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Polymer journal Volume 44 Issue 3 pp. 224 - 231
published_at 2012-03
Creators : Rattanatraicharoen Poompat Yamabuki Kazuhiro Oishi Tsutomu Onimura Kenjiro Publishers : Society of Polymer Science, Japan
Plasma and Fusion Research Volume 6 Issue Special Issue pp. 2401084 -
published_at 2011
Creators : Naitou Hiroshi Yamada Yusuke Tokuda Shinji Ishii Yasutomo Yagi Masatoshi Publishers : Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research
Journal of applied physics Volume 111 Issue 4 pp. 043508 -
published_at 2012-02-15
Creators : Okada Narihito Yamada Yoichi Tadatomo Kazuyuki Publishers : American Institute of Physics
Physica status solidi. A, Applications and materials science : PSS Volume 209 Issue 3 pp. 469 - 472
published_at 2012-03
Creators : Okada Narihito Uchida Katsumi Miyoshi Seita Tadatomo Kazuyuki Publishers : Wiley-VCH
International journal of innovative computing, information & control : IJICIC Volume 8 Issue 3 B pp. 2183 - 2191
published_at 2012-03
Creators : Ishikawa、Masaaki Takai Yu Publishers : ICIC International
地盤工学会誌 Volume 59 Issue 12 pp. 25 - 25
published_at 2011-12-01
Creators : 吉本 憲正 Publishers : 地盤工学会
地盤工学会誌 Volume 59 Issue 12 pp. 24 - 24
published_at 2011-12-01
Creators : 中田 幸男 Publishers : 地盤工学会
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Volume 2011 pp. 3837 - 3840
published_at 2011
Creators : Nishifuji Seiji Publishers : IEEE Service Center
Systems, control and information Volume 55 Issue 12 pp. 513 - 518
published_at 2011-12-15
Creators : Nishimura Yuki Publishers : システム制御情報学会
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NS, ネットワークシステム Volume 111 Issue 344(NS2011 119-144) pp. 67 - 71
published_at 2011-12-08
Creators : Kunimitsu Ryosuke Matsumoto Takahiro Matsufuji Shinya Kuroyanagi Noriyoshi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. EE, 電子通信エネルギー技術 Volume 111 Issue 305(EE2011 24-30) pp. 25 - 29
published_at 2011-11-11
Creators : Tanaka Hidenori Sekiya Tsukasa Okamoto Masayuki Hiraki Eiji Tanaka Toshihiko Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. EE, 電子通信エネルギー技術 Volume 111 Issue 305(EE2011 24-30) pp. 7 - 12
published_at 2011-11-11
Creators : Kawano Shingo Okamoto Masayuki Hiraki Eiji Tanaka Toshihiko Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEICE technical report Volume 111 Issue 159 pp. 41 - 45
published_at 2011-07-21
Creators : Matsufuji Shinya Matsuo Takahide Matsumoto Takahiro Kuroyanagi Noriyoshi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
RSC Advances Volume 2 Issue 5 pp. 2128 - 2136
published_at 20111225
Creators : Adachi Kenta Mita Tomohiro Tanaka Shohei Honda Kensuke Yamazaki Suzuko Nakayama Masaharu Goto Takeyoshi Watarai Hitoshi Publishers : RSC Publishing
電気学会研究会資料. PST, プラズマ研究会 Volume 2011 Issue 63 pp. 25 - 29
published_at 2011-08-07
Creators : Ohta Tomoki Oohara Wataru Publishers : 電気学会
International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing Volume 6 Issue 1 pp. 87 - 96
published_at 2012
Creators : Matsumoto Takahiro Torii Hideyuki Matsufuji Shinya
IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters Volume 10 Issue Article number 6111434 pp. 1551 - 1554
published_at 2011
Creators : Kodera Toshiro Sounas Dimitrios L. Caloz Christophe Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Urban housing sciences Issue 76 pp. 112 - 121
published_at 2012-01-31
Creators : Ohba Tomoko Nakazono Mahito Publishers : 都市住宅学会
日本レオロジー学会誌 Volume 39 Issue 5 pp. 205 - 210
published_at 2011-12-22
Creators : Kaide Aya Saeki Takashi Kikuchi Saori Publishers : 日本レオロジー学会
The Journal of physical chemistry. C Volume 115 Issue 50 pp. 25077 - 25087
published_at 2011-12-22
Creators : Yashima Masatomo Yonehara Yukihiko Fujimori Hirotaka Publishers : American Chemical Society
AIJ journal of technology and design Volume 17 Issue 35 pp. 329 - 332
published_at 2011
Creators : Yamamoto Sachiko Kuroki Ayane Nakazono Mahito Publishers : 日本建築学会
Journal of the society of materials science, Japan Volume 61 Issue 1 pp. 19 - 24
