The preservation and the quality of the kneaded meat products packed by various kinds of materials was studied. The five packing materials applied were poliethylen, polivinyl,rubber hydrochloride, cellophan and gut-string・The reaults obtained were as follows: 1.In the case of storage in the room,the materials rich in air-passing property like cellophan or gut-string give better result for the preservation than other packing materials. 2.Though cellophan and gut-string show good result for the preservation,the outward part of the contents appears to be deffective in quality in comparison with other packed materials, respecting the hardening and shrinkage of the contents of the forwers. 3.Poliethylen, polivinyl and rubber hydrochloride show a few loss inweight and good outward appearance,though the judgment of quality of the contents is difficult in the case of the storage in air-passing property・ 4.The packed meat shows good result for the preservation in comparison with the non-packed. 5.The packing and heating the products,as a rule、 give better result for the preservation than the simple outside packing・ 6.The gum-system membrane shows good result for the preservation in comparison with the cellulose-system membrane in the case of the direct packing・ 7.In the case of the outside packing, the addition of antiseptic in the content and the application to the surface give good result for the prerservation in comparison with the untreated.