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publish year2005 - 2009 school大学院理工学研究科(工学)
Result 269 Items
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Discrimination of facial expressions using velocity estimation from image sequence
Proceedings of the first international workshop on Kansei
Creators : Miura Kazuyuki | Sadakane Ryosuke | Osa Atsushi | Miike Hidetoshi Date Issued : 2006-02-02
Creators : Miura Kazuyuki | Osa Atsushi | Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : KTK Scientific Publishers Date Issued : 2008-06-01
Creators : Nagata Kazumi | Osa Atsushi | Ichikawa Makoto | Kinoshita Takeshi | Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : Japanese Psychological Association | Blackwell Publishing Date Issued : 2008-09
Detecting optical flow with a generalized gradient method : measuring object motion under non-uniform illumination
情報処理学会論文誌. コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア Volume 49 Issue SIG6(CVIM20)
Creators : Miike Hidetoshi | Osa Atsushi | Miura Kazuyuki | Sugimura Atshuhiko Publishers : 情報処理学会 Date Issued : 2008-03-15
The proposal of a neuron model in consideration of facilitaiton and fatigue
The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and Systems Society Volume 127 Issue 10
Creators : Ge Sheng | Ichikawa Makoto | Osa Atsushi | Iramina Keiji | Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 電気学会 | オーム社 Date Issued : 2007-10-01
Creators : Hisanaga Yutaka | Sugii Manabu | Osa Atsushi | Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 図書館情報大学総合情報処理センター Date Issued : 2007-09-13
Feature detection and recognition of human gesture based on space-filtering velocimetry
The IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edition) Volume J90-D Issue 9
Creators : Miura Kazuyuki | Jibu Shigeki | Osa Atsushi | Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会情報・システムソサイエティ Date Issued : 2007-09-01
Gastric emptying cycles in the human fetus
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology Volume 193 Issue 3 part 2
Creators : Sase Masakatsu | Miwa Ichiro | Sumie Masahiro | Nakata Masahiko | Sugino Norihiro | Okada Kouichi | Osa Atsushi | Miike Hidetoshi | Michael G. Ross Publishers : Mosby Date Issued : 2005-09
Creators : Mahara Hitoshi | Yamaguchi Tomohiko | Morikawa Yoshitomi | Amemiya Takashi | Yamamoto Tetsuya | Miike Hidetoshi | Parmananda P. Publishers : North-Holland : Elsevier Science Publishers Date Issued : 2005
Creators : Kobuchi Shigetoshi | Yonezawa Setsuko | Fukuchi Kenji | Arai Yasuhiko Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2009-10
Creators : Nakazono Mahito | Yoshimura Atsumasa | Shiga Hitoshi | Mizunuma Makoto | Goto Tomonobu | Koganei Makoto Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2009-10
DO improvement performance evaluation for water purification technology
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University Volume 60 Issue 1
Creators : Hadano Kesayoshi | Ohgi Kyo | Ma Jun | Asai Koji | Nakano Yoishi | Fujisato Tetsuhiko Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2009-10
A study on road value evaluation considering the effect of redundancy of road route
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University Volume 60 Issue 1
Creators : Aso Toshihiko | Tsukiyama Naohiro | Kashio Kentaro Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2009-10
Creation and management way of the support project for elderly person to live in central areas in Yamaguchi Pre.
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University Volume 60 Issue 1
Creators : Yamamoto Sachiko | Nakazono Mahito Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2009-10
Additional effects of crude glycerol provided as By-product of bio diesel fuels to composting of felled wood tip.
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University Volume 60 Issue 1
Crude glycerin as by-product of bio diesel fuels. For every 1 ton of biodiesel produced, approximately 100kg of glycerol is also created. It is unworthily waste for most small-scale producers due to the large investment in technology necessary for the refining process, although it is possible to refine crude glycerin into a marketable product. In order to reuse it efficiently, we conducted a field trial to confirm an effect of crude glycerol as an accelerator material in composting of felled wood tips. Addition of 1% and 10% of crude glycerol gave high fermentation temperature by 5℃ and 10℃ than that of control for one month. As a result of fertilizer component analysis, crude glycerol treated compost has equivalent components to control. Furthermore, crude glycerol treated compost showed fertilizer efficacy as well as control in germination and growth test of carrot and Komatsu's green.
Creators : Narita Isamu | Fukunaga Kimitoshi Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2009-10
A proposal of wave power generation system of new OWC-Type
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University Volume 59 Issue 2
Creators : Hadano Kesayoshi | Taneura Keisuke | Koirala Pallav Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2009-03
Cross-shore current due to tides and the effects of the construction of a structure
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University Volume 59 Issue 2
Creators : Hadano Kesayoshi | Tsubogo Koichi Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2009-03
Creators : Maki Rie | Otomura Masato Publishers : 山口大学工学部 Date Issued : 2009-03
Some operator inequalities and trace inequalities related to Tsallis entropy
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Banach and Function Spaces II : Kyusyu Institute of Technology, Kitakyusyu, Japan, 14-17 September 2006
Creators : Yanagi Kenjiro | Furuichi Shigeru | Kuriyama Ken Publishers : Yokohama Date Issued : 2008
On generalized skew information
Proceedings of 2005 Symposium on Applied Functional Analysis : information sciences and related fields
Creators : Yanagi Kenjiro | Furuichi Shigeru | Kuriyama Ken Publishers : Yokohama Publishers Date Issued : 2007