published_at 2012-01
Creators : Yoshimoto Norimasa Hyodo Masayuki Nakata Yukio Publishers : 日本材料学会
Journal of the society of materials science, Japan Volume 61 Issue 1 pp. 74 - 77
published_at 2012-01
Creators : Ishikura Ryohei Matsuda Hiroshi Yasufuku Noriyuki Omine Kiyoshi Kashima Koji Publishers : 日本材料学会
Journal of risk research Volume 14 Issue 9-10 pp. 1237 - 1262
published_at 2011-10
Creators : Islam Md. Atikul Sakakibara Hiroyuki Sekine Masahiko Karim Md. Rezaul Publishers : Routledge
Journal of the Japanese National Committee on Large Dams Issue 218 pp. 69 - 75
published_at 2012-01-23
Creators : 川崎 秀明 中川 哲志 伊藤 健 勝山 敏 Publishers : 国際大ダム会議日本国内委員会
Combustion and flame Volume 159 Issue 4 pp. 1499 - 1502
published_at 2012-04
Creators : Nishimura Tatsuo Kunitsugu Koji Morio Ken-ichi Publishers : Butterworths Scientific | Combustion Institute
Advances in civil engineering Volume 2012 Issue Article ID 391214
published_at 2012
Creators : Yoshitake Isamu Rajabipour Farshad Mimura Yoichi Scanlon Andrew Publishers : Hindawi Publ
Biosystems engineering Volume 111 Issue 3 pp. 290 - 297
published_at 2012-03
Creators : Kadowaki Masayuki Yano Akira Ishizu Fumito Tanaka Toshihiko Noda Shuji Publishers : Academic Press | Elsevier
The Chemical engineering journal : an international journal of research and development;Chemical engineering journal Volume 183 pp. 271 - 277
published_at 2012-02-15
Creators : Suzuki Tasuma Moribe Mai Oyama Yukinori Niinae Masakazu Publishers : Elsevier Science S.A. | Elsevier Science
日本鉱物科学会年会講演要旨集 Volume 2011 pp. 195 -
published_at 2011-09-05
Creators : Okube M. Yoshiasa A. Wang R. Nakatani T. Nakatsuka A. Miyawaki R. Publishers : 日本鉱物科学会
プロジェクトマネジメント学会誌 Volume 13 Issue 4 pp. 14 - 19
published_at 2011-08-15
Creators : Uranaka Yuya Yamaguchi Shingo Maruyama Yuya Publishers : プロジェクトマネジメント学会
Concrete journal Volume 49 Issue 10 pp. 1 -
published_at 2011-10-01
Creators : Miyamoto A. Publishers : 日本コンクリート会議
The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and Systems Society Volume 132 Issue 1 pp. 77 - 82+8
published_at 2012
Creators : Takahashi S. Itoh H. Komatsu R. Publishers : 電気学会
Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan Volume 31 Issue 3 pp. 382 - 383
published_at 2011-07-05
Creators : 神野 有生 Publishers : 日本リモートセンシング学会
Smart structures and systems Volume 9 Issue 1 pp. 21 - 33
published_at 2012
Creators : Liu Xinglong Zhou Chengxu Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : Techno Press
Asian journal of control Volume 14 Issue 1 pp. 125 - 136
published_at 2012-01
Creators : Wakasa Yuji Tanaka Kanya Akashi Takuya Nishimura Yuki Publishers : Chinese Automatic Control Society
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. RCS, 無線通信システム Volume 111 Issue 345(RCS2011 232-266) pp. 7 - 10
published_at 2011-12-08
Creators : 吉田 純也 松元 隆博 松藤 信哉 畔柳 功芳 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
Journal of power sources Volume 203 pp. 195 - 200
published_at 2012-04-01
Creators : Kakibe Takeshi Hishii Jun-ya Yoshimoto Nobuko Egashira Minato Morita Masayuki Publishers : Elsevier Sequoia | Elsevier Science
Polymer bulletin Volume 68 Issue 3 pp. 623 - 634
published_at 2012-02
Creators : Mizuta Kenichi Katashima Makoto Koga Tomokazu Yamabuki Kazuhiro Onimura Kenjiro Oishi Tsutomu Publishers : Springer International | Springer
Electronics and communications in Japan Volume 95 Issue 1 pp. 8 - 19
published_at 2012-01
Creators : Hisanaga Yutaka Sugii Manabu Wang Yue Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : Wiley Subscription Services
Electronics and communications in Japan Volume 94 Issue 6 pp. 41 - 47
published_at 2011-06
Creators : Yokogawa Toshiya Yamada Yoichi Publishers : Wiley Subscription Services
Electrochimica acta Volume 58 pp. 95 - 98
published_at 2011-12-30
Creators : Egashira Minato Asai Takahito Yoshimoto Nobuko Morita Masayuki Publishers : Pergamon Press | Elsevier Science
Electrical engineering in Japan Volume 175 Issue 2 pp. 1852 - 1858
published_at 2011-04-30
