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- Matsumoto Toshihiko
Matsumoto Toshihiko
Affiliate Master
Yamaguchi University
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山口医学 Volume 70 Issue 3
pp. 89 - 98
published_at 2021-09-01
We performed this study to investigate whether serum cell-free DNA testing(liquid biopsy)of either methylated SEPT9 or methylated SST, which are possible biomarkers of HCC, in combination with AFP may improve clinical performance for the detection of HCC. Study subjects included 25 healthy controls, 15 patients with chronic liver disease without HCC, and 38 patients with HCC. Methylation level of serum cell-free SEPT9 and SST was measured by methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes followed by multiplex droplet digital polymerase chain reaction. According to receiver operating characteristic curve analysis to discriminate between non-HCC group(including control group and chronic liver disease without HCC group)and HCC group, area under the curve(AUC)was 0.73 by AFP and 0.73 by mSEPT9, whereas it was only 0.59 by mSST. Regarding combination tests, although negative predictive values were almost same between the AFP + mSEPT9 test and the AFP + mSST test(75.0% vs 72.2%),a positive predictive value of AFP + mSEPT9 test was higher than that of the AFP + mSST test(79.4% vs. 66.7%).In conclusions, methylated SEPT9 was a better companion marker of AFP for HCC screening than methylated SST.
Creators :
Yamasaki Ayano
Suehiro Yutaka
Hoshida Tomomi
Saeki Issei
Yamauchi Kotoh Yurika
Matsumoto Toshihiko
Takami Taro
Sakaida Isao
Yamasaki Takahiro
Publishers : 山口大学医学会
Cell and tissue research Volume 344 Issue 1
pp. 125 - 134
published_at 2011-04
Creators :
Kuwashiro Shinya
Terai Shuji
Oishi Toshiyuki
Fujisawa Koichi
Matsumoto Toshihiko
Nishina Hiroshi
Sakaida Isao
Publishers : Springer
Journal of gastroenterology
published_at 2012-04-05
Creators :
Terai Shuji
Tanimoto Haruko
Maeda Masaki
Zaitsu Junichi
Hisanaga Takuro
Iwamoto Takuya
Fujisawa Koichi
Mizunaga Yuko
Matsumoto Toshihiko
Urata Yohei
Marumoto Yoshio
Hidaka Isao
Ishikawa Tsuyoshi
Yokoyama Yuichiro
Aoyama Koji
Tsuchiya Masako
Takami Taro
Omori Kaoru
Yamamoto Naoki
Segawa Makoto
Uchida Koichi
Yamasaki Takahiro
Okita Kiwamu
Sakaida Isao
Publishers : Springer international | Springer-Verlag
Gastroenterology Volume 54 Issue 6
pp. 690 - 693
published_at 2012-06
山口医学 Volume 66 Issue 3
pp. 163 - 168
published_at 2017-08-01
Creators :
Hisanaga Takuro
Yamasaki Takahiro
Maeda Masaki
Iwamoto Takuya
Saeki Issei
Matsumoto Toshihiko
Hidaka Isao
Marumoto Yoshio
Ishikawa Tsuyoshi
Takami Taro
Sakaida Isao
Publishers : 山口大学医学会
The bulletin of the Yamaguchi Medical School Volume 66 Issue 1-2
pp. 7 - 13
published_at 2019
Creators :
Fukui Yumi
Saeki Issei
Matsuda Takashi
Maeda Masaki
Hisanaga Takuro
Iwamoto Takuya
Matsumoto Toshihiko
Hidaka Isao
Ishikawa Tsuyoshi
Takami Taro
Yamasaki Takahiro
Sakaida Isao
Publishers : Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
The bulletin of the Yamaguchi Medical School Volume 67 Issue 1-2
pp. 1 - 10
published_at 2020
Creators :
Aibe Yuki
Takami Taro
Fujisawa Koichi
Matsumoto Toshihiko
Sakaida Isao
Publishers : Yamaguchi University School of Medicine