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The proceedings of the Annual International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Volume 17th Issue 1 pp. 421 - 427
published_at 2007
Creators : Hadano Kesayoshi Koirala Pallav Nakano Kimihiko Ikegami Kunihiro Publishers : International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE)
日本学術振興会磁気記録第144委員会研究会資料 Volume 137
Creators : 山本 節夫 栗巣 普揮 松浦 満 土井 孝紀 田万里 耕作
電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会講演論文集 pp. 25 -
published_at 1998
Creators : 鶴田 活己 山本 節夫 栗巣 普揮 松浦 満 中田 健一 柿原 康男 土井 孝紀 田万里 耕作 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
published_at 1993-07
Creators : 松本 隆之 山本 節夫 栗巣 普揮 松浦 満 Publishers : 日本物理学会 | 応用物理学会
Proceedings of the International Conference on Magnetic Recording Media
published_at 1992
Creators : Muraoka Hiroaki Yamamoto Setsuo Nakamura Yoshihisa
Proceedings of the International Conference on Magnetic Recording Media
published_at 1992
Creators : Yamamoto Setsuo Ouchi Kazuhiro Muraoka Hiroaki Watanabe Isao Nakamura Yoshihisa
東北大学電気通信研究所工学研究会スピニクス研究会活動報告書 Volume 平成5年度 pp. 11 - 15
published_at 2001
Creators : Yamamoto Setsuo Kurisu Hiroki Matsuura Mitsuru Publishers : 東北大学電気通信研究所
Nonlinear phenomena in electromagnetic fields Volume 3 Issue suppl. pp. 565 - 568
published_at 1992
Creators : Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Takahashi K. Publishers : Elsevier
日本応用磁気学会学術講演概要集 Volume 9 pp. 102 -
published_at 1985-11
Creators : Suzuki M. Yamamoto S. Nakamura Y. Iwasaki S. Publishers : 日本応用磁気学会
日本応用磁気学会学術講演概要集 Volume 8 pp. 113 -
published_at 1984-11
Creators : Yamamoto S. Nakamura Y. Iwasaki S. Publishers : 日本応用磁気学会
日本応用磁気学会学術講演概要集 Volume 6 pp. 201 -
published_at 1983-11
Creators : Iwasaki S. Nakamura Y. Yamamoto S. Miyakawa H. Publishers : 日本応用磁気学会
日本応用磁気学会学術講演概要集 Volume 6 pp. 135 -
published_at 1982-11
Creators : Iwasaki S. Yamamoto S. Publishers : 日本応用磁気学会
日本応用磁気学会学術講演概要集 Volume 5 pp. 80 -
published_at 1981-10
Creators : Iwasaki S. Nakamura Y. Watanabe I. Yamamoto S. Publishers : 日本応用磁気学会
The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials Volume B9-10-O08 pp. 259 -
published_at 2003-10
Creators : Oshiro K. Yamamoto S. Kurisu H. Matsuura M. Publishers : Materials Resarch society of Japan
The 4th joint MMM-intermag conference Volume EE-02
published_at 1988
Creators : Yamamoto Setsuo Nakamura Yoshihisa Iwasaki Shun-ichi Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Digests of INTERMAG '92 Volume FA-06
published_at 1992
Creators : Tagawa Ikuya Yamamoto Setsuo Nakamura Yoshihisa Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
The 7th joint MMM-intermag conference Volume GT-02
published_at 1998
Creators : Yamamoto S. Hayashi T. Kurisu H. Matsuura M. Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
第2回日本MRS(MRS-J)山口大学支部研究発表会発表予稿集 pp. 3 - 4
published_at 2001-10
Creators : 置 直之 堀江 真司 山本 節夫 栗巣 普揮 松浦 満 Publishers : 日本MRS
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Physics of Magnetic materials/International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Technologies Volume PB-26 pp. 280 -
published_at 2002
Creators : Yamamoto S. Horie S. Kurisu H. Matsuura M.
