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publish year2010 - 2014 resource typejournal article school教育学部
Result 94 Items
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Creators : Ohno Yoshitaka | Yamada Sumio | Goto Ayumi | Ikuta Akihiro | Sugiura Takao | Ohira Yoshinobu | Yoshioka Toshitada | Goto Katsumasa Publishers : Dr. W. Junk b. v Date Issued : 2012-10
Relationship of measured values of stress relief method of embedded strain gauge and initial stress field
Chinese journal of rock mechanics and engineering Volume 31 Issue SUPPL.1
Creators : Chen Qu | Wu Dezheng | Xu Jiang | Mizuta Yoshiaki Publishers : "Yan shi li xue yu gong cheng xue bao" bian ji bu Date Issued : 2012-05-01
Creators : 西田 尚央 | 栗田 克弘 Publishers : 日本地学教育学会 Date Issued : 2012-05-25
Structures and Phase Transitions in Rb_2MoO_4 and Rb_2WO_4
Ferroelectrics : the international journal devoted to the theoritical, experimental, and applied aspects of ferroelectrics and related materials Volume 414 Issue 1
Creators : Shigematsu Hirotake | Nomura Keisuke | Nishiyama Katsura | Tojo Takeo | Kawaji Hitoshi | Atake Tooru | Kawamura Yukihiko | Miyoshi Tatsuki | Matsushita Yoshitaka | Tanaka Masahiko | Mashiyama Hiroyuki Publishers : Gordon and Breach Science Pub. Date Issued : 2011-06-21
Creators : 岸本 憲一良 | 雍 苗 Publishers : 全国大学国語教育学会 Date Issued : 2011-10-29
Disincentives to engage in mental training : A study of university athletic club activity
Acta Scientiarvm Valetvdinis Universitatis Praefectvralis Ibarakiensis : ASVPI Volume 17
Creators : Ikeda Eiji | Uechi Hiroaki | Wadano Yasuyoshi Publishers : 茨城県立医療大学 Date Issued : 2012-03
Creators : Yuan Guangwei | Ge Qi-wei | Naritomi Takashi Publishers : CIEC Date Issued : 2012-06-01
Creators : Takahashi Toshiaki Publishers : 大学英語教育学会(JACET)中国・四国支部 Date Issued : 2012-02-28
Creators : Izuchi Keiji | Izuchi Kouhei | Izuchi Yuko Publishers : G. Braun | Birkhauser Date Issued : 2012-07
Creators : 五島 淑子 Publishers : 日本調理科学会 Date Issued : 2012-02-05
An operator invariant for handlebody-knots
Fundamenta mathematicae Volume 217 Issue 3
Creators : Ishihara Kai | Ishii Atsushi Publishers : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe Date Issued : 2012
Commutativity in two-variable Jordan blocks on the Hardy space
Acta scientiarum mathematicarum Volume 78 Issue 1-2
Creators : Izuchi Kenji | Izuchi Kouhei Publishers : A.M. Kir. Ferenc Jozsef-Tudomanyegyetem Baratainak Egyesulete Date Issued : 2012
数理解析研究所講究録 Volume 1785
Creators : Kitamoto Takuya Publishers : 京都大学数理解析研究所 Date Issued : 2012-03
A development of game-based learning environment to activate interaction among learners
IEICE transactions on information and systems Volume E95-D Issue 4
Creators : Takaoka Ryo | Shimokawa Masayuki | Okamoto Toshio Publishers : Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers | 電子情報通信学会 Date Issued : 2012-04
Creators : 佐伯 英人 | 土屋 圭子 Publishers : 日本理科教育学会 Date Issued : 2012-03-02
Application of social marketing for behavioral change
Journal of Japanese Society of Health Education and Health Promotion Volume 20 Issue 1
Creators : Uechi Hiroaki | Takenaka Koji Publishers : 日本健康教育学会 Date Issued : 2012-02-29
Creators : Araki Hiroshi Publishers : 地理科学学会 Date Issued : 2012-01-28
Creators : 佐伯 英人 | 森脇 勇太 Publishers : 日本理科教育学会 Date Issued : 2012-03-02
Creators : Matsunaga Takeshi | Ikeda Yukio Publishers : 日本理科教育学会 Date Issued : 2011-08-19
理論依存型による理科授業の展開(1) : 方法とねらい
日本理科教育学会全国大会要項 Volume 61
Creators : 池田 幸夫 | 松永 武 Publishers : 日本理科教育学会 Date Issued : 2011-08-19