Mont), synthetic saponite (SSA) or synthetic stevensite (SST) and a cationic organic molecule. Full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 001 reflection of as-prepared Mont hybrid was 1.58 2θ degree whereas that after swelling and solvent removing procedure was 0.84 2θ degree. This decreasing of FWHM indicated that the improvement of packing order of clay particles in clay-organic hybrid was occurred during swelling and solvent removing procedure. Similar decreasing of FWHM was also found in hybrids consisting of SSA or SST. Improvement of packing order of hybrid was found to accompany suppression of light scattering of hybrid at the same time.
Creators : Suzuki Yasutaka Himeno Daisuke Tominaga Makoto Tani Seiji Nozaki Koji Kawamata Jun Publishers : The Clay Science Society of Japan
Journal of the physical society of Japan Volume 91 pp. 054804 -
published_at 2022-04-21
Creators : Ueda Masahiko Publishers : Physical Society of Japan
Yamaguchi medical journal Volume 71 Issue 1 pp. 37 - 44
published_at 2022-02-22
A 38-year-old woman was referred to our hospital with a complaint of left buttock pain. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed a 7cm smooth mass on the anterior sacrum adjacent to the small intestine and mesentery. The mass was suspected to be a gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the small intestine;however, a definitive diagnosis from radiological and clinical findings was impossible. Laparoscopic visualization revealed that there was no lesion in the small intestine;the mass situated in the retroperitoneally, in contact with the anterior sacrum around the aortic bifurcation. With a diagnosis of retroperitoneal tumor, laparoscopic resection was performed simultaneously. An incision was made in sigmoid mesentery, and the tumor was detached and resected preserving the anterior fascia of the hypogastric nerve. Intraoperatively the surface of the tumor was confirmed to be smooth, and there was no infiltration around the tumor, which facilitated handling and manipulation of the tumor for resection. The patient was discharged without any complications and the pathological diagnosis was benign schwannoma. Anterior sacral retroperitoneal schwannomas are rare and difficult to diagnose preoperatively. In this case, successfully management was achieved via simultaneous laparoscopic observation and resection.
Creators : Ozasa Takahiro Matoba Katsuhiro Nakatsu Hiroki Kitazawa Souhei Publishers : Yamaguchi University medical association
Yamaguchi medical journal Volume 71 Issue 1 pp. 29 - 35
published_at 2022-02-22
A 52-year-old-man visited hospital with right lower abdominal pain. We diagnosed acute appendicitis and intraperitoneal abscess. We decided to perform interval appendectomy and started antibacterial treatment. Antibacterial treatment was successful and the patient was discharged. Laparoscopic appendectomy was performed six month later. Only thickening of appendix mucosa was found in the specimen, but postoperative pathological diagnosis revealed goblet cell adenocarcinoma(GCA)of appendix. There was a risk factor associated with invasion depth T4, we performed ileocecal resection(D3)one month after the first surgery. The postoperative pathological examination result was pT4aN0M0 pStageⅡ.Recurrence has not been observed 18 months later. This case was an appendiceal GCA which was accidentally found in a specimen after interval appendectomy and treated by additional surgery. Infrequently, there are some reports of acute appendicitis associated with appendiceal tumor. In clinical practice, it is difficult to perform interval appendectomy for all appendicitis cases after conservative treatment, but it is suggested that for complicated appendicitis, we should perform interval appendectomy in consideration of age, ADL, and social background.
Creators : Ozasa Takahiro Matoba Katsuhiro Nakatsu Hiroki Kitazawa Souhei Publishers : Yamaguchi University medical association
Yamaguchi medical journal Volume 71 Issue 1 pp. 25 - 28
published_at 2022-02-22
Abdominal incisional hernia is a frequent complication of open abdominal surgery. We herein report a rare case in which the left lateral segment of the liver prolapsed as the contents of an abdominal incisional hernia.The patient was a woman in her 80s whose chief complaint was abdominal protrusions. She had undergone abdominal surgery for gallstones 30 years ago. Computed tomography revealed abdominal incisional hernias in the upper abdomen, from which the left lateral segment of the liver and the transverse colon had prolapsed. Laparoscopic hernia repair surgery was performed under general anesthesia. The intraoperative findings showed the adhesion of the round ligament of the liver to the abdominal wall and transverse mesocolon. The prolapsed left lateral segment of the liver appeared as if being pulled upward by the round ligament of the liver and the poor formation of the triangle ligament. Two hernia orifices were repaired using two meshes. Recently, laparoscopic hernia repair surgery is increasing. Laparoscopic hernia repair surgery is useful to observe the abdominal cavity, details of hernia orifice and content, and the check of repair’s completion.
