Descriptions of five species of the hyperparasitic hyphomycetes comprising two new species and three newly recorded species for Japan are provided. Elletevera ochracea Katumoto parasitic to Phyllachora shiraiana H. et P. Syd. And Spiropes limoniformis Katumoto parasotoc tp Armatella litseae (P.Henn.) Theiss. Et H. Syd. Var. listeae are described as new species. Sporothrix echinospora (Deight. Et Piroz.) Katumoto, comb. Nov. (basionym: Calcarisporium echinosporum Deight. Et Piroz.) on Asterodoella aucubae (P. Henn.) Hansf., Spermosporella aggregata Dight. On Meliola sp. And Spiropes guareicola (Stev.) Cif. On Kasanobotrys bambusae P. Henn. Are recorded their new distribution for Japan.