International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG) Volume CC-10
published_at 1983
Creators : Iwasaki S. Nakamura Y. Yamamoto S. Yamakawa K. Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials Volume B9-10-O07 pp. 259 -
published_at 2003-10
Creators : Ogita T. Yamamoto S. Isida G. Kurisu H. Matsuura M. Shimosato Y. Publishers : Materials Resarch society of Japan
第14回日本MRS学術シンポジウム Volume G2-O02-M
published_at 2002-12
Creators : Sakurai Shunji Koga Kenji Kurisu Hiroki Yamamoto Setsuo Matsuura Mitsuru Publishers : 日本MRS
第14回日本MRS学術シンポジウム Volume G2-O01-M pp. 156 -
published_at 2002-12
Creators : Arita Naoki Sakurai Shunji Kurisu Hiroki Yamamoto Setsuo Matsuura Mitsuru Publishers : 日本MRS
第3回日本MRS(MRS-J)山口大学支部研究発表会発表予稿集 Volume MRSJ-Ya-02
published_at 2002-10
Creators : 有田 直樹 栗巣 普揮 山本 節夫 松浦 満 Publishers : 日本MRS
第3回日本MRS(MRS-J)山口大学支部研究発表会発表予稿集 Volume MRSJ-Ya-01
published_at 2002-10
Creators : 下光 敬子 山本 節夫 栗巣 普揮 松浦 満 Publishers : 日本MRS
第2回日本MRS(MRS-J)山口大学支部研究発表会発表予稿集 pp. 5 - 6
published_at 2001-10
Creators : 二井手 亮 栗巣 普揮 山本 節夫 松浦 満 Publishers : 日本MRS
The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials Volume B9-10-O09 pp. 259 -
published_at 2003-10
Creators : Kuniki H. Yamamoto S. Hirano T. Kurisu H. Matsuura M. Jang P. W. Publishers : Materials Resarch society of Japan
Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Tanaka Yoshiki Akimoto Yusuke Miyasato Fujio Yoshida Kan Yanagisawa Kiyoshi Yamanaka Tadao Sato Yoshiyuki Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Ono Keiichi Watanabe Noboru Narumi Hiroyuki Kumagai Tatsuo Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Shiratori Tsuneo Sugawara Kyoji Iwamatsu Tadashi Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science pp. 209 - 209
published_at 2003-06
Creators : Mori S. Tauchi Y. Fukumasa O. Hamabe M. Takeiri Y. Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science pp. 211 - 211
published_at 2003-06
Creators : Fujioka K. Fukumasa O. Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Animal cell technology : basic and applied aspects Volume 10 pp. 271 - 275
published_at 1999
Creators : Takenaka Yuji Kobayashi Jun Matsuda Yoshiaki Gong Chengliang Nagaya Masahiro Miyajima Shigetoshi Yoshimura Tetsuro Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers
Animal cell technology : basic and applied aspects Volume 10 pp. 119 - 123
published_at 1999
Creators : Kobayashi Jun Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers
Animal cell technology : basic and applied aspects Volume 6 pp. 41 - 45
published_at 1994
Creators : Kobayashi J. Matsuoka H. Chinzei Y. Sinden R.E. Miyajima S. Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers
Creators : Harada Naohiko Tanimura Morihiko Kodawaki Hiroshi Hattori Hiroshi Onishi Kakujiro Nishizaki Noboru Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science pp. 210 - 210
published_at 2003-06
Creators : Tauchi Y. Fukumasa Osamu Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Proceedings of the seminar on biotechnology for agricultural viruses pp. 37 - 39
published_at 1994
Creators : Kobayashi Jun Publishers : Yogyakarta Gajah Mada University
Creators : Iwamatsu Tadashi Shiratori Tsuneo Sugawara Kyoji Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Tsugu Yukio Shimada Choya Ishikawa Iwao Kawakami Hiroshi Honda Kenzaburo Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Hukuhara Takei Kotani Satoru Sato Gen Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Hata Yoshimaro Ishihama Atsumi Segawa Tsutomu Nakamura Yoshitaka Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Hashimoto Takeji Kobayashi Osamu Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
IEEE広島支部学生シンポジウム予稿集 Volume 10 pp. 86 - 89
published_at 2008
Creators : Katayama Naoki Une Nozomi Kawano Shingo Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Publishers : IEEE広島支部
IEEE広島支部学生シンポジウム予稿集 Volume 9 pp. A22 -
published_at 2007
Creators : Murai Wataru Ogawa Ryota Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Publishers : IEEE広島支部
