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Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science Volume 2001 pp. 20010008 -
published_at 2001-05-30
Creators : Teramoto Takayuki Okada Tadashi Aoyama Ryuichi Saito Tomoya Nakamura Takashi Kawata Shigeo Publishers : 日本計算工学会
IEEJ transactions on electronics, information and systems Volume 124 Issue 3 pp. 827 - 834
published_at 2004-06-01
Creators : Onomura Testsuya Saito Tomoya Inai Hiroshi Publishers : 電気学会
Engineering geology of Japan Volume 5 pp. 37 - 52
published_at 2015
Creators : Imaoka Teruyoshi Kobayashi Mina Sonehara Takafumi Publishers : 蒜山地質年代学研究所
Bulletine of the Akiyoshi-dai museum of national history Volume 49 Issue 別冊 pp. 7 - 23
published_at 2014-03
Creators : Sasaki Yuka Imaoka Teruyoshi Nakashima Kazuo Fujikawa Masayuki Publishers : 美祢市立秋吉台科学博物館
Plant physiology Volume 169 Issue 3 pp. 1744 - 1754
published_at 2015
Creators : Muramoto Shoko Matsubara Yayoi Mwenda Cynthia Mugo Koeduka Takao Sakami Takuya Tani Akira Matsui Kenji Publishers : American Society of Plant Physiologists
Planta : Archiv für wissenschaftliche Botanik Volume 242 Issue 5 pp. 1175 - 1186
published_at 2015-11
Creators : Koeduka Takao Ishizaki Kimitsune Mwenda Cynthia Mugo Hori Koichi Sasaki-Sekimoto Yuko Ohta Hiroyuki Kohchi Takayuki Matsui Kenji Publishers : Springer
Biological control : theory and applications in pest management Volume 90 pp. 25 - 33
published_at 2015-11
Creators : Suwannarach Nakarin Kumla Jaturong Matsui Kenji Lumyong Saisamorn Publishers : Elsevier
Plant physiology Volume 168 Issue 2 pp. 464 - 477
published_at 2015-06
Creators : Ohgami Shoji Ono Eiichiro Horikawa Manabu Murata Jun Totsuka Koujirou Toyonaga Hiromi Ohba Yukie Dohra Hideo Asai Tatsuo Matsui Kenji Mizutani Masaharu Watanabe Naoharu Ohnishi Toshiyuki Publishers : American Society of Plant Biologists
Plant biotechnology Volume 31 Issue 5 pp. 445 - 452
published_at 2014
Creators : Mwenda Cynthia Mugo Matsui Kenji Publishers : Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology
Journal of the science of food and agriculture
published_at 2015
Creators : Suwannarach Nakarin Bussaban Boonsom Nuangmek Wipornpan Pithakpol Wasna Jirawattanakul Bantoon Matsui Kenji Lumyong Saisamorn Publishers : Society of Chemical Industry
Communicative & integrative biology Volume 8 Issue 1 pp. e992731 -
published_at 2015
Creators : Sugimoto Koichi Matsui Kenji Takabayashi Junji Publishers : Taylor & Francis
Journal of plant interactions Volume 10 Issue 1 pp. 1 - 10
published_at 2015
Creators : Mwenda Cynthia Mugo Matsuki Atsushi Nishimura Kohji Koeduka Takao Matsui Kenji Publishers : Taylor & Francis
Chemistry Volume 69 Issue 11 pp. 22 - 26
published_at 2014-10-18
Creators : 杉本 貢一 松井 健二 高林 純示 Publishers : 化学同人
生命・食糧・環境 : 日本農芸化学会会誌 Volume 53 Issue 1 pp. 2 - 4
published_at 2014-12-20
Creators : 松井 健二 肥塚 崇男 Publishers : 日本農芸化学会
Phytochemistry Volume 107 pp. 42 - 49
published_at 2014-11
Creators : Kihara Hirotomo Tanaka Maya Yamato Katsuyuki T. Horibata Akira Yamada Atsushi Kita Sayaka Ishizaki Kimitsune Kajikawa Masataka Fukuzawa Hideya Kohchi Takayuki Akakabe Yoshihiko Matsui Kenji Publishers : Elsevier
