SUZUKl and NISHIMOTO(1930)separated a series of kephalins from the sojahean which yjelded, on hydrolysis,only β-glycerophosphoric acid anj fatty acids.The fatty acids consisted of about 50%stearic acid and a mixtures of approxjmately equal parts of linoleic and linolenic acids. 0n the otherhand, HILDITCH and PEDELTY(1937)investigated the component acids of the alcollol-lnsoluble fraction(kepnalin)of sojabean phosphatides,and showed that the fatty acid consisted of palmitic acid 11.7%,stearlc acid 4.00% arachidic acid 1.4%,hexadecenoic acid 8.6%,oleic acid 5.5%,linoleic acid 63.3%,linolcnic acid -% and C_20-unsaturated acid 5.5%. As these two results showed much difference, the writer newly investigated the sojabean phosphatide and obtained the following results:...