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Analysis of the statistical characteristics of simple reaction-time in schizophrenic group and normal group
Japanese journal of medical electronics and biological engineering : JJME Volume 19 Issue 1
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi | Nishida Kazuo | Ebina Yoshio | Shibata Jiro Publishers : 日本ME学会 Date Issued : 1981-02
An automated method for bacterial test by simultaneous measurement of electrical impedance and turbidity
Japanese journal of medical electronics and biological engineering : JJME Volume 19 Issue 1
Creators : Hashimoto Hajime | Miike Hidetoshi | Ebina Yoshio | Miyaji Takaoki Publishers : 日本ME学会 Date Issued : 1981-02
Creators : Kiyoshi Hidenori | Hashimoto Hajime | Miike Hidetoshi | Ebina Yoshio | Miyaji Takaoki Publishers : 日本ME学会 Date Issued : 1981-02
Creators : Koga Kazutoshi | Katsube Ryoji | Miike Hidetoshi | Ebina Yoshio Publishers : 電子通信学会 Date Issued : 1980-11
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi | Yamada Takehito | Ebina Yoshio Publishers : Publication Board, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Date Issued : 1980
The responce of mechanoreceptor units in isolated crayfish antenna to sine-wave stimulation and its probability model
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers of Japan. C Volume 62 Issue 1
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi | Koga Kazutoshi | Kohda Masahiko | Ebina Yoshio | Chichibu Shiko Publishers : 電子通信学会 Date Issued : 1979-01
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi | Okazaki Tetsuya | Kohno Tatsuhio | Ebina Yoshio Publishers : The Physical Society of Japan Date Issued : 1978-10
Creators : Kohno Tatsuhiko | Miike Hidetoshi | Ebina Yoshio Publishers : The Physical Society of Japan Date Issued : 1978-05
Anomalous spectra of current induced noise in nematic MBBA under high dc-Field
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Volume 44 Issue 2
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi | Mashiyama Tomio | Koga Kazutoshi | Ebina Yoshio Publishers : The Physical Society of Japan Date Issued : 1978-02
Dissipative structures in nematic (MBBA)-cholesteric (CN) mixed-liquid crystal
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Volume 43 Issue 2
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi | Kohno Tatsuhiko | Koga Kazutoshi | Ebina Yoshio Publishers : The Physical Society of Japan Date Issued : 1977-08
Dynamic analysis of the growing process to DSM in nematic MBBA
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Volume 42 Issue 4
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi | Kohno Tatsuhiko | Koga Kazutoshi | Ebina Yoshio Publishers : The Physical Society of Japan Date Issued : 1977-04
Heat transport due to two-dimensional magnon in K_2CuF_4
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Volume 41 Issue 1
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi | Yoshinaga Junichi | Hirakawa Kazuyoshi Publishers : The Physical Society of Japan Date Issued : 1976-07
Possible contribution of paramagnetic magnon to thermal conductivity in TMMC
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Volume 39 Issue 4
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi | Hirakawa Kazuyoshi Publishers : The Physical Society of Japan Date Issued : 1975-10
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi | Hirakawa Kazuyoshi Publishers : The Physical Society of Japan Date Issued : 1975-05
Anisotropic behavior of the Magnetic Susceptibility of KCuF_3
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Volume 38 Issue 1
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi | Hirakawa Kazuyoshi Publishers : The Physical Society of Japan Date Issued : 1975-01
Creators : Hirakawa Kazuyoshi | Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : Elsevier Date Issued : 1973-09-10
Obsetrvation of the anomaly of the thermal conductivity of KMnF_3
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Volume 33 Issue 1
Creators : Hirakawa Kazuyoshi | Hamazaki Keiichi | Miike Hidetoshi | Hayashi Hatsuo Publishers : The Physical Society of Japan Date Issued : 1972-07
Anomalous thermal conduction in a One-Dimensional antiferromagnet KCuF_3
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Volume 33 Issue 1
Creators : Hirakawa Kazuyoshi | Miike Hidetoshi | Hayashi Hatsuo Publishers : The Physical Society of Japan Date Issued : 1972-07
Thermal conduction in a Two-Dimensional antiferromagnet Cu(HCOO)_2・4H_2O
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Volume 32 Issue 6
Creators : Hirakawa Kazuyoshi | Hayashi Hatsuo | Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : The Physical Society of Japan Date Issued : 1972-06
Creators : Yamada Seiji | Tamura Tomohiro | Mochizuki Shinsuke Publishers : The japan society of mechanical engineers Date Issued : 2011-08-11