J. agric. food chem Volume 62 Issue 33 pp. 8289 - 8294
published_at 2014-08-20
Creators : Morisaki Akira Yamada Naohiro Yamanaka Shiori Matsui Kenji Publishers : American Chemical Society
PNAS Volume 111 Issue 19 pp. 7144 - 7149
published_at 2014-05-13
Creators : Sugimoto Koichi Matsui Kenji Iijima Yoko Akakabe Yoshihiko Muramoto Shoko Ozawa Rika Uefune Masayoshi Sasaki Ryosuke Alamgir Kabir Md. Akitake Shota Nobuke Tatsunori Galis Ivan Aoki Koh Shibata Daisuke Takabayashi Junji Publishers : National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
Génome Volume 58 Issue 4 pp. 135 - 142
published_at 2015
Creators : Wako Tadayuki Yamashita Ken-ichiro Tsukazaki Hikaru Ohara Takayoshi Kojima Akio Yaguchi Shigenori Shimazaki Satoshi Midorikawa Naoko Sakai Takako Yamauchi Naoki Shigyo Masayoshi Publishers : National Research Council of Canada
Forma Volume 30 Issue Special Issue pp. 33 - 53
published_at 2015
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi Sakurai Tatsunari Nomura Atsushi Müller Stefan C. Publishers : Society for Science on Form
Mineralogical magazine Volume 79 Issue 3 pp. 735 - 753
published_at 2015
Creators : Nagashima Mariko Nishio-Hamane Daisuke Tomita Norimitsu Minakawa Tetsuo Inaba Sachio Publishers : The Mineralogical Society
Journal of home economics of Japan Volume 3 pp. 23 - 29
published_at 2007-11-10
Creators : Goto Yoshiko Nakata Satoko Publishers : 日本家政学会食文化研究部会
Journal of home economics of Japan Volume 59 Issue 12 pp. 1005 - 1009
published_at 2008-12-15
Creators : Koda Tomoko Ando Mami Takahashi Toru Maruyama Satomi Goto Yoshiko Publishers : 日本家政学会
Journal of cookery science of Japan Volume 37 Issue 4 pp. 390 - 400
published_at 2004-11-20
Creators : Koda Tomoko Ando Mami Goto Yoshiko Sakurai Nahoko Hanai Reiko Publishers : 日本調理科学会
日本食生活文化調査研究報告集 Volume 7 pp. 64 - 72
published_at 1990-12
Creators : Goto Yoshiko Publishers : 日本食生活文化財団
Journal of home economics of Japan Volume 41 Issue 3 pp. 217 - 224
published_at 1990-03-05
Creators : Goto Yoshiko Publishers : 日本家政学会
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 47 Issue 6 pp. 273 - 282
published_at 1989-12
Creators : Oshita Ichiko Yamamoto Tomoe Goto Yoshiko Publishers : 日本栄養改善学会
家政学研究 Volume 35 Issue 1 pp. 17 - 31
published_at 1988-09
Creators : Goto Yoshiko Publishers : 奈良女子大学家政学会
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 30 Issue 3 pp. 1 - 5
published_at 1988-01-20
Creators : Goto Yoshiko Publishers : 日本家庭科教育学会
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 29 Issue 3 pp. 20 - 23
published_at 1986-11-30
Creators : Tomosada Keiko Goto Yoshiko Publishers : 日本家庭科教育学会
Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 29 Issue 3 pp. 15 - 19
published_at 1986-11-30
Creators : Goto Yoshiko Tomosada Keiko Publishers : 日本家庭科教育学会
Australian veterinary journal Volume 83 Issue 8 pp. 511 - 511
published_at 2005-08
Creators : Iseri T. Yamada K. Lee I. Yamagishi N. Ueno H. Wisner ER. Publishers : Australian Veterinary Association
The journal of veterinary medical science Volume 75 Issue 6 pp. 809 - 13
published_at 2013
Creators : Ishibashi Maki Akiyoshi Hideo Iseri Toshie Ohashi Fumihito Publishers : 日本獣医学会
山口医学 Volume 64 Issue 3 pp. 213 - 216
published_at 2015-08-01
