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Kinoshita Makoto

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

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Journal of higher education Volume 20 pp. 54 - 57
published_at 2023-03
Creators : Kinoshita Makoto Fujiwara Isamu Yanagihara Hiroshi Yanagishita Masahiro Publishers : 山口大学教育・学生支援機構
産業連関 : イノベーション&I-Oテクニーク Volume 19 Issue 3 pp. 72 - 93
published_at 2011-10-31
Creators : 野村 淳一 齋藤 英智 木下 真 朝日 幸代 Publishers : 環太平洋産業連関分析学会
Journal of higher education Volume 16 pp. 101 - 104
published_at 2019-03
Creators : 木下 真 Publishers : 山口大学大学教育機構
There is a risk of longevity i.e., the self-funds after retirement may deplete before the end of life. What is needed after retirement is to spend out of self-funds in addition to public pensions while investing self-funds over lifetime without depleting. We analyze a safe withdrawal rate based on varying self-funded amounts every month due to fluctuation in the market. According to this method, there is no longevity risk that self-funds are depleted throughout lifetime.
Creators : Shiroshita Kengo Kinoshita Makoto Publishers : The economic society of Yamaguchi University