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Segawa Makoto

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

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pp. 202 - 206
published_at 2008-10
Creators : Segawa Makoto 寺井 崇二 播磨 陽平 藤澤 浩一 佐伯 一成 桑代 紳哉 岩本 拓也 水永 裕子 松本 俊彦 仁科 惣治 Publishers : 中外医学社
山口医学 Volume 64 Issue 3 pp. 191 - 197
published_at 2015-08-01
We held medical seminars for high-school students who hope to become physicians to increase their motivation and to encourage them to enter Yamaguchi University. The seminars were held two or three times a year at hospitals in six locations in Yamaguchi prefecture between 2011 and 2014, and consisted of observation of facilities in hospitals, physician lectures, experience of medical practice, and Q&A sessions with physicians and medical students. A total of 210 high-school students participated in 11 seminars. The questionnaires for the participants showed 89.9% of the participants rated the seminars“very good”and 91.4% responded,“my motivation was strengthened”.Of the seminar participants, 20 of 69 high-school graduates entered the Yamaguchi University School of Medicine. The follow-up survey showed that the percentage of medical school students studying at Yamaguchi University was 69.0% (20/29) for seminar participants and 45.5% (46/101) for non-seminar participants. The results suggest that the medical seminars were as effective as expected in encouraging high-school students to become physicians and to enter Yamaguchi University.
Creators : Fukuda Yoshiharu Nakamura Hiroshi Segawa Makoto Abe Masaaki Taguchi Akihiko Miyazaki Mutsuko Publishers : 山口大学医学会
Journal of gastroenterology
published_at 2012-04-05
Creators : Terai Shuji Tanimoto Haruko Maeda Masaki Zaitsu Junichi Hisanaga Takuro Iwamoto Takuya Fujisawa Koichi Mizunaga Yuko Matsumoto Toshihiko Urata Yohei Marumoto Yoshio Hidaka Isao Ishikawa Tsuyoshi Yokoyama Yuichiro Aoyama Koji Tsuchiya Masako Takami Taro Omori Kaoru Yamamoto Naoki Segawa Makoto Uchida Koichi Yamasaki Takahiro Okita Kiwamu Sakaida Isao Publishers : Springer international | Springer-Verlag
The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and Systems Society Volume 133 Issue 2 pp. 289 - 296
published_at 2013
Creators : Hayashi Takaya Fujita Yusuke Mitani Yoshihiro Hamamoto Yoshihiko Segawa Makoto Terai Shuji Sakaida Isao Publishers : 電気学会
山口医学 Volume 64 Issue 1 pp. 25 - 34
published_at 2015-02-01
Creators : Fukuda Yoshiharu Nakamura Hiroshi Segawa Makoto Harada Tadanari Taguchi Akihiko Abe Masaaki Publishers : 山口大学医学会
Clinical gastroenterology Volume 23 Issue 6 pp. 721 - 725
published_at 2008
Creators : Segawa Makoto Sakaida Isao Publishers : 日本メディカルセンター
Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology Volume 24 Issue 3 pp. 305 - 315
published_at 2002
Creators : Segawa Makoto Kayano Kozo Sakaguchi Eiki Okamoto Mariko Sakaida Isao Okita Kiwamu Publishers : Elsevier
Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology Volume 24 Issue 4 pp. 420 - 428
published_at 2002
Creators : Segawa Makoto Sakaida Isao Takeo Yoshifumi Harada Toshiya Yoshida Tomoharu Okita Kiwamu Publishers : Elsevier
pp. 93 - 97
published_at 2008-10
Creators : Segawa Makoto 大森 薫 山口 裕樹 内田 耕一 是永 圭子 是永 匡紹 寺井 崇二 山崎 隆弘 坂井田 功 Publishers : 中外医学社
Japanese journal of portal hypertension Volume 13 Issue 3 pp. 192 - 196
published_at 2007
Creators : Segawa Makoto Terai Shuji 吉田 智治 Sakaida Isao Publishers : 日本門脈圧亢進症学会