Creators : Okinaka Yosuke Sugahara Kazuma Tsuda Junko Tanaka Kuniyoshi Kanagawa Eiju Shimogori Hiroaki Yamashita Hiroshi Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 64 Issue 3 pp. 205 - 211
published_at 2015-08-01
Creators : Kubo Hidefumi Nagaoka Chisato Tada Kosuke Miyahara Makoto Hasegawa Hiroyasu Yamashita Yoshimi Publishers : 山口大学医学会
山口医学 Volume 64 Issue 3 pp. 191 - 197
published_at 2015-08-01
We held medical seminars for high-school students who hope to become physicians to increase their motivation and to encourage them to enter Yamaguchi University. The seminars were held two or three times a year at hospitals in six locations in Yamaguchi prefecture between 2011 and 2014, and consisted of observation of facilities in hospitals, physician lectures, experience of medical practice, and Q&A sessions with physicians and medical students. A total of 210 high-school students participated in 11 seminars. The questionnaires for the participants showed 89.9% of the participants rated the seminars“very good”and 91.4% responded,“my motivation was strengthened”.Of the seminar participants, 20 of 69 high-school graduates entered the Yamaguchi University School of Medicine. The follow-up survey showed that the percentage of medical school students studying at Yamaguchi University was 69.0% (20/29) for seminar participants and 45.5% (46/101) for non-seminar participants. The results suggest that the medical seminars were as effective as expected in encouraging high-school students to become physicians and to enter Yamaguchi University.
Creators : Fukuda Yoshiharu Nakamura Hiroshi Segawa Makoto Abe Masaaki Taguchi Akihiko Miyazaki Mutsuko Publishers : 山口大学医学会
日本農芸化学会誌 Volume 55 Issue 3 pp. 239 - 245
published_at 1981
Creators : Hasegawa Kiyozo Fujino Yoshiko Konami Sumiyo Publishers : 日本農芸化学会
日本農芸化学会誌 Volume 52 Issue 8 pp. 341 - 346
published_at 1978
Creators : Hasegawa Kiyozo Maeda Kaori Fujino Yoshiko Wakinaga Tazuru Fujino Sachiyo Publishers : 日本農芸化学会
Molecular simulation Volume 41 Issue 10-12 pp. 986 - 992
published_at 2015
Creators : Urakamia Naohito Takaki Akio Imai Masayuki Yamamoto Takashi Publishers : Taylor & Francis
Geology Volume 42 Issue 9 pp. 787 - 790
published_at 2014-09
Creators : Oohashi Kiyokazu Han Raehee Hirose Takehiro Shimamoto Toshihiko Omura Kentaro Matsuda Tatsuo Publishers : The Geological Society of America
Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth Volume 120 Issue 3 pp. 1572 - 1586
published_at 2015-03-30
Creators : Oohashi Kiyokazu Hirose Takehiro Takahashi Miki Tanikawa Wataru Publishers : American Geophysical Union
Cell structure and function Volume 39 Issue 2 pp. 125 - 133
published_at 2014
Creators : Moritomo Hiroki Yamada Kengo Kojima Yuki Suzuki Yasutaka Tani Seiji Kinoshita Hazuki Sasaki Akira Mikuni Shintaro Kinjo Masataka Kawamata Jun Publishers : 日本細胞生物学会
Journal of materials chemistry. B, Materials for biology and medicine Volume 3 Issue 2 pp. 184 - 190
published_at 2015-01-14
Creators : Niko Yosuke Moritomo Hiroki Sugihara Hiroyuki Suzuki Yasutaka Kawamata Jun Konishi Gen-ichi Publishers : Royal Society of Chemistry
Applied clay science Volume 104 pp. 245 - 251
published_at 2015-02