Creators : Obayashi Masanao Narita Kenichiro Kobayashi Kunikazu Kuremoto Takashi Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Scripta Technica
E-journal of surface science and nanotechnology Volume 9 pp. 247 - 250
published_at 2011
Creators : Happo Naohisa Takehara Yuki Fujiwara Makoto Tanaka Koichi Senba Shinya Hosokawa Shinya Hayashi Kouichi Hu Wen Suzuki Motohiro Asada Hironori Publishers : Surface Science Society of Japan
Computers and structures Volume 89 Issue 1-2 pp. 14 - 26
published_at 2011-01
Creators : Yan Zhonghong Miyamoto Ayaho Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : Pergamon Press | Elsevier Science
Доклади на Българската академия на науките Volume 64 Issue 5 pp. 683 - 692
published_at 2011
Creators : Kostov-Kytin Vladislav Nikolova Rosica Nakayama Noriaki Simova Svetlana Tzvetkova Paulina Publishers : Доклади на БАН
Combustion and flame Volume 159 Issue 1 pp. 462 - 464
published_at 2012-01
Creators : Yuliati Lilis Seo Takehiko Mikami Masato Publishers : Butterworths Scientific | Combustion Institute
Cognitive computation Volume 3 Issue 4 pp. 501 - 509
published_at 2011
Creators : Kuremoto Takashi Obayashi Masanao Kobayashi Kunikazu Feng Liang-Bing Publishers : Springer New York
Chirality Volume 23 Issue E1 pp. E43 - E51
published_at 2011
Creators : Onimura Kenjiro Shintaku Keiko Rattanatraicharoen Poompat Yamabuki Kazuhiro Oishi Tsutomu Publishers : Wiley-Liss
Chung-kuo wu li k'uai pao Volume 28 Issue 8 pp. 084208 -
published_at 2011-08
Creators : Li Zhong-Yu Xu Song Chen Zi-Hui Zhang Fu-Shi Kasatani Kazuo Publishers : Science Press | Institute of Physics Publishing
Chemsuschem : chemistry & sustainability, energy & materials Volume 4 Issue 2 pp. 181 - 184
published_at 2011-02-18
Creators : Sakata Yoshihisa Matsuda Yuta Nakagawa Takaki Yasunaga Ryo Imamura Hayao Teramura Kentaro Publishers : Wiley-VCH
Chemistry letters Volume 40 Issue 4 pp. 370 - 371
published_at 2011-04-05
Creators : Kaiso Kouji Sugimoto Tsunemi Kashiwagi Kohichi Kamimura Akio Publishers : Chemical Society of Japan
Chemistry letters Volume 40 Issue 12 pp. 1383 - 1385
published_at 2011
Creators : Zhou Rongfei Zhang Fei Hu Na Chen Xiangshu Kita Hidetoshi Publishers : Chemical Society of Japan
Catalysis today : a serial publication dealing with topical themes in catalysis and related subjects Volume 161 Issue 1 pp. 41 - 45
published_at 2011-03-17
Creators : Sakata Yoshihisa Yoshimoto Kazuki Kawaguchi Keisuke Imamura Hayao Higashimoto Shinya Publishers : Elsevier Science
Bulletin of earthquake engineering Volume 9 Issue 5 pp. 1387 - 1402
published_at 2011-10
Creators : Saouma V. Miura F. Lebon G. Yagome Y. Publishers : Kluwer
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment Volume 25 Issue 2 pp. 2329 - 2333
published_at 2011-05
Creators : Yuliani Emma Imai Tsuyoshi Teeka Jantima Tomita Shintaro Suprayogi Publishers : Diagnosis Press
Applied surface science : a journal devoted to the properties of interfaces in relation to the synthesis and behaviour of materials Volume 258 Issue 4 pp. 1405 - 1411
published_at 2011-12-01
Creators : Takeda Masatoshi Kurisu Hiroki Yamamoto Setsuo Nakagawa Hamazo Ishizawa Katsunbu Publishers : North-Holland | Elsevier Science
Applied Physics Letters Volume 99 Issue 3 pp. 031114 -
published_at 2011-07
Creators : Kodera Toshiro Sounas Dimitrios L. Caloz Christophe Publishers : American Institute of Physics
Applied Physics Letters Volume 99 Issue 24 pp. 242103 -
published_at 2011-12-12
Creators : Okada Narihito Oshita Hiroyasu Yamane Keisuke Tadatomo Kazuyuki Publishers : American Institute of Physics
Applied physics letters Volume 98 Issue 8 pp. 081907 -
published_at 2011-02-21
Creators : Kittaka Ryo Muto Hirotaka Murotani Hideaki Yamada Yoichi Miyake Hideto Hiramatsu Kazumasa Publishers : American Institute of Physics
Applied physics letters Volume 98 Issue 2 pp. 021910 -
published_at 2011-01-10
Creators : Murotani Hideaki Yamada Yoichi Miyake Hideto Hiramatsu Kazumasa Publishers : American Institute of Physics
Applied optics Volume 50 Issue 17 pp. 2601 - 2616
published_at 2011-06-10
