Id (<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.view.desc">Desc</span>)
日本理科教育学会全国大会要項 Volume 61 pp. 230 - 230
published_at 2011-08-19
Creators : Kinsei Masayuki Saiki Hideto Publishers : 日本理科教育学会
日本理科教育学会全国大会要項 Volume 61 pp. 173 - 173
published_at 2011-08-19
Creators : Murakami Kiyofumi Komatsu Yusuke Publishers : 日本理科教育学会
年会論文集 Volume 27 pp. 274 - 275
published_at 2011-08-20
Creators : Fujimoto Koji Teruta Noboru Katsu Kii Hayashi Tokuji Publishers : 日本教育情報学会
年会論文集 Volume 27 pp. 190 - 193
published_at 2011-08-20
Creators : Fujimoto Koji Katsu Kii Hayashi Tokuji Publishers : 日本教育情報学会
日本理科教育学会理科教育学研究 Volume 52 Issue 3 pp. 67 - 75
published_at 2012-03-02
Creators : 佐伯 英人 谷脇 ゆう子 川上 靖 Publishers : 日本理科教育学会
Creators : Fukuda Takamasa Sakka Miho Asao Hiroko Asada Akiko Oda Kikue Kishimoto Mariko Kobayashi Ai Miura Hiroko Sakai Ai Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
Biochemical and biophysical research communications Volume 419 Issue 2 pp. 401 - 404
published_at 2012-03-09
Creators : Ichinoseki-Sekine Noriko Yoshihara Toshinori Kakigi Ryo Ogura Yuji Sugiura Takao Naito Hisashi Publishers : Academic Press
Japanese journal of physical fitness and sports medicine Volume 60 Issue 6 pp. 663 - 663
published_at 2011-12-01
Creators : 山口 裕大 藤森 正徒 塩田 正俊 丹 信介 曽根 涼子 Publishers : 日本体力醫學會
美術教育学 : 美術科教育学会誌 Volume 32 pp. 453 - 464
published_at 2011-03-20
Creators : Yoshida Takatomi Publishers : 美術科教育学会
Japanese journal of physical fitness and sports medicine Volume 60 Issue 6 pp. 666 - 666
published_at 2011-12-01
Creators : 曽根 涼子 永川 静香 檜山 優子 北上 舞 丹 信介 山崎 文夫 Publishers : 日本体力醫學會
数式処理 Volume 17 Issue 2 pp. 12 - 15
published_at 2011-03-01
Creators : 北本 卓也 Publishers : 日本数式処理学会
日本初等理科教育研究会研究紀要 Volume 87 pp. 3 - 11
published_at 2012-02
Creators : Ikeda Masahiro Kosugi E Koji Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
Creators : Endo Noyuri Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
Creators : Uehara Kazuaki Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
Creators : Uehara Kazuaki Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
Creators : Tokunaga Ayaka Uechi Hiroaki Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
Creators : Ishii Yuri Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
Creators : Nakano Nobuhiko Publishers : 山口大学教育学部
宮城教育大学紀要 Volume 46 pp. 203 - 211
published_at 2011
Creators : Etchu Koji Ozu Sotaro Shiraishi Toshiyuki Publishers : 宮城教育大学
The Japanese journal of educational psychology Volume 59 Issue 1 pp. 100 - 110
published_at 2011
Creators : Watanabe Takatugu Suto Kunihiko Publishers : 日本教育心理学会
The Japanese journal of educational psychology Volume 59 Issue 2 pp. 206 - 218
published_at 2011
Creators : Suto Kunihiko Publishers : 日本教育心理学会
European journal of applied physiology Volume 111 Issue 1 pp. 17 - 27
published_at 2010-08-28
Creators : Goto Katsumata Oda Hideshi Kondo Hidehiko Igaki Michihito Suzuki Atsushi Tsuchiya Shuichi Murase Takatoshi Hase Tadashi Fujiya Hiroto Matsumoto Ichiro Naito Hisashi Sugiura Takao Ohira Yoshinobu Yoshioka Toshitada Publishers : Springer
Cells tissues organs : in vivo, in vitro Volume 194 Issue 5 pp. 363 - 370
published_at 2011-10
Creators : Ohno Yoshitaka Yamada Sumio Sugiura Takao Ohira Yoshinobu Yoshioka Toshitada Goto Katsumasa Publishers : Karger
Proceedings of the first international workshop on Kansei pp. 24 - 27
Creators : Sianipar Rismon H. Osa Atsushi Nomura Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi
情報処理学会論文誌. コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア Volume 45 Issue SIG8(CVIM9) pp. 26 - 39
published_at 2004-06-15
Creators : Nomura Atsushi Ichikawa Makoto Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 情報処理学会
The journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan Volume 32 Issue 4 pp. 378 - 385
published_at 2003-07-25
Creators : Ebihara Mayumi Mahara Hitoshi Sakurai Tatsunari Nomura Atsushi Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 画像電子学会
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. D-II Volume J83-D2 Issue 9 pp. 1962 - 1965
published_at 2000-09-25
Creators : Tsukamoto Sosuke Wu Ben-yao Koga Kazutoshi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会情報・システムソサイエティ
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Volume 66 Issue 3 pp. 598 - 606
published_at 1997-03-15
Creators : Nomura Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Sakurai Tatsunari Yokoyama Etsuro Publishers : Physical Society of Japan
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 2, Letters Volume 34 Issue 12A pp. 1625 - 1628
published_at 1995-12-01
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi Koga Kazutoshi Yamada Takehito Kawamura Tatsuji Kitou Masaaki Takikawa Naohisa Publishers : Publication Office, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Pattern recognition letters Volume 16 pp. 285 - 296
published_at 1995
Creators : Nomura Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Koga Kazutoshi Publishers : North Holland Pub. Co.
