In their previous investigations, the authors studied the occurrence of Enterococci in polikilothermal animals as certain sanitary insects, and observed the existences of both atypical and unclassifical strains. In the present investigation, experiments were carried out to demonstrate the stability of the biological charavteristics, for the purposes of clarifying the differential keys for Enterococci, and of elucidating the existences of strains above mentioned. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1). Each of the properties of morphology, gram stain, lacks of catalase production and gas formation from glucose, was showed the stability during subcultures. Therefore, it seemed justifiable to use those properties as the differential criteria for the genus Streptococcus. 2). It seemed to be sufficient properities for the identification of Enterococci according to abilities of growth at 45℃, resistances of 40% bile, PH 9.6, and of 60℃ 30 minutes. 3). No stable results were observed in the differential keys, previously described for the purpose of separation into species (type) of Enterrococci.