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Result 1356 Items
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Creators : Tomono Kazuaki | Furuya Hirotoshi | Miyamoto Seiji | Okamura Yuki | Sumimoto Michinori | Sakata Yoshihisa | Komatsu Ryuichi | Nakayama Masaharu Publishers : Elsevie | Elsevier Sciencer Date Issued : 2013-01-15
Creators : Sumirat Iwan | Shimamura Shuji Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers Date Issued : 2012-12
Creators : Suzuki Tasuma | Niinae Masakazu | Sanada Yasuaki Publishers : 環境資源工学会 Date Issued : 2012
Creators : Niinae Masakazu | Suzuki Tasuma | Nakamura Tomonori | Inoue Yuta | Shibata Junji Publishers : 環境資源工学会 Date Issued : 2012
Creators : 納谷 宏 | 久保 徹也 | 滝口 潤 | 中島 伸一郎 | 清水 則一 Publishers : 日本地すべり学会 Date Issued : 2012-11-25
電気化学および工業物理化学 : electrochemistry Volume 80 Issue 10
Creators : Tokita Masahiro | Egashira Minato | Yoshimoto Nobuko | Morita Masayuki Publishers : 電気化学会 Date Issued : 2012-10-05
Influence of particle shape of fine aggregate on the rheological properties of mortars
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-1, Materials and construction Volume 2011
Creators : Li Jieyong | Li Zhuguo Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Granular characteristics of fresh concrete based on visualized experiment using alternative materials
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-1, Materials and construction Volume 2011
Creators : Li Zhuguo | Li Jieyong Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Damage evaluation of heated concrete using thermal conductivity characteristic
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-1, Materials and construction Volume 2011
Creators : Li Qinqtao | Li Zhuguo Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Amplitude temperature of exterior material using steel plate exposed to solar radiation
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-1, Materials and construction Volume 2011
Creators : Maeda Kazutaka | Fujita Masanori | Motoda Toru | Hanya Koji | Abe Koji | Utsumi Katsuhiro Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Creators : Miyamoto Ayaho | Emoto Hisao | Takahashi Jun | Hiranishi Kunihiro Publishers : 日本コンクリート工学協会 Date Issued : 2012
Reliability assessment based on hazard rate model for an embedded OSS porting-phase
Software testing, verification & reliability Volume 23 Issue 1
Creators : Tamura Yoshinobu | Yamada Shigeru Publishers : Wiley Date Issued : 2013-01
Creators : Yoshitake Isamu | Zhang Wenbo | Mimura Yoichi | Saito Tadashi Publishers : Scientific and Technical Press | Elsevier Science Date Issued : 2013-03
A generalized construction scheme of a zero-correlation zone sequence set with a wide inter-subset zero-correlation zone
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences Volume E95 Issue 11
Creators : Hayashi Takafumi | Maeda Takao | Matsufuji Shinya Publishers : Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Date Issued : 2012
Creators : Mamimin Chonticha | Thongdumyu Piyapong | Hniman Adilan | Prasertsan Poonsuk | Imai Tsuyoshi | O-Thong Sompong Publishers : Pergamon | International Association for Hydrogen Energy Date Issued : 2012-01
Creators : 李 柱国 Publishers : 建材試験センター Date Issued : 2012-12-01
Poly(sulfonated phenylene)-block-poly(arylene ether sulfone) copolymer for polymer electrolyte fuel cell application
Polymer : the chemistry, physics and technology of high polymers Volume 54 Issue 1
Creators : Chen Shouwen | Chen Kangcheng | Zhang Xuan | Hara Ryousuke | Endo Nobutaka | Higa Mitsuru | Okamoto Ken-ichi | Wang Lianjun Publishers : Butterworths scientific publications | Elsevier Science Date Issued : 2013-01-08
Creators : Kobuchi Shigetoshi | Ishige Kenji | Takakura Kei | Yonezawa Setsuko | Fukuchi Kenji | Arai Yasuhiko Publishers : Society of Chemical Engineers Date Issued : 2012-12
Electromagnetic modeling of a magnetless nonreciprocal gyrotropic metasurface
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation Volume 61 Issue 1
Creators : Sounas D. L. | Kodera T. | Caloz C. Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Date Issued : 2013
Creators : Nakakura Hideo | Shinkawa Izumi Publishers : 化学工学会 Date Issued : 2009-03-20