Creators : Yano Yuka Kuga Takayuki Shigeta Masatoshi Kawachi Takayuki Publishers : Yamaguchi University medical association
Yamaguchi medical journal Volume 71 Issue 1 pp. 15 - 23
published_at 2022-02-22
We have developed ACTce‑CCM̶ Analysis and Coordination Tools of Clinical Ethics in Critical Care Medicine. The preparation process was carried out in four stages:construct setting and prototype creation, application of prototype version to fictitious cases, clarification of the construct based on focus group interviews, and a fact-finding survey on ethical issues and ethical adjustment. The completed version of ACTce-CCM consists of information organization and assessment frameworks, problem analysis and integration, problem lists, goals, care practices, and ethical adjustment. There are six frameworks for information organization and assessment:pathology and treatment, QOL and QOD, patient intention, family psychosocial situation, medical team situation, and the surrounding situation. The problem lists include those related to the patient, the family, and the medical staff. Goals include those of the medical team and the expected outcomes for the patient/family. Care practices and ethical adjustment consist of three aspects: direct patient care, direct family care, and medical team adjustment.
Creators : Yamase Hiroaki Tado Asami Yamamoto Konami Tatsuno Junko Suda Kaho Saeki Kyoko Publishers : Yamaguchi University medical association
Yamaguchi medical journal Volume 71 Issue 1 pp. 5 - 14
published_at 2022-02-22
This study aimed to clarify outcome of the public health nursing practice conducted under the influence of COVID-19. A self-administered anonymous questionnaire survey was performed for 4th grader students at University from 2018 through 2020. The investigation items consisted of basic attributes, impression of public health nurse activity, learning motivation and learning target items. We compared shortened clinical practice and online practice enforced in 2020 and before. For 217 effective answers,"A public health nurse was involved in practice sufficiently" was significantly low. In top learning achievement scores of 2020 included many of the items from the the learning target"Process of public health nursing activity" and "Role and function of public health center and municipalities. In 2018 and 2019, learning achievement degrees were over 80% in 94.3% of 53 items while on the other hand it was only 32.1% in 2020. Learning achievement degrees were less than 60% in no items in 2018 and 2019 while it was 15.1% in 2020. For the techniques of health service and health practice for which the learning achievement degree were low in 2020, it is necessary to support students so that they can acquire them as a public health nursing practice ability.
Creators : Isomura Satoko Morita Takae Saito Miyako Murakami Yurika Publishers : Yamaguchi University medical association
IEICE transactions on electronics Volume E105.C Issue 3 pp. 110 - 117
published_at 2022-03-01
To realize a stable and efficient wireless power transfer (WPT) system that can be used in any environment, it is necessary to inspect the influence of environmental interference along the power transmission path of the WPT system. In this paper, attempts have been made to reduce the influence of the medium with a dielectric and conductive loss on the WPT system using spiral resonators for resonator-coupled type wireless power transfer (RC-WPT) system. An important element of the RC-WPT system is the resonators because they improve resonant characteristics by changing the shape or combination of spiral resonators to confine the electric field that mainly causes electrical loss in the system as much as possible inside the resonator. We proposed a novel dual-spiral resonator as a candidate and compared the basic characteristics of the RC-WPT system with conventional single-spiral and dual-spiral resonators. The parametric values of the spiral resonators, such as the quality factors and the coupling coefficients between resonators with and without a lossy medium in the power transmission path, were examined. For the lossy mediums, pure water or tap water filled with acryl bases was used. The maximum transmission efficiency of the RC-WPT system was then observed by tuning the matching condition of the system. Following that, the transmission efficiency of the system with and without lossy medium was investigated. These inspections revealed that the performance of the RC-WPT system with the lossy medium using the modified shape spiral resonator, which is the dual-spiral resonator proposed in our laboratory, outperformed the system using the conventional single-spiral resonator.
Creators : Norodin Nur Syafiera Azreen Nakamura Kousuke Hotta Masashi Publishers : The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE transactions on information and systems Volume E105-D Issue 2 pp. 309 - 319
Creators : Pambudi Dhidhi Kawamura Masaki Publishers : Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Physica D. Nonlinear phenomena Volume 430 pp. 133080 -
Creators : Matsuno Yoshimasa Publishers : Elsevier B.V.