Creators : Nakajima Takashi Y. Tsuchiya Takumi Ishida Haruma Matsui Takashi N. Shimoda Haruhisa Publishers : Optical Society of America
Applied microbiology and biotechnology Volume 90 Issue 4 pp. 1493 - 1500
published_at 2011-05
Creators : Cheng Xuehang Imai Tsuyoshi Teeka Jantima Yamaguchi Junki Hirose Mami Higuchi Takaya Sekine Masahiko Publishers : Springer International | Springer
Applied geochemistry : journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry Volume 26 Issue 12 pp. 2074 - 2088
published_at 2011-12
Creators : Yasuhara Hide Kinoshita Naoki Ohfuji Hiroaki Lee Dae Sung Nakashima Shinichiro Kishida Kiyoshi Publishers : Pergamon Press | Elsevier Science
American mineralogist : journal of the Mineralogical Society of America Volume 96 Issue 10 pp. 1593 - 1605
published_at 2011-10
Creators : Nakatsuka Akihiko Shimokawa Mami Nakayama Noriaki Ohtaka Osamu Arima Hiroshi Okube Maki Yoshiasa Akira Publishers : Mineralogical Society of America
バイオミメティックスハンドブック pp. 628 - 632
published_at 2000-09
Creators : 三池 秀敏 Publishers : エヌ・ティー・エス
2008 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, NOLTA'08 pp. 199 - 202
Creators : Miura Kazuyuki Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : (社)電子情報通信学会
Proceedings of the second international workshop on Kansei pp. 35 - 38
Creators : Karimata Tetsuya Juan Du Ogashiwa Kahori Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi
Proceedings of the second international workshop on Kansei pp. 123 - 126
Creators : Minami Hiroyuki Yoshida Aya Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi
Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2007 pp. 567 - 571
published_at 2007-01-08
Creators : Honda Yousuke Nagata Kazumi Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi
Proceedings of the first international workshop on Kansei pp. 24 - 27
Creators : Sianipar Rismon H. Osa Atsushi Nomura Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi
Proceedings of the first international workshop on Kansei pp. 61 - 64
Creators : Nagata Kazumi Osa Atsushi Ichikawa Makoto Miike Hidetoshi
Proceedings of the first international workshop on Kansei pp. 65 - 68
published_at 2006-02-02
Creators : Miura Kazuyuki Sadakane Ryosuke Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi
Proceedings of the first international workshop on Kansei pp. 77 - 80
Creators : Juan Do Motoyama Chihiro Kai Junnko Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi
Forma Volume 23 Issue 1 pp. 19 - 23
published_at 2008-06-01
Creators : Miura Kazuyuki Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : KTK Scientific Publishers
Japanese psychological research Volume 50 Issue 3 pp. 117 - 127
published_at 2008-09
Creators : Nagata Kazumi Osa Atsushi Ichikawa Makoto Kinoshita Takeshi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : Japanese Psychological Association | Blackwell Publishing
情報処理学会論文誌. コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア Volume 49 Issue SIG6(CVIM20) pp. 1 - 12
published_at 2008-03-15
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi Osa Atsushi Miura Kazuyuki Sugimura Atshuhiko Publishers : 情報処理学会
The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and Systems Society Volume 127 Issue 10 pp. 1673 - 1679
published_at 2007-10-01
Creators : Ge Sheng Ichikawa Makoto Osa Atsushi Iramina Keiji Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 電気学会 | オーム社
JACN Volume 11 pp. 5 - 13
published_at 2007-09-13
Creators : Hisanaga Yutaka Sugii Manabu Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 図書館情報大学総合情報処理センター
The IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edition) Volume J90-D Issue 9 pp. 2573 - 2582
published_at 2007-09-01
Creators : Miura Kazuyuki Jibu Shigeki Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会情報・システムソサイエティ
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology Volume 193 Issue 3 part 2 pp. 1000 - 1004
published_at 2005-09
Creators : Sase Masakatsu Miwa Ichiro Sumie Masahiro Nakata Masahiko Sugino Norihiro Okada Kouichi Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Michael G. Ross Publishers : Mosby
