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Yamamoto Naoki

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

Date Issued (<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.view.asc">Asc</span>)
山口医学 Volume 34 Issue 1 pp. 1 - 10
published_at 1985-02
Creators : Yamamoto Naoki Publishers : 山口大学医学会
Application of cell therapy using stem cell into intractable diseases has been noted as the medicine in the next generation taking the place of organ transplantation. Bone marrow cells have been focused as a candidate of the source of this therapy. Liver failure is a terminal state of all advanced liver diseases and thousands of patients are dying of decompensated liver cirrhosis in every year in Japan. Liver transplantation must be the strongest weapon to relieve those patients. However, particularly in Japan, liver transplantation has not been popularized. In this sense, we thought of autologous bone marrow cells transplantation for decompensated liver cirrhosis. Basic studies using animal model revealed that transplanted bone marrow cells into syngenic mouse suffering from liver cirrhosis migrated into the damaged liver and transdifferentiated to the hepatocytes. Based upon the animal studies, clinical trial of this new cell therapy supported by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is ongoing. It is early to estimate this therapy. However, free from liver failure has been observed in some cases.
Creators : Okita Kiwamu Sakaida Isao Terai Shuji Yamamoto Naoki Omori Kaoru Ishikawa Tsuyoshi Aoyama Kouji Shinoda Koh Hamamoto Yoshihiko Publishers : Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
Biochemical and biophysical research communications Volume 414 Issue 2 pp. 331 - 336
published_at 2011-10-22
Journal of gastroenterology
published_at 2012-04-05
Creators : Terai Shuji Tanimoto Haruko Maeda Masaki Zaitsu Junichi Hisanaga Takuro Iwamoto Takuya Fujisawa Koichi Mizunaga Yuko Matsumoto Toshihiko Urata Yohei Marumoto Yoshio Hidaka Isao Ishikawa Tsuyoshi Yokoyama Yuichiro Aoyama Koji Tsuchiya Masako Takami Taro Omori Kaoru Yamamoto Naoki Segawa Makoto Uchida Koichi Yamasaki Takahiro Okita Kiwamu Sakaida Isao Publishers : Springer international | Springer-Verlag
Tissue engineering. Part B, Reviews Volume 20 Issue 3 pp. 206 - 210
published_at 2014-06-01
Creators : Terai Shuji Takami Taro Yamamoto Naoki Fujisawa Koichi Ishikawa Tsuyoshi Urata Yohei Tanimoto Haruko Iwamoto Takuya Mizunaga Yuko Matsuda Takashi Oono Takashi Marumoto Miho Burganova Guzel R. Quintanilha Luiz Fernando Hidaka Isao Marumoto Yoshio Saeki Issei Uchida Koichi Yamasaki Takahiro Tani Kenji Taura Yasuho Fujii Yasuhiko Nishina Hiroshi Okita Kiwamu Sakaida Isao Publishers : Mary Ann Liebert
Journal of higher education Volume 18 pp. 48 - 51
published_at 2021-03
2020年3月以降のCOVID-19拡大を受け, 令和2年度の学生定期健康診断は, (1)健診項目削減, (2)対象者絞り込み, (3)受検前14日間の行動歴・健康観察表の記録, (4)体調不良者の受検拒否, (5)マスク着用・手指消毒, (6)換気と間隔をあけての整列等を徹底して行った。結果的に, 健診をきっかけにしての感染という事態は起きなかったものの, 学部生の受診率低下につながった。次年度に向けて, 安全で有益な健診計画を立てて実施していきたい。
Creators : Okuya Shigeru Morifuku Orie Fujikatsu Ayaka Kobayashi Kumi Umemoto Tomoko Nakahara Atsuko Yamamoto Naoki Publishers : 山口大学教育・学生支援機構
Journal of higher education Volume 20 pp. 58 - 65
published_at 2023-03