Creators : Nakajima Sosogu Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Sato Hiroshi Tanaka Takashi Mizuno Shuichi Inami Osamu Takeuchi Setuo Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Proceedings of the 31th Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications Volume 31 pp. 188 - 193
published_at 2008
Creators : Yanagi Kenjiro Yamashita Noriyuki Publishers : 情報理論とその応用学会
Proceedings of the third international conference on wild silk moths 1998 pp. 133 - 135
published_at 2000
Creators : Kobayashi Jun
Peptide science : present and future : proceedings of the 1st International Peptide Symposium pp. 166 - 167
published_at 1999
Creators : Nagata S. Kobayashi J. Kataoka H. Suzuki A. Publishers : Kluwer Academic
Proceedings of the NRIA international workshop on new approaches to viral diseases of aquatic animals pp. 242 - 245
published_at 1997
Creators : Kobayashi Jun Publishers : National Research Institute of Aquaculture | 独立行政法人 水産総合研究センター
Creators : Kameya Yuzuru Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
電子情報通信学会全国大会講演論文集 Volume 1990 Issue Spring pp. 52 -
published_at 1990
Creators : 中村 慶久 Yamamoto Setsuo 藤村 篤史 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
分散システム / インターネット運用技術シンポジウム : 論文集 Volume 2007 Issue 13 pp. 53 - 58
published_at 2007
Creators : Hisanaga Yutaka Sugii Manabu Osa Atsushi Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 情報処理学会
European Microwave Conference, conference proceedings Volume 36th pp. 1007 - 1010
published_at 2006-09
Creators : Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Awai Ikuo Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
European Microwave Conference, conference proceedings Volume 34th Issue 1 pp. 439 - 442
published_at 2004-10
Creators : Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Awai Ikuo Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
2003 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, 2002, Seoul Volume 3 pp. 1696 - 1699
published_at 2003
Creators : Hotta Masashi Moriyama Kouji Hano Mitsuo Publishers : Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
2002 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, November 19-22, 2002, Kyoto International Conference Hall Volume 1 pp. 567 - 560
published_at 2002
Creators : Hotta Masashi Karita Ai Nakayama Shiro Kohno Atsushi Hano Mitsuo Publishers : Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest Volume 1998 Issue 2 pp. 797 - 800
published_at 1998
Creators : Hotta Masashi Qian Yongxi Itoh Tatsuo Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
The First International Workshop of Lepidoptera Genomics pp. 46 - 48
published_at 2002
Creators : Kobayashi Jun Publishers : National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
Prospects for the Development of Insect Factories pp. 49 - 54
published_at 2001
Creators : Kobayashi Jun Publishers : 農業生物資源研究所
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Soil Environment and Fertility Management in Intensive Agriculture pp. 303 - 314
Creators : Marumoto Takuya Higashi Toshio Publishers : Society of the Science of Soil and Manure
Proceedings of the 32nd Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications Volume 32 pp. 135 - 139
published_at 2009
Creators : Yanagi Kenjiro Publishers : 情報理論とその応用学会
電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 Volume 1997 Issue 5 pp. 66 -
published_at 1997
Creators : 林 利彦 Yamamoto Setsuo Kurisu Hiroki 松浦 満 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会全国大会講演論文集 Volume 1989 Issue Spring
published_at 1989
Creators : 坂田 浩実 Yamamoto Setsuo 中村 慶久 岩崎 俊一 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会全国大会講演論文集 Volume 1992 Issue Spring
published_at 1992
Creators : 藤井 秀夫 Yamamoto Setsuo 村岡 裕明 中村 慶久 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会全国大会講演論文集 Volume 1991 Issue Spring pp. 23 -
published_at 1991
Creators : 藤村 篤史 Yamamoto setsuo 渡辺 功 大内 一弘 中村 慶久 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会全国大会講演論文集 Volume 1992 Issue Spring
published_at 1992
Creators : 大木島 真 Yamamoto Setsuo 中村 慶久 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会総合全国大会講演論文集 Volume 62 pp. 233 - 234