Reproduction, fertility and development pp. RD21130 -
published_at 2022-03-17
Creators : Ferdousy Raihana Nasrin Kadokawa Hiroya Publishers : CSIRO Publishing
Journal of reproduction and development pp. 2021-126 -
published_at 2022
Creators : Abdillah Dimas Arya Kereilwe Onalenna Ferdousy Raihana Nasrin Saito Risa Kadokawa Hiroya Publishers : The society for reproduction and development
山口医学 Volume 70 Issue 4 pp. 181 - 186
published_at 2021-12-02
Creators : Kawamura Daichi Hirata Ken Orita Masahiko Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 70 Issue 4 pp. 175 - 180
published_at 2021-12-02
We report the case of a 48-year-old woman with relapsed B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia(B-ALL)following cord blood transplantation, in which leukemic cell CD22 antigens became negative after a single administration of inotuzumab ozogamicin(InO).At relapse, a major part of leukemic cells expressed CD19 and CD22 antigens, however some leukemic cells were negative for CD22. As treatment with blinatumomab proved ineffective, InO therapy was subsequently initiated
Creators : Sakai Kohei Tominaga Takayuki Nakano Kohei Matsumura Takuro Tanaka Shinsuke Takahashi Toru Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 70 Issue 4 pp. 149 - 156
published_at 2021-12-02
Creators : Honda Takeshi Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 70 Issue 3 pp. 109 - 118
published_at 2021-09-01
Creators : Ikeda Yasuhiro Muroya Satomi Satou Kazutaka Inoue Goichi Koike Kunihiko Maekawa Tsuyoshi Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 70 Issue 3 pp. 89 - 98
published_at 2021-09-01
We performed this study to investigate whether serum cell-free DNA testing(liquid biopsy)of either methylated SEPT9 or methylated SST, which are possible biomarkers of HCC, in combination with AFP may improve clinical performance for the detection of HCC. Study subjects included 25 healthy controls, 15 patients with chronic liver disease without HCC, and 38 patients with HCC. Methylation level of serum cell-free SEPT9 and SST was measured by methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes followed by multiplex droplet digital polymerase chain reaction. According to receiver operating characteristic curve analysis to discriminate between non-HCC group(including control group and chronic liver disease without HCC group)and HCC group, area under the curve(AUC)was 0.73 by AFP and 0.73 by mSEPT9, whereas it was only 0.59 by mSST. Regarding combination tests, although negative predictive values were almost same between the AFP + mSEPT9 test and the AFP + mSST test(75.0% vs 72.2%),a positive predictive value of AFP + mSEPT9 test was higher than that of the AFP + mSST test(79.4% vs. 66.7%).In conclusions, methylated SEPT9 was a better companion marker of AFP for HCC screening than methylated SST.
写真測量とリモートセンシング Volume 60 Issue 4 pp. 211 - 216
published_at 2021-09-10
Creators : 高田 雅也 神野 有生 加賀谷 仁秀 春名 正基
Journal of japan society on water environment Volume 42 Issue 5 pp. 159 - 163
published_at 2019-05-01
Creators : 神野 有生 Publishers : 日本水環境学会
山口医学 Volume 70 Issue 2 pp. 71 - 81
published_at 2021-05-13
Creators : Fujimura Kazumi Hase Ryosuke Kijima Ayano Okochi Ayako Kumagai Tamaki Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 70 Issue 2 pp. 65 - 69
published_at 2021-05-13
Creators : Suetomi Takeshi Publishers : 山口大学医学会
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 19 pp. 187 - 197
published_at 2021-03-01
Publishers : 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 19 pp. 175 - 185
published_at 2021-03-01
Creators : Dutta Arijita Asamizu Munehiko Publishers : 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 19 pp. 151 - 173
published_at 2021-03-01
Creators : Perlaky Denes Publishers : 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 19 pp. 137 - 150
published_at 2021-03-01
Creators : Jiang Yuxuan Publishers : 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 19 pp. 105 - 120
published_at 2021-03-01
Creators : Wahyono Budi Publishers : 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 19 pp. 83 - 104