Creators : Chakraborty Santanu Bhattacharjee D. Soda Honami Tominaga Makoto Suzuki Yasutaka Kawamata Jun Hussain Syed Arshad Publishers : Elsevier Science Publishers
Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan Volume 53 Issue 2 pp. 62 - 67
published_at 2015-03-27
Creators : Tominaga Makoto Sugihara Hiroyuki Mochida Shuhei Tani Seiji Suzuki Yasutaka Kawamata Jun Publishers : 日本粘土学会
PCCP Volume 17 Issue 27 pp. 17838 - 17843
published_at 2015-07-21
Creators : Fujii Kenta Kohara Shinji Umebayashi Yasuhiro Publishers : Royal Society of Chemistry
Journal of power sources Volume 286 pp. 470 - 474
published_at 2015-07-15
Creators : Hazama Taisuke Fujii Kenta Sakai Takamasa Aoki Masahiro Mimura Hideyuki Eguchi Hisao Todorov Yanko Yoshimoto Nobuko Morita Masayuki Publishers : Elsevier
J. Phys. Chem. B Volume 119 Issue 20 pp. 6262 - 6270
published_at 2015-05-21
Creators : Hirosawa Kazu Fujii Kenta Hashimoto Kei Umebayashi Yasuhiro Shibayama Mitsuhiro Publishers : American Chemical Society
J. Phys. Chem. B Volume 119 Issue 13 pp. 4795 - 4801
published_at 2015-04-02
Creators : Hashimoto Kei Fujii Kenta Nishi Kengo Sakai Takamasa Yoshimoto Nobuko Morita Masayuki Shibayama Mitsuhiro Publishers : American Chemical Society
Journal of solution chemistry Volume 43 Issue 9 pp. 1655 - 1668
published_at 2014
Creators : Fujii Kenta Seki Shiro Ohara Koji Kameda Yasuo Doi Hiroyuki Saito Soshi Umebayashi Yasuhiro Publishers : Springer US
歴史と経済 Issue 228 pp. 32 - 46
published_at 2015-07
Creators : Koga Daisuke Publishers : 政治経済学・経済史学会
アメリカ経済史研究 Volume 13 pp. 1 - 20
published_at 2014-12
Creators : Koga Daisuke Publishers : アメリカ経済史学会
Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry Volume 79 Issue 4 pp. 587 - 597
published_at 2015
Creators : Nga Bui Thi To Luziga Claudius Yamamoto Misa Kusakabe Ken Takeshi Yamamoto Yoshimi Publishers : 日本農芸化学会
商業教育論集 Volume 25 pp. 100 - 107
published_at 2015-03
Creators : 小川 勤 Publishers : 日本商業教育学会
Journal of applied physics Volume 116 Issue 23 pp. 235703-1 - 235703-6
published_at 2014
Creators : Kurai Satoshi Anai Koji Miyake Hideto Hiramatsu Kazumasa Yamada Yoichi Publishers : American Institute of Physics
The journal of veterinary medical science Volume 67 Issue 5 pp. 509 - 514
published_at 2005-05
Creators : Maehara Seiya Itoh Norihiko Itoh Yoshiki Wakaiki Shinsuke Tsuzuki Keiko Seno Takahiro Kushiro Tokiko Yamashita Kazuto Kotani Tadao Publishers : 日本獣医学会
Immunogenetics Volume 57 Issue 10 pp. 717 - 729
published_at 2005-11
Creators : Itoh Yoshiki Mizuki Nobuhisa Shimada Tsuyako Azuma Fumihiro Itakura Mitsuo Kashiwase Koichi Kikkawa Eri Kulski Jerzy K. Satake Masahiro Inoko Hidetoshi Publishers : Springer-Verlag
Tissue antigens : histocompatibility and immunogenetics Volume 67 Issue 5 pp. 390 - 394
published_at 2006-05
Creators : Itoh Y. Inoko H. Kulski J.K. Sasaki S. Meguro A. Takiyama N. Nishida T. Yuasa T. Ohno S. Mizuki N. Publishers : Munksgaard
Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association Volume 63 Issue 4 pp. 281 - 285
published_at 2010-04-20
Creators : Itoh Yoshiki Umeda Yasuyoshi Wakaiki Shinsuke Saito Akihiko Publishers : 日本獣医師会