published_at 1987
Creators : 石動 正和 Yamamoto Setsuo 中村 慶久 岩崎 俊一 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会全国大会講演論文集 Volume 1990 Issue Spring pp. 47 -
published_at 1990
Creators : 中村 慶久 Yamamoto Setsuo 藤村 篤史 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
人文科学とコンピュータシンポジウム論文集 pp. 253 - 258
published_at 2007
Creators : Wu Ren Inui Hideyuki Sugii Manabu Matsuno Hiroshi Publishers : 情報処理学会
Creators : Kondo Yoshio Arakawa Kotaro Okura Tohoru Kawai Itsuro Tanaka Taihei Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Mochizuki Takaaki Nakajima Reishi Nishikawa Taiji Matsunaga Takashi Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Hukuhara Takei Kotani Satoru Sato Gen Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Okura Tohoru Kondo Yoshio Arakawa Kotaro Horikoshi Yataro Tanaka Taihei Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Notohara Michiko Goto Masayoshi Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Kashiwagi Takao Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Suzumura Masakatsu Nakagawa Junichi Kubota Shinobu Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Takita Shuhei Nishijima Hayami Hashimoto Tsuneyo Otsuka Kinji Sugano Osamu Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Tosaka Tsuneo Hoji Takuma Tanaka Ichiro Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Ozawa Tetsuma Ishikawa Satoshi Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
電子情報通信学会全国大会講演論文集 Volume 1990 Issue Autumn pp. 12 -
published_at 1990
Creators : 藤村 篤史 Yamamoto Setsuo 渡辺 功 大内 一弘 中村 慶久 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会全国大会講演論文集 Volume 1990 Issue Autumn pp. 268 - 269
published_at 1990
Creators : Yamamoto Setsuo 渡辺 功 大内 一弘 中村 慶久 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
International Workshop Microbial Function in Revegetation Process of Degraded Terrestrial Environments: From Gene through to Ecosystem pp. 23 - 26
published_at 2002
Creators : Saito Masanori Marumoto Takuya
第3・4回澄石セミナー講演論文・追悼論文集 pp. 46 - 54
published_at 2002-11
Creators : Marumoto Takuya Publishers : 澄石セミナー事務局
Bio Japan '96 pp. 242 - 250
published_at 1996
Creators : Marumoto Takuya Okabe Hiroaki Ezaki Tsugio Nishiyama Masaya Yamamoto Kazuo
Transactions of 14th International Congress of Soil Science Volume 3 pp. 49 - 54
published_at 1990
Creators : Marumoto Takuya Publishers : International Society of Soil Science
Creators : Kawabata Gorou Tanikuni Katsumi Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Niu Haruo Yokomura Eiichi Okawa Hiromichi Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Creators : Nakajima Akira Kumamoto Minayori Niu Haruo Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Wild Silkmoths '88 pp. 73 - 78
Creators : Kobayashi Jun Publishers : International society for Wild Silkmoths
Proceedings International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors Volume 25 pp. 1307 - 1308
published_at 2001
Creators : Miyoshi Tadaki Hirano A. Nagata J. Nagai T. Matsuno N. Kaneda T. Publishers : Springer
Proceedings of the 30th Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications Volume 30 pp. 165 - 169
published_at 2007
Creators : Yanagi Kenjiro Publishers : 情報理論とその応用学会
Creators : Sato Masayasu Ozeki Masahiro Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
Proceedings of the Heartworm Symposium '95 pp. 1 - 4
published_at 1995
Creators : Atkins Clarke E. Atwell Rick B. Dillon Ray Genchi Claudio Hayasaki Mineo Holmes Robert A. Knight David H. Lukof David K. McCall John W. Slocombe J. Owen D. Publishers : American Heartworm Society
Creators : Mashima Hidenobu Yoshida Toshiro Publishers : Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
電子情報通信学会全国大会講演論文集 Volume 1991 Issue Spring
published_at 1991
Creators : Yamamoto Setsuo 藤村 篤史 中村 慶久 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会全国大会講演論文集 Volume 1992 Issue Spring
published_at 1992
Creators : 立花 淳一 Yamamoto Setsuo 中村 慶久 Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications Volume 29 pp. 855 - 858
published_at 2006
Creators : Yanagi Kenjiro Furuichi Shigeru Publishers : 情報理論とその応用学会