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Nakada Norio

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

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山口経済学雑誌 Volume 46 Issue 1-2 pp. 69 - 90
published_at 1998-01-01
Creators : Nakada Norio Publishers : 山口大學經濟學會
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 43 Issue 3-4 pp. 373 - 395
published_at 1995-05-31
Creators : Nakada Norio Publishers : 山口大學經濟學會
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 34 Issue 3-4 pp. 453 - 483
published_at 1985-05-31
Creators : Nakada Norio Publishers : 山口大學經濟學會
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 48 Issue 3 pp. 477 - 507
published_at 2000-05-31
Creators : Nakada Norio Publishers : 山口大學經濟學會
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 48 Issue 2 pp. 315 - 341
published_at 2000-03-31
Creators : Nakada Norio Publishers : 山口大學經濟學會
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 55 Issue 1 pp. 25 - 50
published_at 2006-05
Creators : Nakata Norio Kou Sei Publishers : 山口大學經濟學會
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 45 Issue 4 pp. 549 - 573
published_at 1997-05-31
Creators : Nakada Norio Publishers : 山口大學經濟學會
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 44 Issue 5-6 pp. 547 - 571
published_at 1996-03-31
Creators : Nakada Norio Publishers : 山口大學經濟學會
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 44 Issue 1-2 pp. 133 - 167
published_at 1995-09-30
Creators : Nakada Norio Publishers : 山口大學經濟學會
The non-efficiency of the government hospital is pointed out. Then, I compare the management in government hospitals and non-government hospitals, and show clearly what kind of difference there is. In this paper, the following things are clear. (1) Clarify the difference from a viewpoint of management in government hospitals and non-government hospitals. (2) Classify government hospitals into two kinds (cites・towns・and villages-hospitals and prefectural hospitals), and clarify the difference from a viewpoint of management. (3) Classify non-government hospitals into eight kind hospitals, and clarify the feature in management.
Creators : Nakada Norio Publishers : The economic society of Yamaguchi University
Journal of East Asian studies Volume 15 pp. 213 - 214
published_at 2017-03
Creators : Nakada Norio Publishers : 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科
東亞経濟研究 Volume 71 Issue 1
published_at 2012-07-31
Creators : Nakada Norio Publishers : 山口大学東亜経済学会