Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University Volume 39
published_at 1991-12

Effects of Rhizosphere Conditions on the Growth of Strawberry I. Effects of Nitrogen Level, Soil Temoerature and Mulch

イチゴの生育に及ぼす根圏環境の影響 I. 窒素施用量, 地温, マルチの影響
Aoki Masatoshi
Suzuki Yoshinori
Kusaka Tatsuro
Kheng John
Higashi Toshio
In order to improve the management of rhizosphere environment of strawberry,the effects of nitrogen fertilization, soil temperature and mulching with vinyl film on the growth, yield and quality of strawberry were investigated. Soil temperatures, root activities and nutrient uptake by strawberry increased with mulching and electric heating of soil. The amounts of soil microbial biomass were also maintained at the higher level in the plots of mulching and heating than those in the non-mulching. The growth of strawberry in the plots of N fertilization was proportionate to an accumulated soil temperature. Treatments of mulching and heating considerably affected the increase in fruit yield and quality (sugar content) of strawberry although the period of harvesting was advanced for about one week.
Creator Keywords
microbial biomass
soil temperature