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A research on composition of living space in ”Tatara” in Sugaya Tatara Sannnai.
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education Volume 2011
Creators : Abe Haruka | Uchida Fumio Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
The comparing with the usage from the plan type of renovation of the traditional wooden house for the welfare facility : the case of Abu town Yamaguchi Prefecture
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory Volume 2011
Creators : Mishima Sachiko | Nakazono Mahito | Yamamoto Sachiko Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
非結露型次世代空調システムに関する研究(その18) : ロータ熱パージ用ヒートポンプを組み込んだデシカント外調機による夏期除湿性能評価試験
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services Volume 2011
Creators : Kawamoto Koichi | 朴 炳龍 | 金 政一 | 李 時桓 | 趙 旺熙 | 加藤 信介 | 大岡 龍三 | 小金井 真 | 松永 真治 | 河野 仁志 Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Study on performance of outdoor air cooling system for a server room with large heat generation (Part 2) energy conservation simulation with optimal outdoor air volume control
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services Volume 2011
Creators : Yamaguchi Iwao | 小金井 真 | 後藤 伴延 | 津島 将孝 | 磯野 一智 | 生田 紀夫 | 常盤 祥司 Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Study on causal relationship between IEQ and productivity mediated by arousal state Part 1 : Subjective experiment on indoor environment effects on arousal state
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment Volume 2011
Creators : Goto Tomonobu | Ando Haruna | Koganei Makoto Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Evaluating method for variation of earthquake response of RC buildings by equivalent linearization method
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-2, Structures IV, Reinforced concrete structures prestressed concrete structures masonry wall structures Volume 2011
Creators : Kitamura Kozue | Inai Eiichi | Kohara Yuka | Yamaguchi Nana Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Experimental study on connection method of framed steel brace system (Part 7)
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-2, Structures IV, Reinforced concrete structures prestressed concrete structures masonry wall structures Volume 2011
Creators : Osaki Junji | Inai Eiichi | Kawamoto Takanori | Harayama Ken | Inoue Yoshihiro | Matsukane Yusuke Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Experiment study on shear strength of joints using angles as shear-key : Part 3 : Test of reinforced concrete frame retrofitted by infilled wall and steel brace using angles as shear-key
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-2, Structures IV, Reinforced concrete structures prestressed concrete structures masonry wall structures Volume 2011
Creators : Hoshi Yukio | Inai Eiichi | Iwakawa Koji | Matsuura Tsunehisa Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Experimental study on connection method of framed steel brace system (Part 6)
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-2, Structures IV, Reinforced concrete structures prestressed concrete structures masonry wall structures Volume 2011
Creators : Matsukane Yusuke | Inai Eiichi | Harayama Ken | Kawamoto Takanori | Inoue Yoshihiro | Miyagawa Kazuaki | Kitamura Wataru Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Experiment study on shear strength of joints using angles as shear-key Part 4 : Investigation on experimental results
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-2, Structures IV, Reinforced concrete structures prestressed concrete structures masonry wall structures Volume 2011
Creators : Matsuura Tsunehisa | Inai Eiichi | Iwakawa Koji | Makita Toshirou Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Experimental study on connection method of framed steel brace system (Part 9)
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-2, Structures IV, Reinforced concrete structures prestressed concrete structures masonry wall structures Volume 2011
Creators : Harayama Ken | Inai Eiichi | Kawamoto Takanori | Matsukane Yusuke | Inoue Yoshihiro | Miyagawa Kazuaki | Kitamura Wataru Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Experimental study on connection method of framed steel brace system (Part 8)
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-2, Structures IV, Reinforced concrete structures prestressed concrete structures masonry wall structures Volume 2011
Creators : Kawamoto Takanori | Inai Eiichi | Harayama Ken | Inoue Yoshihiro | Matsukane Yusuke | Hirotsu Kazuo Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Mechanical properties of reusable members
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-1, Structures III, Timber structures steel structures steel reinforced concrete structures Volume 2011
Creators : Fujita Masanori | Murai Masatoshi | Iwata Mamoru Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Trial construction test on
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-1, Structures III, Timber structures steel structures steel reinforced concrete structures Volume 2011
Creators : Shibuya Atsushi | Fujita Masanori | Iwata Mamoru Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Building system of steel-timber composite members
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-1, Structures III, Timber structures steel structures steel reinforced concrete structures Volume 2011
Creators : Sakai Jyunpei | Fujita Masanori | Iwata Mamoru Publishers : 日本建築学会 Date Issued : 2011-07-20
Performability analysis considering debugging behaviors for open source solution
International journal of performability engineering Volume 9 Issue 1
Creators : Tamura Yoshinobu | Yamada Shigeru Publishers : RAMS Consultants Date Issued : 2013
Creators : Cheng X. | Imai T. | Teeka J. | Hirose M. | Higuchi T. | Sekine M. Publishers : Publications Division Selper Ltd. Date Issued : 2013
Creators : Sakakibara Hiroyuki | Kimura Kanae Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers Date Issued : 2013-01
Polynomial time verification of protocol inheritance between acyclic extended free-choice workflow nets and their subnets
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences Volume E96-A Issue 2
Creators : Yamaguchi Shingo | Hirakawa Tomohiro Publishers : 電子情報通信学会 Date Issued : 2013-02
Study on error performance of block coding ZCZ-CDMA systems over rayleigh fading channels
IEICE technical report. Wide band system Volume 112 Issue 317(WBS2012 35-47)
Creators : Oota Akihiro | Matsumoto Takahiro | Matsufuji Shinya Publishers : 電子情報通信学会 Date Issued : 2012-11-19