Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University Volume 34
published_at 1983

Studies on the Soil Amendment of the Orchard on the Slope Land by Application of the Organic Matter. : 2. Variation of the Soil Water after Application of the Organic Mater.

有機物施用による傾斜地果樹園の土壌改良に関する研究 : (第2報) 有機物施用後の土壌水分動態
Tokimoto Tatsumi
This experimnt was conducted to evaluate the effect of application methods of organic matter on changing soil water among the purpose of amending physical properties of heavy clay soil of the orchard on the slope land. Organic matter such as decayed bark chip was applied to the orchard with the amout of 20 kg/m^2 during March and April 1981. Application methods were as follows