The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and Systems Society Volume 115 Issue 3 pp. 403 - 409
published_at 1995-02-20
Creators : Nomura Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Yokoyama Etsuro Publishers : 電気学会
Journal of cell science Volume 107 pp. 97 - 104
published_at 1994-01
Creators : Siegert Florian Weijer Cornelius J. Nomura Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : Cambridge University Press
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Volume 76 Issue 9 pp. 1977 - 1986
published_at 1993-09-25
Creators : Nomura Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Koga Kazutoshi Publishers : 電子情報通信学
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Volume 75 Issue 10 pp. 1682 - 1690
published_at 1992-10-25
Creators : Yamamoto Hideaki Momota Masahiro Koga Kazutoshi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
Pattern recognition letters Volume 12 pp. 183 - 190
published_at 1991
Creators : Nomura Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Koga Kazutoshi Publishers : North Holland Pub. Co.
Systems and computers in Japan Volume 22 Issue 5 pp. 70 - 80
published_at 1991
Creators : Nomura Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Koga Kazutoshi Publishers : Scripta Technica
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Volume 73 Issue 5 pp. 728 - 737
published_at 1990-05
Creators : Nomura Atsushi Koga Kazutoshi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Volume 72 Issue 4 pp. 507 - 516
published_at 1989-04
Creators : Koga Kazutoshi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 2, Letters Volume 26 Issue 9 pp. 1431 - 1434
published_at 1987-09
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi Koga Kazutoshi Momota Masahiro Hashimoto Hajime Publishers : Publication Office, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. D Volume 70 Issue 8 pp. 1508 - 1515
published_at 1987-08
Creators : Koga Kazutoshi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Volume 70 Issue 8 pp. 719 - 722
published_at 1987-08
Creators : Koga Kazutoshi Miike Hidetoshi Momota Masahiro Publishers : Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers | 電子情報通信学会
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. D Volume 70 Issue 4 pp. 836 - 839
published_at 1987-04
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi Kurihara Yasushi Koga Kazutoshi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers of Japan. Section E, English Volume 69 Issue 8 pp. 877 - 882
published_at 1986-08
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi Kurihara Yasushi Hashimoto Hajime Koga Kazutoshi Publishers : Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers of Japan
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 2, Letters Volume 25 Issue 5 pp. 409 - 412
published_at 1986-05
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi Kurihara Yasushi Koga Kazutoshi Hashimoto Hajime Publishers : Publication Office, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Proceedings of Kyushu Regional Conference of Society of Japan Science Teaching Volume 39 pp. 17 - 20
published_at 2011
Creators : Saiki hideto Ueno Kazuhiko Publishers : 日本理科教育学会九州支部
Proceedings of Shikoku Branch of Society of Japan Science Teaching Volume 30 pp. 109 - 110
published_at 2011
Creators : 河村 美成 佐伯 英人 Publishers : 日本理科教育学会四国支部
Proceedings of Shikoku Branch of Society of Japan Science Teaching Volume 30 pp. 107 - 108
published_at 2011
Creators : 鬼武 昭洋 佐伯 英人 Publishers : 日本理科教育学会四国支部
Proceedings of Shikoku Branch of Society of Japan Science Teaching Volume 30 pp. 105 - 106
published_at 2011
Creators : 松永 武 佐伯 英人 Publishers : 日本理科教育学会四国支部
Proceedings of Shikoku Branch of Society of Japan Science Teaching Volume 30 pp. 103 - 104
published_at 2011
Creators : Mizuno Kouki Saiki Hideto Publishers : 日本理科教育学会四国支部
Proceedings of Shikoku Branch of Society of Japan Science Teaching Volume 30 pp. 89 - 90
published_at 2011
Creators : 吉田 哲朗 佐伯 英人 Publishers : 日本理科教育学会四国支部
Proceedings of Shikoku Branch of Society of Japan Science Teaching Volume 30 pp. 87 - 88
published_at 2011
Creators : 鎌田 潤一 佐伯 英人 Publishers : 日本理科教育学会四国支部
Proceedings of Shikoku Branch of Society of Japan Science Teaching Volume 30 pp. 17 - 18
published_at 2011
Creators : 宇宿 公紀 佐伯 英人 Publishers : 日本理科教育学会四国支部
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers of Japan. A Volume 65 Issue 5 pp. 447 - 453
published_at 1982-05
Creators : Katsube Ryoji Koga Kazutoshi Miike Hidetoshi Ebina Yoshio Publishers : 電子通信学会
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers of Japan. A Volume 63 Issue 11 pp. 777 - 784
published_at 1980-11
Creators : Koga Kazutoshi Katsube Ryoji Miike Hidetoshi Ebina Yoshio Publishers : 電子通信学会
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers of Japan. C Volume 62 Issue 1 pp. 17 - 23
published_at 1979-01
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi Koga Kazutoshi Kohda Masahiko Ebina Yoshio Chichibu Shiko Publishers : 電子通信学会
pp. 561 - 568
published_at 2003
Creators : Nomura Atsushi Ichikawa Makoto Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : AKA GmbH | IOS Press
Creators : School for children with special needs attached to the faculty of education Yamaguchi University Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Creators : Fukuda Takamasa Fukuda Tetsuro Nishimura Yuko Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Creators : Yamaguchi elementary school attached to the faculty of education Yamaguchi University Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Creators : Kindergarten attached to the faculty of education Yamaguchi University Publishers : 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
青年期の危機とケア pp. 41 - 58
published_at 2009-04-20
Creators : 大石 英史 Publishers : ふくろう出版