Veterinary ophthalmology : an international journal of clinical and investigative ophthalmology Volume 13 Issue 5 pp. 289 - 293
published_at 2010-09
Creators : Itoh Yoshiki Maehara Seiya Yamasaki Ayako Tsuzuki Keiko Izumisawa Yasuharu Publishers : Blackwell Science
Animal's eye research Volume 29 pp. 7 - 12
published_at 2010
Creators : Itoh Yoshiki Maehara Seiya Tomita Saori Izumisawa Yasuharu Publishers : 比較眼科学研究会
The journal of veterinary medical science Volume 72 Issue 11 pp. 1449 - 1453
published_at 2010-11
Creators : Itoh Yoshiki Maehara Seiya Okada Keisuke Izumisawa Yasuharu Publishers : 日本獣医学会
The journal of veterinary medical science Volume 73 Issue 7 pp. 927 - 929
published_at 2011-07
Creators : Maehara Seiya Itoh Yoshiki Higashinozono Kouki Izumisawa Yasuharu Publishers : 日本獣医学会
The journal of veterinary medical science Volume 77 Issue 2 pp. 150 - 160
published_at 2015-03-01
Creators : Ito Yosuke Maehara Seiya Itoh Yoshiki Hayashi Miri Kubo Akira Itami Takaharu Ishizuka Tomohito Tamura Jun Yamashita Kazuto Publishers : 日本獣医学会
The journal of veterinary medical science pp. 14-0647 -
published_at 2015
Creators : Maehara Seiya Itoh Yoshiki Hoshino Sho Hayashi Miri Ito Yosuke Publishers : 日本獣医学会
Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on pp. 2830 - 2834
published_at 2013-07
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki Maehara Masaki Kasai Kenta Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : IEEE
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences Volume E97-A Issue 4 pp. 975 - 984
published_at 2014-04-01
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki Kasai Kenta Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences Volume E96-A Issue 12 pp. 2382 - 2390
published_at 2013-12-01
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki Maehara Masaki Kasai Kenta Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences Volume E95-A Issue 12 pp. 2113 - 2121
published_at 2012-12-01
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki Kasai Kenta Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEEE transactions on information theory Volume 58 Issue 7 pp. 4770 - 4780
published_at 2012-07-01
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki Kasai Kenta Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : IEEE Information Theory Society
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences Volume E95-A Issue 1 pp. 381 - 390
published_at 2012-01-01
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki Kasai Kenta Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences Volume E94-A Issue 11 pp. 2153 - 2160
published_at 2011-11-01
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki Kasai Kenta Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences Volume E94-A Issue 11 pp. 2144 - 2152
published_at 2011-11-01
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki Kasai Kenta Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences Volume E91-A Issue 10 pp. 2737 - 2744
published_at 2008-10-01
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki Kasai Kenta Shibuya Tomoharu Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
The official journal of the International Zeolite Association Volume 208 pp. 171 - 180
published_at 2015-05-15
