Negative Ion Density Distribution in a Volume Negative Ion Source - Its Dependence on Plasma Parameters
IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science
Page 209-209
published_at 2003-06
Negative Ion Density Distribution in a Volume Negative Ion Source - Its Dependence on Plasma Parameters
In a volume negative ion source, H/sup -/ ions are formed in hydrogen plasmas by dissociative attachment of slow plasma electrons to highly vibrationally excited hydrogen molecules, and these vibrational molecules are produced by energetic electron impact. Production of D/sup -/ ions is believed to be the same as that of H/sup -/ ions. To develop efficient D/sup -/ ion sources, it is important to study production and control of D/sub 2/ plasmas, and to understand difference in the negative ion volume production between H/sub 2/ plasmas and D/sub 2/ plasmas. For this purpose, we discuss isotope effect of H/sup -//D/sup -/ production and to clarify the dependence of negative ion production on plasma parameters by measuring negative ion densities in the source.
Resource Type
conference paper
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Date Issued
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open access