Visualization, imaging, and image processing : proceedings of the second IASTED International Conference, September 9-12, 2002, Málaga, Spain pp. 545 - 550
published_at 2002-09
Creators : Osa Atsushi Nagata Kazumi Tsukamoto Sosuke Kinoshita Takeshi Ichikawa Makoto Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : Acta Press
IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, November 28-30, 2000, The University of Tokyo, Japan pp. 493 - 496
published_at 2000
Creators : Osa Atsushi Yamashita Hiroshi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : IAPR MVA Organizing Committee
Physica. D, Nonlinear phenomena Volume 205 Issue 1-4 pp. 275 - 282
published_at 2005
Creators : Mahara Hitoshi Yamaguchi Tomohiko Morikawa Yoshitomi Amemiya Takashi Yamamoto Tetsuya Miike Hidetoshi Parmananda P. Publishers : North-Holland : Elsevier Science Publishers
IEICE transactions on information and systems Volume 87 Issue 9 pp. 2221 - 2228
published_at 2004-09-01
Creators : Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
情報処理学会論文誌. コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア Volume 45 Issue SIG8(CVIM9) pp. 26 - 39
published_at 2004-06-15
Creators : Nomura Atsushi Ichikawa Makoto Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 情報処理学会
The journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers Volume 58 Issue 3 pp. 418 - 427
published_at 2004-03-01
Creators : Osa Atsushi Kinoshita Takeshi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 映像情報メディア学会
Forma Volume 18 Issue 4 pp. 197 - 219
published_at 2004-03-01
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi Sakurai Tatsunari Publishers : KTK Scientific Publishers
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Volume 73 Issue 2 pp. 485 - 490
published_at 2004-02-15
Creators : Sakurai Tatsunari Inomoto Osamu Miike Hidetoshi Kai Shoichi Publishers : Physical Society of Japan
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. D-II Volume 86 Issue 10 pp. 1420 - 1430
published_at 2003-10-01
Creators : Okada Koichi Yokoyama Etsuro Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会情報・システムソサイエティ
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Volume 72 Issue 9 pp. 2177 - 2180
published_at 2003-09-15
Creators : Sakurai Tatsunari Miike Hidetoshi Okada Koichi Mueller Stefan C. Publishers : Physical Society of Japan
The journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan Volume 32 Issue 4 pp. 378 - 385
published_at 2003-07-25
Creators : Ebihara Mayumi Mahara Hitoshi Sakurai Tatsunari Nomura Atsushi Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 画像電子学会
Pattern recognition letters Volume 23 Issue 13 pp. 1569 - 1577
published_at 2002-11
Creators : Mizukami Yoshiki Yoshimura Mitsu Miike Hidetoshi Yoshimura Isao Publishers : North Holland Pub. Co. | Elsevier Science
IEICE transactions on information and systems Volume 84 Issue 10 pp. 1435 - 1442
published_at 2001-10-01
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi Tsukamoto Sosuke Nishihara Keishi Kuroda Takashi Publishers : Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers | 電子情報通信学会
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. D-II Volume J83-D2 Issue 9 pp. 1962 - 1965
published_at 2000-09-25
Creators : Tsukamoto Sosuke Wu Ben-yao Koga Kazutoshi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会情報・システムソサイエティ
Pattern recognition letters Volume 20 Issue 5 pp. 451 - 461
published_at 1999-05
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi Zhang Lin Sakurai Tatsunari Yamada Hidemi Publishers : North Holland Pub. Co. | Elsevier Science
Image and vision computing Volume 17 Issue (3-4) pp. 309 - 320
published_at 1999
Creators : Zhang L. Sakurai Tatsunari Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : Butterworths
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Volume 81 Issue 10 pp. 2341 - 2346
published_at 1998-10-25
Creators : Momota Masahiro Miura Shin Miike Hidetoshi Yamada Takehito Sugimura Atsuhiko Publishers : 電子情報通信学会情報・システムソサイエティ