Creators : Camettia Georgia Danisi Rosa Micaela Armbrustera Thomas Nagashima Mariko Publishers : Elsevier
Mineralogical magazine Volume 79 Issue 1 pp. 191 - 203
published_at 2015-02
Creators : Danisi Rosa Micaela Armbruster Thomas Nagashima Mariko Publishers : the Mineralogical Society
Journal of mineralogical and petrological sciences Volume 109 Issue 4 pp. 177 - 190
published_at 2014-08
Creators : Izumino Yuya Nakashima Kazuo Nagashima Mariko Publishers : Japanese association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists
Journal of biomolecular NMR Volume 62 pp. 157 - 167
published_at 2015-06
Creators : Yagi Hirokazu Nakamura Masatoshi Yokoyama Jun Zhang Ying Yamaguchi Takumi Kondo Sachiko Kobayashi Jun Kato Tatsuya Park Enoch Y. Nakazawa Shiori Hashii Noritaka Kawasaki Nana Kato Koichi Publishers : ESCOM Science Pub
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F1 (Tunnel Engineering) Volume 71 Issue 2 pp. 66 - 77
published_at 2015-07-20
Creators : Okazaki Yasuyuki Kumasaka Hiroo Shinji Masato Publishers : 土木学会
Cushitic-Omotic Studies Volume 2006 pp. 15 - 60
published_at 2006
Creators : Inui Hideyuki Publishers : The Japan Association for Ethiopian Linguistics (JAEL)
Journal of general linguistics Volume 14 pp. 41 - 64
published_at 2011-12-31
Creators : Inui Hideyuki Publishers : 筑波一般言語学研究会
Journal of general linguistics Volume 9 pp. 47 - 58
published_at 2006-12-31
Creators : Inui Hideyuki Publishers : 筑波一般言語学研究会
Journal of general linguistics Volume 7 pp. 73 - 93
published_at 2004-12-31
Creators : Inui Hideyuki Publishers : 筑波一般言語学研究会
Journal of general linguistics Volume 4-5 pp. 11 - 33
published_at 2002
Creators : Inui Hideyuki Publishers : 筑波一般言語学研究会
Journal of general linguistics Volume 2 pp. 102 - 136
published_at 1999
Creators : Inui Hideyuki Publishers : 筑波一般言語学研究会
Journal of general linguistics Volume 10 pp. 1 - 29
published_at 2007-12-31
Creators : Inui Hideyuki Publishers : 筑波一般言語学研究会
Cushitic-Omotic Studies Volume 2004 pp. 1 - 40
published_at 2005
Creators : Inui Hideyuki
Bulletin of the Ehime Prefectural Science Museum Issue 19 pp. 7 - 10
published_at 2014-12-25
Creators : Otaka Sigenori Niki Masahiko Saiki Hideto Publishers : 愛媛県総合科学博物館
The law times report Volume 50 Issue 12 pp. 34 - 47
published_at 1999-05-15
Creators : 立山 紘毅 Publishers : 法律タイムズ社
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. FACE, 情報通信倫理 Volume 98 Issue 78 pp. 17 - 22
published_at 1998-05-28
Creators : 立山 紘毅 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
法学セミナー Volume 43 Issue 6 pp. 22 - 25
published_at 1998-06
Creators : 立山 紘毅 Publishers : 日本評論社
Constitutional law review Volume 9 pp. 6 - 13
published_at 1998
Creators : 立山 紘毅 Publishers : 全国憲法研究会
月刊法と民主主義 Volume 297
published_at 1995-04
Creators : 立山 紘毅 Publishers : 日本民主法律家協会
The horitsu jiho Volume 72 Issue 10 pp. 62 - 66
published_at 2000-09
Creators : 立山 紘毅 Publishers : 日本評論社
Science in law Volume 29 pp. 101 - 108
published_at 2000-07
Creators : 立山 紘毅 Publishers : 民主主義科学者協会法律部会
山口医学 Volume 64 Issue 2 pp. 153 - 157
published_at 2015-05-01
Creators : Fukamitsu Gaku Noshima Shinji Sugiyama Nozomu Kaneda Yoshikazu Suto Ryuichiro Kamei Toshiaki Publishers : 山口大学医学会