1. In this experiment the writers tried to find out the haematological differences between two groups of fowls (egg-laying and non-laying, 20 examples respectively) of Single-comb White Leghorn, incubated at the same time and similarly bred and managed, and observed also the relation of body-weights and numbers of blood-corpuscles. 2. Table 1 shows' the numbers of erythrocytes and leucocytes in the blood of each comb of the above-mentioned groups, as well as the body-weight of them. 3. The numbers of leucocytes in the group of egg-laying fowls,were about twice that of non-laying ones. It is believed'to the writers that this is the important reason why the digestive, absorptive and circulating function of egg-laying fowls is more active than in non-laying ones. 4. The numbers of leucocytes of two fowl groups show no difference, though the percentage of each group of leucocytes does slight difference. 5. Nothing was remarkably observed about the relation between body-weights and the numbers of blood-corpuscles in these two groups.