published_at 2021-03-01
Creators : Putu Ayu Asty Senja Pratiwi Publishers : 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 19 pp. 67 - 82
published_at 2021-03-01
Creators : Cheng Shuhuai Publishers : 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 19 pp. 47 - 66
published_at 2021-03-01
Creators : Zhang Xuepan Publishers : 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 19 pp. 27 - 45
published_at 2021-03-01
Creators : Tang Lu Publishers : 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科
Applied mathematics and computation Volume 409 pp. 126370 -
published_at 2021-11-15
Creators : Usui Yuki Ueda Masahiko Publishers : Elsevier Science
Royal Society open science Volume 8 Issue 5 pp. 202186 -
published_at 2021-05-26
Creators : Ueda Masahiko Publishers : The Royal Society Publishing
山口医学 Volume 70 Issue 1 pp. 29 - 35
published_at 2021-03-04
Creators : Miyanari Kenji Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 70 Issue 1 pp. 45 - 52
published_at 2021-03-04
Creators : Zhang Min Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 70 Issue 1 pp. 17 - 28
published_at 2021-03-04
Creators : Saito Satoshi Fujita Akihiro Otsuka Ryo Jinbo Mitsutaka Uesugi Naomasa Kobayashi Toshiro Takahashi Tsuyoshi Gohra Hidenori Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 70 Issue 1 pp. 5 - 16
published_at 2021-03-04
Creators : Kanamori Yumie Morita Takae Publishers : 山口大学医学会
Scientific Reports Volume 11 pp. 4757 (2021) -
published_at 2021-02-26
Creators : Kadokawa Hiroya Kotaniguchi Miyako Kereilwe Onalenna Kitamura Shinichi Publishers : Springer Nature
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Volume 90 Issue 2 pp. 025002 -
published_at 2021-01-27
Creators : Ueda Masahiko Publishers : the Physical Society of Japan
Art Education Review Volume 76 pp. 193 - 207
published_at 2020
Creators : Fukuda Takamasa KIM Hyangmi Publishers : 한국조형교육학회
Animal Science Journal Volume 91 Issue 1 pp. e13456 -
published_at 2020-09-14
Creators : Nasrin Ferdousy Raihana Kereilwe Onalenna Kadokawa Hiroya Publishers : Wiley
山口地学会誌 Volume 81 pp. 1 - 15
published_at 2019-06
Creators : Imaoka Teruyoshi Adachi Kohei Sonehara Takafumi Nagayama Shinichi Ito Nobuyuki Ito Yasuko Publishers : 山口地学会
山口医学 Volume 69 Issue 3 pp. 135 - 140
published_at 2020-09-25
Creators : Izumihara Akifumi Yamashita Katsuhiro Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 69 Issue 3 pp. 113 - 123
published_at 2020-09-25
Creators : Kawamura Atsuko Tsutsumi Masae Nagata Chizuru Nogaki Hiroshi Yonemura Reiko Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 69 Issue 3 pp. 125 - 133
published_at 2020-09-25
Creators : Kijima Ayano Morita Takae Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 69 Issue 3 pp. 141 - 144
published_at 2020-09-25
Creators : Yano Yuka Kuga Takayuki Sakamoto Ryuunosuke Shigeta Masatoshi Iida Yasuhiko Publishers : 山口大学医学会
The Journal of reproduction and development Volume 66 Issue 4 pp. 291 - 297
published_at 2020
Creators : Kadokawa Hiroya Publishers : Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction
山口医学 Volume 69 Issue 2 pp. 99 - 104
published_at 2020-05-01
Creators : Fukuda Shiro Miyake Nanae Matayoshi Hiroaki Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 69 Issue 2 pp. 93 - 97
published_at 2020-05-01
Creators : Jinbo Mitsutaka Gohra Hidenori Takahashi Masaya Ohtsuka Ryo Uesugi Naomasa Kobayashi Toshiro Saito Satoshi Takahashi Tsuyoshi Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 69 Issue 2 pp. 87 - 92
published_at 2020-05-01
Creators : Kubo Hidefumi Watanabe Takahiro Hashimoto Noriaki Hiraki Sakurao Fukuda Shintaro Tokunou Kazuhisa  Kawaoka Toru     Tamesa Takao    Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 69 Issue 2 pp. 81 - 86
published_at 2020-05-01
Creators : Kubo Hidefumi Watanabe Takahiro Hashimoto Noriaki Hiraki Sakurao Fukuda Shintaro Yamashita Yoshimi Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 69 Issue 2 pp. 75 - 80
published_at 2020-05-01
Creators : Iwamoto Takuya Sakaida Isao Publishers : 山口大学医学会