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publish year2005 - 2009 school大学院理工学研究科(工学)
Result 269 Items
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Development of piezoceramic embedded impedance measuring system for large scale structural health monitoring
Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C Volume 71 Issue 707
Creators : Morisaki Tetsuya | Jiang Zhongwei | Zhang Zhiwen Publishers : 日本機械学会 Date Issued : 2005-07
Estimation approach for structural health monitoring using piezoelectric impedance based measuring method
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics Volume 21
Creators : Morisaki Tetsuya | Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : IOS Press Date Issued : 2005
Controllable chemical stimulation for cell differentiation guidance using a microfluidic device
Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology
Creators : Nakashima Yuta | Yasuda Takashi Date Issued : 2006
Chemical stimulation of neurospheres through microholes opened in microwell bottoms
Micro total analysis systems 2009 : proceedings of the μTAS 2009 Volume 2
Creators : Nakashima Yuta | Mimaru Naoki | Tsujihashi Tatsuhiko | Tamura Tomoko | Yahiro Kanji | Yasuda Takashi Publishers : Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society Date Issued : 2009
Parallel preparation of microliquid mixtures using wettability gradient and electrowetting
Micro total analysis systems 2009 : proceedings of the μTAS 2009 Volume 1
Creators : Nakashima Yuta | Yasuda Takashi Publishers : Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society Date Issued : 2009
Microfluidic device for blood plasma extraction using dielectrophoretic blood cell removal
Micro total analysis systems 2008 : proceedings of the μTAS 2008 Volume 1
Creators : Nakashima Yuta | Yasuda Takashi Publishers : Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society Date Issued : 2008
Creators : Nakashima Yuta | Yasuda Takashi Publishers : Elsevier Date Issued : 2007-09-12
Fabrication of a microfluidic device for axonal guidance
Journal of robotics and mechatronics Volume 17 Issue 2
Creators : Nakashima Yuta | Yasuda Takashi Publishers : Fuji Technology Press Date Issued : 2005-04
Creators : Hotta Masashi | Ogawa Ryota | Murai Wataru | Hano Mitsuo Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Date Issued : 2008-12
Studying education : part 3
Journal of higher education Volume 6
Creators : Yamamoto Tetsuro Publishers : 山口大学大学教育機構 Date Issued : 2009-03
Empirical Study of Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for the knapsack problem
Proceedings of The Symposium on Design Engineering Volume 9
Creators : 江本 久雄 | Nakamura Hideaki | 別府 万寿博 | Kawamura Kei | Miyamoto Ayaho Publishers : 土木学会 Date Issued : 2005-12
Search for maximum of multimodal function using extended particle swarm optimization
Proceedings of The Symposium on Design Engineering Volume 9
Creators : Nakamura Hideaki | 江本 久雄 | Kawamura Kei | Miyamoto Ayaho Publishers : 土木学会 Date Issued : 2005-12
The Application of Ant Colony Optimization to Bridge Maintenance Planning
Proceedings of The Symposium on Design Engineering Volume 9
Creators : 宮園 昌幸 | Kawamura Kei | 江本 久雄 | Nakamura Hideaki Publishers : 土木学会 Date Issued : 2005-12
Investigation of use in engineering works field of information technology on web page
Proceedings of The Symposium on Design Engineering Volume 9
Creators : 脇本 文 | Kawamura Kei | Nakamura Hideaki | Miyamoto Ayaho Publishers : 土木学会 Date Issued : 2005-12
Creators : 後藤 悟史 | 河村 圭 | 麻生 稔彦 | 宮本 文穂 Publishers : 土木学会 Date Issued : 2007-09
Creators : 石田 純一 | 瓦谷 晴信 | 河村 圭 | 宮本 文穂 Publishers : 土木学会 Date Issued : 2006-09
Creators : 稲垣 博信 | 藤野 陽三 | 水野 裕介 | 河村 圭 Publishers : 土木学会 Date Issued : 2006-09
Creators : 宮園 昌幸 | 河村 圭 | 中村 秀明 | 宮本 文穂 Publishers : 土木学会 Date Issued : 2006-09
Creators : 稲垣 博信 | 藤野 陽三 | 水野 裕介 | 河村 圭 Publishers : 土木学会 Date Issued : 2005-09
Particle Swarm Optimizationの逆問題解析への適用
Japan Society of Civil Engineers Volume 60
Creators : 中村 秀明 | 江本 久雄 | 河村 圭 | 宮本 文穂 Publishers : 土木学会 Date Issued : 2005-09