- 著者一覧
- Takemoto Masashi
Takemoto Masashi
Affiliate Master
Yamaguchi University
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 2
pp. 135 - 143
published_at 2008-03-30
Yamaguchi Daigaku dokufutsu bungaku Volume 19
pp. 39 - 51
published_at 1997
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 4
pp. 15 - 26
published_at 2010-03-31
Les verbes non-finis français correspondants aux participes présents anglais intégrés dans la phrase
Yamaguchi Daigaku dokufutsu bungaku Volume 32
pp. 107 - 116
published_at 2010-12-25
Cross-cultural interchange & research institute newsletter Volume 21
pp. 4 - 4
published_at 2021-08-01
Creators :
Takemoto Masashi
Publishers : Yamaguchi University Faculty of Humanities Cross-cultural interchange & research institute
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 8
pp. 81 - 96
published_at 2014-03-31
Journal of cross-cultural studies Volume 10
pp. 58 - 68
published_at 2016-03-31
Yamaguchi Daigaku dokufutsu bungaku Volume 39
pp. 61 - 75
published_at 2017-12-20
Yamaguchi Daigaku dokufutsu bungaku Volume 41
pp. 43 - 57
published_at 2019-12-25
Yamaguchi Daigaku dokufutsu bungaku Volume 42
pp. 19 - 38
published_at 2020-12-25
Yamaguchi Daigaku dokufutsu bungaku Volume 44
pp. 39 - 51
published_at 2022-12-25
Creators :
Takemoto Masashi
Yamaguchi Daigaku dokufutsu bungaku Volume 43
pp. 25 - 46
published_at 2021-12-25
Creators :
Takemoto Masashi
Yamaguchi Daigaku dokufutsu bungaku Volume 45
pp. 45 - 65
published_at 2023-12-25
Creators :
Takemoto Masashi